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Timeline: 1860-1869

January 1861 Scugog Council - Reeve Ezra W. Gamble, Councillors M. Emerson, Jos. Reader, McKinley. Reach Council - Reeve James B. Campbell, Deputy Reeve Wm. White and councillors Barber, Penhall and Ward. July 1861 Courtice and Rolph advertises receiving a quantity of new goods comprising of whalebone and gut whips from England as well as horse nets, saddles, bridles of all descriptions. John Christie is appointed clerk of Reach Township. Victoria Hotel and General Stage Office on Simcoe St., Prince Albert. Wm. Scott, proprietor, successor to William Boynton. August 1861 Discussions between Prince Albert, Borelia and Port Perry about the merits of purchasing a fire engine. Cost of an ordinary sized engine would be $400 to $800. Directors of the North Ontario Mechanics' Institute, Port Perry, are: J.W. Allison, president; J. Nott, vice-pres., J. Bigelow, secretary, W.J. Trounce, librarian, Jas Baird, lecturer, J.W. Davis, treasurer. September 1861 The Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society held their annual Seed Fair in Utica. Special meeting of the Reach Council at Manchester Hall regarding taxes. Reeve James B. Campbell in chair and councillors Barber, Penhall and Dept. Reeve Wm. White present. George and Mark Currie dissolved their partnership as G.& M. Currie General Merchants with the business continuing on under the ownership of Geo. Currie. October 1861 The Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society held their annual plowing match on Mr. Peter Christie's farm, near Manchester. At a meeting of Scugog Council on Oct. 5, on a motion by Matthew Emerson, seconded by Joseph Reader, a bylaw was introduced and finally passed establishing the road known as the Centre Road, 50 feet in width. Scugog Council authorized W.E. Yarnold, Road Surveyor to survey and stake out the road, known as the Pine Point Road to the width of 50 feet. November 1861 James Holden writes about merits of building a Tram Railway from Port Perry to Oshawa or Whitby. The cost for a horse-drawn railway are estimated to cost one-fifth of that to build a steam railway and operation would be comparatively small. The opening of a new schoolhouse at Utica took place with the inaugural addresses by Rev. R. Monteith of Prince Albert, Superintendent James Baird, Esq., and Reeve James B. Campbell. Teacher, Mr. McCrimmon. The old log schoolhouse was sold by public auction the same day for $3.50. December 1861 The Ontario Observer begins its fifth year of publication. Mr. William Mackie's store at Borelia was broken into and $800 worth of goods were stolen. The goods were found later in the woods about half a mile away, stowed in grain bags. J.W. Allison has been appointed local Superintendent of Education for Reach, Scugog and West Whitby, following the resignation of James Baird. January 1862 Scugog Council Meetings held in Gordon's Hall. Scugog Reeve Ezra W. Gamble, councillors Emerson, Reader, Fralick, John Foy, clerk. Reach Reeve J. B. Campbell, Deputy Reeve C. March. July 1862 Dr. Oakley of Port Perry has been appointed local Superintendent of Education for Reach and Scugog following resignation of Mr. J.W. Allison. The officers and directors of the North Ontario Agricultural Society met at Hamilton's Hotel, Epsom. President Mr. Spears. Officers Wm. Boynton Jr., treasurer, Donald Christie, secretary, Directors Messrs. Wheler, Turner, Irvine, Penhall and Smith. October 1862 The North Ontario Agricultural Society held its fifth annual exhibition at Prince Albert. January 1863 Reach Reeve James B. Campbell, Deputy Reeve Charles Marsh, councillors Munro, Graham, Boynton. Scugog Reeve Ezra W. Gamble, and Messrs. Emerson, McKinley, Reader, Savage, councillors. Notice of a meeting to be held in the Town Hall, Manchester, on Jan. 31st, for the purpose of considering the location of a Registry office in North Ontario. Requisition for meeting signed by Thos. Paxton, James Holden, Jos. Bigelow, N.H. Davis, G.W. Jones, M.D., P. A. Hurd, T.C. Forman, W.E. Yarnold, J.H. Brown, R.H. Tomlinson, W.A. Tomlinson and Aaron Ross. Moved by Mr. P.A. Hurd, seconded by G. Currie and resolved that the place for locating the Registry office for North Ontario should be within the boundary of the villages of Prince Albert, Port Perry, Borelia and Manchester. February 1863 County Council news (re Jan.28, 1863) - Referring to the Scugog Bridge, Reeve E.W. Gamble of Scugog said he had been threatened, if he did not vote a certain way for Warden, he would lose support for needed work on the Scugog Bridge. April 1863 The Reach Volunteer Infantry Company was formed at a meeting held at McClue's Hotel, Manchester. Officers are as follows: Captain Joshua Wright., Lieut. J.W. Allison, Ensign Thomas Graham. May 1863 A firecracker thrown by young boys was blamed for a fire at the Anglo-American Hotel, Prince Albert, which is owned by Mr. Moggridge. Fortunately a great number of people succeeded in putting a stop to the fire before it destroyed the building. January 1865 Scugog Twp. Reeve Mr. Joseph Reader. Reach Twp. Reeve Charles Marsh, Dept. Reeve Mr. Spring. February 1865 James Holden is appointed Agent for the issuing of passports to British Subjects about to travel in foreign parts. January 1866 Reach Twp. Reeve Joshua Wright, councillors Graham, Spring, Campbell and Major. June 1866 Notice to readers that a report on the proceeding of County Council was unavailable due to the severe illness of Mr. W. Robinson, Editor of the Ontario Observer. Captain T.C. Forman has gone to the front to fight the Fenians. The Fenians crossed the Niagara River and have taken possession of Fort Erie. Meeting held by inhabitants of Prince Albert at the Town Hall to form a Volunteer Company to protect the families and properties of volunteers who have already gone to the front. Port Perry residents organized themselves into a Home Guard and elected Mr. H. Charles, Captain. Mr. John Rolph is the drill instructor. The Broadway Emporium of Capt. Forman, despite his being at the frontier, is operating in full blast. Mr. William Robinson, editor of the Observer, died after a lingering illness. His early death leaves a blank in this village which will be long and sensibly felt. The return of the Prince Albert Infantry Co. from active service was celebrated at a supper in the Town Hall with more than 200 present. July 1866 A Common School Picnic was held in a grove about three-fourths of a mile south of Manchester. Eighteen schools were present and it was estimated between 4,000 and 5,000 persons were assembled. Local Superintendent Jas Baird called the meeting to order. North Ontario Agricultural Society agree to hold the coming fair in Port Perry. Directors of the fair are: Uxbridge Reeve G. Wheler, President, Jas. Graham, first Vice- President, G. Thompson, 2nd Vice-President, Robt. Spears, Treasurer, John Christie, Secretary. The second annual Grand Excursion and Picnic on Lake Scugog took place with the steamer Lady Ida carrying about 600 persons, on three large flat boats, to Washburn's Island for the occasion. A meeting of the Reach and Scugog School Teachers' Association was held at the School House, Manchester. President of the Assoc. James Baird, Local Superintendent delivered the address. Dr. Ware, H. Burnham, J.W.Trounce, Joseph Reader and Henry Charles were appointed to a building committee for the erection of a church in Port Perry, in connection with the Church of England, at a meeting held at Kirsten's Hall. August 1866 John Johnson of Williamsburg, Cartwright, was attempting to arrest one Robert Crozier, when Crozier drew a large knife and stabbed him in the side. There is but slight hope for his recovery. Henry Parson, of the Ontario Observer, announced he had learned that a weekly paper called the Port Perry Standard, is to be published from that town. A meeting was held at Sinclair's Hotel in Port Perry to consider the propriety of making an effort to get a Railroad built to connect Lake Scugog with some point on Lake Ontario. September 1866 The opening of the new Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, at the village of Greenbank took place on Sabbath, 23 inst. The Chapel is a neat little building 28 x 36 capable of accommodating 126 people. Cost of the building will be in the neighborhood of $800. A meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Reach was held in the Town Hall, Manchester to discuss the proposed railway. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, an ornament to the village of Prince Albert, was dedicated on Sabbath, 30th inst. with Rev. L.L. Taylor lecturing. October 1866 Mr. George Paxton, of the late firm of G.&T. Paxton, one of Port Perry's leading, young businessmen, passed away at the age of 44 years. The Fall Show of the North Ontario Agricultural Society held in Port Perry was a decided success. Joshua Wright opens his second Boot and Shoe Store business in Manchester. A neat comfortable chapel has just been erected, for the Primitive Methodists, at the Village of Manchester, which is to be dedicated on Sabbath the 28th inst. The building is 34 x 45, cost about $800 and will seat 200 people comfortably. November 1866 Paymaster T.C. Forman has been promoted to the rank of Major. George Richardson of the firm of Rolph and Richardson passed away at the early age of 27 years, of consumption. The bridge connecting Reach and Scugog has proved a considerable benefit to both townships, and once the bridge from Hoover's Point is built, it will be an immense advantage to all that section of country. The Scugog Indians belong to the tribe called Mississauga. There are not more than 38 of them, young and old, while ten year ago there were upwards of 90. Prince Albert completed construction of a drill shed, well fitted in every way as a military drill room for our brave volunteers. The shed is 112' x 70' with 14 ft. posts. T.C. Forman was the contractor and Geo. Robinson the builder. Mr. George White has just opened his new carriage factory on Simcoe St., Prince Albert. Mr. Gibson, has fitted up and almost got into running order, a first class foundry in Port Perry. Several thousand dollars worth of machinery stand ready to make a start; and we are informed that the furnace will be in full blast in a short time. December 1866 Joshua Wright, Esq. is out soliciting the votes of the electors for the approaching election to return him as Reeve of the municipality. Many other names are spoken as likely to aspire to municipal honors. Amongst others James B. Campbell, James Graham, Josia Wales, Noah Bates, E. Major, J.W. Allison, John Johnston, Thomas Graham, and W. Way. Adam Gordon announces to the electors of Reach, his intent to be a candidate for the office of councilman. Mr. G. Robson, our late Post Master (Prince Albert) has resigned that office, an office which he has filled with credit to himself for these nine years past. Mr. H.H. McCaw has been appointed his successor. The brick church in course of erection at Port Perry for our Church of England friends was considerably damaged during a storm. It will cost at least $150 to repair the damage. Contractor for the church is Harrison Maw and Son, Port Perry. A three-year-old child of Mrs. Snider of Sonya perished when fire swept through the house, destroying the entire home and contents. January 1867 Elections - Reach Twp. Reeve James Graham, Dept. Reeve J.B. Campbell, councillors T. Munro, A. Gordon, J. Wals and A. Scott. Township of Scugog - Reeve Mr. Sexton, councillor Messrs. Fralick, Hunter, Taylor and Neisbet. At the annual meeting of School Section No. 8, on a motion by Mr. Sheehy, seconded by Mr. Rueben Crandell, the school was declared "free" for the present year. Trustees recommended to endeavor to obtain, on reasonable terms, two or three acres of land from Mr. Crandell, for a school grounds. The dedication service in connection with the opening of the Primitive Methodist Church at Greenbank took place on the 27th inst. Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert, was the location of the Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society. Officers elected were, S. Netherton, President; T. Munro, Vice-Pres. and Wm. Scott, Treasurer. Ontario County Council recommends the Scugog Bridge be planked with boards 12 feet long and 3 inches thick and that the County appropriate $400 for this purpose; the Township of Scugog to pay the balance if that amount is insufficient. A petition of Joseph Bigelow and 100 others praying for the establishment of a Grammar School at Port Perry was recommended by the County Council Report. Elections - Reach Twp. - Reeve James Graham, J.B. Campbell and J.W. Allison, Deputy Reeves, councillors T. Munro, Adam Gordon,. Township of Scugog - Reeve Mr. W.S. Sexton, councillor Messrs. Fralick, Hunter, Taylor and Neisbet. February 1867 It has cost the Township of Reach $7,119.65 for 65 teachers to instruct 842 pupils during 1866. A war of words between the editors of the Ontario Observer and Port Perry Standard being fought out in the columns of the two newspapers. At a nomination meeting held in the Town Hall, Manchester, Reeve James Graham submitted a writ for setting aside the election of Mr. J.W. Allison, and a writ for the calling of a new election. Mr. Allison was unseated after declaring he was not legally qualified. Mr. Allison, along with Mr. J. Wright, Mr. Major and Mr. N. Bates were then nominated for the position with Mr. Major the successful candidate. March 1867 R. & J. Campbell of Whitby, one of the most reliable and best business firms in the County has opened business at Manchester. At a meeting held in the Revere House, Manchester, the President of the North Ontario Agricultural Society was instructed to obtain from Joseph Gould, a lease of the ground known as the "Market Square" in the village of Uxbridge for a term of 15-20 years, for the purpose of holding exhibitions. Mr J.E. Hoitt, a first class artist, joins G. Massey at the Prince Albert Photograph Gallery. John Moggridge offers for rent - that convenient little store situated on King St., Prince Albert, second building east of the Anglo-American Hotel, now occupied as a Drug Store by Mr. W.A. Tomlinson. April 1867 T. C. Forman announces his intention to close his business in Prince Albert during the present summer. The Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society held their Spring Fair at Prince Albert with farmers, tradesmen and mechanics largely represented. T. Courtice, J. Wright, T.C. Forman, J. Emaney, Wm. Scott, J. Heard, A. Sinclair, G.W. Jones and J. Baird were elected Directors of the Prince Albert Public Hall Joint Stock Company at the annual general meeting. May 1867 Local advertised business include: W.H. Marsh, house, sign, carriage painter operating his business out of the Ontario Carriage Factory, Prince Albert, owned by James Emaney; W. H. Park, cabinet maker and undertaker, Prince Albert; Chas Hiscocks, bakeries in Prince Albert and Manchester. Currie & Ross, clothing, hardware and groceries, Prince Albert; Brown and Christian, dress goods and seeds. Ensign Pound, Major Forman and Capt. Billings put about 60 members of the Prince Albert Infantry Company through drills in the drill shed. This was the first turn out in the new uniforms. Mrs. R.H. Maw narrowly escaped drowning at Mr. Sexton's wharf, after falling into the lake while attempting to get on the scow from the boat. June 1867 The new steamer Anglo-Saxon at Port Perry is calculated to be completed for passengers by the first of July. The steamer has a 32 h.p. engine, and has a cash estimate of $4000. July 1867 Celebrations in Prince Albert to honour Dominion Day were attended by large numbers of residents from Reach and surrounding areas who enjoyed horse racing sports, games and speeches by the candidates for Parliament. Adam Gordon, proprietor of the Manchester Warehouse notifies customers he has on hand a large and varied stock of hay and harvest implements. Members of the Reach L.O.D. met at Murta's Hotel, Greenbank and resolved that the L.O.D. meet to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne at Prince Albert. John Nott was given the job of painting the Manchester Town Hall. He had the lowest of six tenders at $65 for two coats of paint. Mr. Major presented a petition of Thomas Paxton and others, praying the council for license to open a saloon at the village of Port Perry. It could not be entertained as the council had no authority in the matter, saloons not being allowed in villages. A grand excursion and picnic was held on July 19th with the steamer Anglo-Saxon leaving from Sexton's Wharf, Port Perry and travelling to Washburn's Island. Four to five hundred people enjoyed the day before returning safely home. More than 1500 persons converge on Prince Albert to celebrate the 12th of July. A triumphal arch was erected across Simcoe St. and the Reach Brass Band under the leadership of G. L. Robson provided music. August 1867 A meeting of the electors of Utica and neighborhood was held at the School House, Utica, to listen to the candidates seeking to represent North Ontario riding; Hon. M.C. Cameron, Mr. Gillespie and Thos. Paxton. Mr. Jacob Purdy, tenant on the farm owned by Mr. Holtby, located on the 8th concession, lost his barn and $400 worth of grain and wagons in a fire. Our enterprising townsman, Mr. E. Cash plans to start a Cheese Factory in Prince Albert in the coming spring. The building is up and he has set about putting in the necessary fixing. September 1867 About 800 people from North Ontario Riding of the County of Ontario converged on the fair grounds at Uxbridge to take part in nominations of candidates. In the election contest for North Ontario Common candidate J.H. Thompson won with a majority of 266 and Local candidate Thomas Paxton received a majority of 526. October 1867 The Fall Show of the Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society was held at the Show Grounds in Epsom. November 1867 Description of the village of Manchester - "three first class stores, two hotels, two carriage factories, several blacksmiths, two boot and shoe factories, two tailoring establishments, tinware factory and stove shop, grocery store, Town Hall and very neat Primitive Methodist Church." Former M.P.P. Joseph Gould received serious injuries in a fall while putting an addition on his woolen mill in Uxbridge. He broke three ribs in the 12 foot fall, but is now doing well. George Buntin, 14, drowned while out skating on Lake Scugog. The lad had skated to his uncles place for lunch and on his return fell through thin ice. December 1867 The barn, one horse and contents of grain, owned by C. & E. Sweetman on Scugog Island was destroyed by fire. The patent Swing Pump manufactured by Mr. Jas. Bowman at his factory at Borelia, Reach Twp., is rapidly swinging every other description of pump out of existence. Scugog residents are busily engaged in taking up a subscription for the erection of a new church to be built about halfway down the Island. A large frame building, two stories high, the property of Mr. Davis, Port Perry, was completely destroyed by fire early Monday morning 16th inst. Cause said to be careless handling of ashes. The free and independent electors of the Twp. of Reach mustered at the Town Hall for a nomination meeting. Nominated to the office of Reeve were Joshua Wright and Mr. E. Major; for Deputy Reeve, Mr Bates, Mr. G. St. John and Mr. J.W. Allison. January 1868 Our enterprising townsman, Mr. W.H Park, is determined to keep pace with the times, has just erected a new Cabinet shop at Manchester. Joshua Wright elected Reeve of Reach Twp., with Messers A. Gordon and St. John Deputy Reeves, and Messers Shaw and Steel as councillors. In Scugog Twp. W.S. Sexton was elected Reeve and Messrs. Fralick, Neisbet, Hall and Taylor councillors. Brethren of the Prince Albert Lodge of A.F. and A.M. met at Jewett's Hotel, Borelia, to celebrate the Festival of St. John the Evangelist. Officers for 1868 - James Emaney, W.M.; Major Forman, S.W.; W. M. Cochrane, J.W.; G.W. Jones, Treasurer, J.W. Trounce, Secretary., John Rolph, J.G.; Henry Gordon, S.D.; and W. A. Tomlinson, J.D. The first anniversary of the Greenbank Primitive Methodist Church was celebrated Jan. 12th and 13th. James Graham was elected president of the Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society, and Robt. Dobson Vice-President. Trustees of the Port Perry Grammar and Common School schedule the school to open on Monday, Jan. 20, 1868. Trustees of the school are H. Burnham, Sexton, Bigelow, Marsh, Jewett and Cochrane. February 1868 On Feb. 14th inst. George White's Carriage Factory, Prince Albert, was entirely consumed by a destructive fire and along with it, an excellent two storey house owned by James Sanders and another house owned by Mr. Thos. Courtice. Loss of real estate estimated at $2,000. The Red, White and Blue Store, Manchester, is clearing out its stock. A heavy snowstorm blocked all main roads, concessions and side lines, preventing even the transit of the Queen's mail for two days. The Railway Committee met on the 20th. The Bill to incorporate the Port Whitby & Port Perry Railway came before them and there was much discussion about the gauge of the track. After much discussion the narrow gauge was granted by a small majority of 16 to 14. March 1868 Mr. Wm. Wightman has taken over the business lately carried on in Prince Albert by Mr. F. Cowan. It is well known that Mr. Wightman was the moving spirit of the business. Observer editor James Baird writes - "The awkward figure the Town Hall cuts is certainly no credit to the Village of Manchester. It is a disgrace to a wealthy corporation such as Reach Twp. to own such a place, and dignify it by the sounding title of Town Hall. Dr. G.W. Jones runs a notice in the newspaper asking all persons indebted to him for a dollar upwards to take notice and pay their outstanding accounts. "I cannot understand why the Tailor, Butcher, Shoemaker and Merchant should be paid in full, while the poor Doctor is forgotten,"he writes. April 1868 An information meeting of the Provincial Directors was held at Jewett's Hotel, Borelia, regarding the Whitby and Port Perry Railway. Present for the meeting were James Holden, Major Forman, W.S. Sexton. A motion to call a public meeting of the ratepayers April 10th, at the Town Hall in Manchester was carried. Two young boys, George J. Morris and Arkland Benson, were credited with saving the life of two little girls when they saw fire coming from the roof of a house and alerted neighbours, who saved the children. A new partnership for the practice of medicine by Drs. G.W. & R. Jones has been established with G.W. Jones, M.D. in Prince Albert and his brother R. Jones, M.D. taking up the residence of Dr. Oakley of Port Perry. Both doctors are favorably known as successful and skilled practitioners. May 1868 Drs. Jones & Jones purchase the Drug Store Business of Mr. J.H. Bache and will operate it as the Medical Hall in Port Perry. Reeve Joshua Wright was in the chair for the public Railway Meeting for the ratepayers of Reach at the Town Hall, Manchester. President J. Bigelow was the guest speaker and discussion centered on how much Reach Twp. would contribute to construction of a railway from Port Perry to Port Whitby. Comment from James Baird referring to celebrations for the Queen's Birthday. "We wonder what Reach has been doing on May 25th. From city, village and hamlet, all over the country we hear of festivities, but Reach, so far as we can learn, was almost blank." An excursion to Washburn Island aboard the steamer Anglo-Saxon was poorly attended with only 100 on the trip. Many thought it was too early in the season for such an excursion. June 1868 The good people of Reach have resolved to muster at Prince Albert on Dominion Day, July 1st, there to revive in all their grandeur the never to be forgotten Olympic Games, with a few variations to suit the climate. Activities to include running, trotting and colt races, hurdles, and a variety of races for kids and adults. Statement of Affairs of the Township of Reach. Total value of property $972,262; number of persons in the township 5,916, and the number of acres of land is 61,244, of which 35, 689 are cleared. The commissioner for Scugog Bridge, set forth at County Council that he had expended considerable labor on said bridge, with snow and ice during the winter and claimed $50 remuneration for his services as commissioner in 1867. July 1868 One of Reach Township's highly respected citizens, Mr. Wm. Boynton, passed away. He took up residence in Prince Albert in 1839 where he remained until his decease. Reach council made an appropriation of $50 to expend on the town line between Reach and Cartwright, provided the council of Cartwright will appropriate a like sum. Robt English of Scugog Township died almost instantaneously after receiving sun stroke while cutting hay in the field. Thos. Caesar, of Point Caesarea died from sunstroke following the annual drill of the Cartwright Company in Bowmanville. The enterprising firm of Maw & Son, Port Perry got the contract of finishing the Port Perry, English Church. Reach Council unanimously passed By-law No. 448 - to aid and assist, to the extent of $40,000, the Port Whitby & Port Perry Railway Company in the construction and equipment of a Railway commencing in Whitby and terminating at or near Port Perry on Lake Scugog. August 1868 A day of Grand Entertainment was held at Greenbank, July 31st. Among the leading parties present were the M.P.P. for North Ontario County, Sherrif Nelson G. Reynolds, Mr. Bickell the County Warden, Reeve Geo. Wheler of Uxbridge and Reeve Joshua Wright of Reach and Joseph Bigelow, President of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company. Voting for the Railway By-law received overwhelming support from Borelia, Prince Albert and Utica with a majority of 254. In Epsom and Greenbank the majority against the by-law was 63. Out of about 500 votes polled, there was a 191 majority for the by-law. Mr. Plank, owner of the Revere House in Manchester, went to bed Sunday night, placing his pants (with about $100 in his pocket) under his pillow for safe keeping. When he awoke in the morning, his pants were gone, only to be found hanging on a post in front of the hotel with the money gone. The thief also made off with a bottle of wine and a box of cigars. September 1868 The barn of Mr. J. Ackney, 8th Concession, Reach was destroyed by fire. Also lost were his seasons crop of fall wheat and barley. Mr. Ackney is a highly esteemed, sober man, and a good neighbor, and his neighbors are busily engaged in raising funds to help him. Manchester is decidedly the natural grain centre of North Ontario and few villages in the province have storage accommodations equal to Manchester. Mr. Gordon of the Manchester Storehouse has just added to his extensive operation, with a new 40 x 60 storage shed. Spencer & Ebbels Barristers, etc., a new law firm has established their business in Port Perry. Mr. Bigelow, President of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company attended a special meeting of Scugog Council to present a by-law providing for $4000 in aid for the construction of the railway. The Church of St. Agness at Greenbank was officially opened and held its first service on Sunday, Sept. 27. Many were disappointed on their arrival to find that all parts of the sacred edifice were already occupied. The space in front of the Chancel, the aisles, the porch and even the vestry being occupied. October 1868 The North Ontario Agricultural Society held its annual two day Fall Show at Prince Albert. The By-law granting a bonus of $4,000 to the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company was voted on by the freeholders of the Township of Scugog with a large majority of the votes recorded against the grant. November 1868 J.B. Olver, M.D. has taken up residence at Greenbank. He is a talented, preserving young man and we trust that his residence in their midst will be reciprocally beneficial. The contract for the building and equipping of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway, was let to Kesteven & Starrat, Toronto. The amount agreed upon is $330,000. Port Perry & Borelia Union Sunday School held their annual social in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Borelia. Tenders were published for the purchased of 40,000 railway ties, 9 feet long with square ends, 10 inches wide by 7 inches thick for the P.W. & PP Railway. December 1868 A nomination meeting was held in the Township of Scugog at Mr. Finley's Hall. Nominations for Reeve were Mr. Sexton and Mr. J.W. Gamble; for Councillors Messrs. Fralick, Taylor, Hall, Nesbitt, J. Hunter, S. Platten, Bateman, Williams and Clegghorn. Reach Township nominations were held at the Town Hall, Manchester. For the office of Reeve, nominated were present Reeve J. Wright, Mr. Adam Gordon and A.W. Ewers. Nominated for Deputy Reeve, Messrs. J.B. Campbell, Major and St. John. Messrs. Steel, Graham and Holman were nominated to the office of Councillor. At the close of the year 1868, James Baird described the following: "We have three capitals each putting in its pretentious, and each pressing its claims to pre-eminence. Manchester, the natural, the legal, and the grain centre of the municipality; Prince Albert, the commercial centre; and Port Perry, the manufacturing centre." January 1869 Reach Township elected Joshua Wright Reeve, J.B. Campbell and E Major Deputy Reeves. Scugog Township re-elects W.S. Sexton Reeve. Cartwright elects Robt. B. Spinks, Reeve, D. Hooey Deputy Reeve. The Port Perry Presbyterian Church was packed for the divine service on the Sabbath, 3rd inst. The Rev. Windel praised his people and the villagers on their liberality and enterprise in erecting so handsome and commodious a house wherein to worship the God of their fathers. Reach Twp. Reeve Joshua Wright was elected as Warden of the County of Ontario. February 1869 The Nonquon Fair and Races held on Mr. Dewart's land, come off as a success on the 28th inst. Notice from Reach Twp. Clerk John Christie that applications for Tavern or Shop Licenses to sell by wholesale or retail, Spiritous, Fermented or other Liquors must be made by petition by the person applying for the same licenses. The enterprising people of Manchester have established a telegraph office in that village. This will prove a great convenience for the numerous grain buyers who attend that market. The handsome little Church of Ascension - English Church, Port Perry opened for Divine Service on Sabbath, 28th inst. The interior of the building can seat about 200 people, the style is of the Gothic order and the windows are excellent taste. March 1869 An election took place for a Deputy Reeve to fill the vacancy left on Reach Council by J. B. Campbell's disclaiming. The contest was between Mr. Noah Bates and Mr. Wm. McGregor, with Mr. Bates being elected. Snow storms have been the order of the day for the past week, piling up from ten to twelve feet deep on many of our most important highways, thus rendering all transit out of the question. The Queen's Mail was stopped in Brooklin. The Port Perry Brass Band Concert took place in Mrs. Shaw's Hall, Port Perry. Messrs. Powell and Irvine take over the business of Jas. Bowman, Manufacturer of the Patent Swing and Force Pumps. April 1869 Tenders are being received for another new frame School House, about to be erected in School Section No. 4, Reach. A team of horses crossing the ice on Scugog lake, hauling a load of maple lumber to Mr. J.B. Lazier's factory, broke through the ice, and team, load and driver all went down. The team shot right under the ice and were both drowned, but the teamster was pulled from his perilous position by an Indian riding with him on the load. The Bigelow Bros. uncovered their handsome new block the other day. This is one of the best, if not the best structure of the kind in the County. The ground flat contains four magnificent stores. The second and third flats are occupied as Bank, Law and other offices. It is certainly a costly and commodious building. May 1869 Council authorized the clerk to instruct the pathmaster of the Port Perry road division to open up, forthwith that portion of John St., running from Queen to North St., which is the most direct and by far shortest route to the new English Church - Church of Assension on John St. The drying kiln at Mr. J.B. Lazier's Factory, 7th con. Reach, was consumed by fire with a large quantity of cradle fingers and other valuable wood work, valued at $600 being lost. The Scugog Bridge suffered terribly in the late floods; in fact it is almost wrecked. The past winter found it in a good state of repair, but it has left it in a deplorable condition; so much so that it is very far from being safe, and will require immediate attention and a considerable outlay. The Principal which this bridge has been constructed is a huge blunder, and after the old rickety concern has cost fifty times more than it is worth, the proper mode of construction will likely be adopted, then we shall have a proper bridge at a tenth of the expense. The Ontario Woolen Factory has been greatly extended and a complete assortment of the most approved machinery for manufacturing purposes has just been fitted up. At the annual public meeting of the shareholders of the Prince Albert Public Hall Joint Stock Company the following officers were elected - W. Scott, President, J. Baird Vice President, T. Courtice, Treasurer, J. Emaney Treasurer. June 1869 A meeting was held in the Victoria Hotel, Prince Albert ,for the purpose of arranging celebrations for Dominion Day. The following men formed a committee to arrange the day. Major Forman, E. Major, M.G. Robson, Capt. Sinclair, Mark Currie, Capt. Billings, Wm. M. Cochrane, J. Rolph, Dr. G.W. Jones, Jas Jewett, D.J. Adams, J. Emaney, Capt. P. Bigelow, J. Plank, A. Hurd Jr., Wm. Wilcox, Thos Paxton, Jr., H. Foy, John Christie, B. Bryan, J.W. Jacobs and H. Parsons. Mr. Foy has taken possession of the Royal Canadian Hotel and fitted it up to suit the times. Mr. Foy's affability, energy and enterprise will doubtless secure for him a large share of public patronage. An Excursion to Washburn Island is to take place on the 25th inst. aboard the excellent and fast sailing steamer Ontario. July 1869 A burglary at the establishment of W.M. Wightman & Co., Prince Albert, sometime between Saturday and Sunday. The thieves emptied the till and selected such pieces of silk and other expensive goods and carried off their valuable bounty. Two young boys, aged 10 and 7 years, the sons of Mr. Palmer Car and Mr. Jessie Ireland, drown after their boat upset on the Nonquon River. Celebrations for the 12th of July, Prince Albert was in a gay appearance handsomely adorned in honor of the day, with arches erected over the principal streets, dozens of booths and Union Jacks fluttering in the breeze. Seventeen Lodges marched into the village led by the County Volunteer Band. Mr. Wm. Kennedy, District Master for Reach opened the proceedings. Mr. Riordan has opened a Brick Manufact-uring establishment on the Walsh farm, about half a mile south of Manchester. Ann Cornish, aged 30, and her child, aged 3 years, died by drowning after attempting to cross the lake from the village of Caesarea to Scugog Island. August 1869 Businesses expanding in Prince Albert. Mr. Wright moved his boot and shoe business to his large premises, opposite Scott's Hotel. Capt. Sinclair's rapidly increasing business required further enlargement and he moved into the first class store which Mr. Wright left. Mr. Cash took advantage of Mr. Sinclairs moving and took over his former shop where he has opened a large and excellent stock of groceries and provisions. Mr. McConnell, owner of the former Cash premises, is opening his business of Merchant Tailor, as well as dry goods and groceries. Meetings continue discussing the merits of the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway proposal against the Toronto and Nippissing Railway Co., which was to pass through about 5 1/2 miles of Reach Twp. to the north and west. September 1869 There was a large turn-out of qualified electors for the Railway By-law. with 322 voting against the by-law and 192 in favour. Mr. Hiscox of Manchester has enlarged, refitted and moved into the store formerly occupied by Mr. Wright. The Wesleyan Church at the Indian Village, Scugog, dedicated on Sunday, 26th inst. A grand festival will be held with a choir of 100 Indians. Visitors expected from Mara, Snake Island, Rice Lake, Mud Lake and Alderville. A By-Law granting a bonus of $2000 to the P.W. & P.P. Railway Co. was carried by the qualified electors of the Township of Scugog. October 1869 Prince Arthur arrived in Whitby on Tues., October 5 to take part in the official sod turning for the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Co. The Prince was presented with a silver spade and a maple wheel-barrow and went to work in turning up the first sod. Also on hand were the Lieut. Governor, Sir John A. MacDonald, Premier of Ontario John S. McDonald. A large number of friends and acquaintances of G. W. Jones, M.D., entertained that gentleman at a public supper in the Royal Canadian Hotel, Port Perry, on the occasion of his leaving the country to take up his abode in the Western States. November 1869 Mr. Wm. Kennedy is moving to Uxbridge, where he intends engaging the manufacture of lumber on his own account. He was honored at a dinner organized by the Brethren of L.O.L. No. 223, of which is the highly esteemed master of the Lodge. Reach Council handed over the first $10,000 debenture of their $40,000 grant to the P.W. & P.P. Railway Company. December 1869 The first battle of the municipal election takes place, with members of the council being blamed for stupidity or recklessness in passing the railway by-law. Nominations for Reeve of the Township of Reach - Mr. James Graham and Mr. Adam Gordon. For Deputy Reeve Messrs. A.W. Ewers, E. Major, and Geo. St. John; and for councilmen Messrs. D. Town, N. Bates, J. Holman, and Thos. Graham. In the final meeting of Reach Twp. Council, Reeve Joshua Wright stated he would not interfere or take any part in the coming elections between Mr. Graham and Mr. Gordon.

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