THROUGHOUT the early years of the 1880s, the prosperous and busy village of Port Perry began to attract large numbers of residents and businesses. The owners of factories, mills and grain dealers worked tirelessly to keep up with orders, which were pouring in from across the county and province, and storekeepers in Port Perry were enjoying one of the most prosperous times in the history of the village. But this all came to an abrupt halt during the evening of Nov. 26,1883, when a tremendous fire razed the entire north side of Queen St. Undaunted by the tragedy, the busy townsmen immediately began plans to re-build and by the spring of the following year, the foundations of many new buildings had been laid out and the sound of the hammer and saw could be heard everywhere. With new buildings almost completed, suddenly on the evening of July 4, 1884, a second, even more devasting fire took hold, destroying almost every building in the town. For some it was just too much, and they moved away, but the majority stayed on and rebuilt. Out of this tragedy rose one of the most attractive and prosperous towns in the county. January 1880 Results of the municipal elections are as follows: Reach Twp., Peter Christie, Reeve, R.J. Dobson, L. Burnett, Deputy Reeves, James McFarlane and Mr. Holman, councillors. In Port Perry Joshua Wright was elected Reeve. Scugog Twp. returned Mr. Graham as Reeve, and in Cartwright, Robt. B. Spinks retired after 18 years as Reeve. Mr. James Parr was elected Reeve in Cartwright. A vast number of people gathered on the ice to see the annual horse races held on the lake. Six spontaneous liquor dealers, who started a wholesale liquor business on the lake during the ice races, were hauled to a reception at the office of the magistrate and fined $25 for selling without a license. The Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery held their annual meeting in the Town Hall, Port Perry. T. C. Forman, president. Twenty four ballots were cast at Ontario County Council before Mr. McPherson, the Reeve of Rama, was elected Ontario County Warden for 1880. February 1880 A fire in Williamsburg, Cartwright, caused $2,000 to the Exchange Hotel owned by James Fluke, Esq. The stable of Mr. Eck, Harness Maker, on Lilla St. was destroyed by a fire which spread to the home of Mr. Dunn. Richardson's Planing Mills and Sash Factory are in full blast and ready for the coming spring. Mr. T. Bennett purchased the Revere House, Manchester from the late host, Mr. Straight Houck, who has retired. John McKercher, one of Reach Twp. early settlers, passed away. March 1880 Mr. Thompson from Bobcaygeon came before Cartwright council urging for the necessity of a wharf at Caesarea. Reeve Parr was appointed to look into the possibility of a wharf. Judge Zacheus Burnham presided over the Division Court for Reach, Scugog and Port Perry at the Town Hall. The Bible Christian parsonage in the village of Prince Albert was reduced to a few smoking embers due to a fire which struck at 11 a.m. on the 16th inst. Thanks to the efforts of many, the church and stables were saved. Rev. R. Allin, is the worthy pastor of the church. The opening carnival on the Prince Albert Skating Rink attracted a large number of villagers. Music by Mr. Riley's Band. Mr. D. Deacon, treasurer of the corporation of of Cartwright, resigned his position. The post was filled by Robert. B. Spinks at a salary of $50 per year. Wm. Lucas is the township clerk. April 1880 Lake Scugog has laid aside its icy mantle during the first week of April. The Bigelow and Trounce flouring mills are turning out the very best flour on the market. They are constantly shipping from this port and their flour commands the top prices in the market. Mr. M. Boyd of Bobcaygeon floated some hundreds of thousands of feet of squared timber into Scugog Lake three years ago, where it lay sinking in the water. Some 20 men are now busily engaged in rescuing these timbers from a watery grave, putting them aboard rail cars and shipping them on to market. Port Perry merchants begin closing their places of business at seven o'clock p.m., Saturdays excepted. A large hotel and its outbuildings in the village of Seagrave, was devoured by fire. The Board of License Commissioners issues liquor licenses to the following persons: Reach Twp. J. Dafoe, Geo. Reynolds, W.H. Park, E. Newton, M. Stabback, Thos. Bennett and S.H. Christian. In Port Perry W. Haslam, W. Hallett, James Dewart, John Ruddy, W.B. McGaw, Henry Charles. May 1880 J. V. Thompson, former owner of the Port Perry House hotel, rented and renovated the premises formerly known as the Cottage Hotel in Greenbank. Stock buyers are busy sending off car loads of cattle from Port Perry to market. Large shipments are being shipped daily from the railway station. Farmers owning land on the banks of the Scugog, below Lindsay, are so annoyed by their lands being drowned by the water of the lake, they are threatening to lower the dam themselves. Mrs. Robt. Henry was killed when she fell off the wagon her husband was driving, while bringing a load of grain to the market in Port Perry. She fell between the wheels, with the back wheel passing over her body. Mr. T.C. Forman moved his business from the north side of the street to the south, opposite the Walker House. Since the firm of Brown & Currie painted the woodwork in front of their business black at the start of the present season, many other merchants have followed in the wake. Mr. Allison, Messrs. Laing & Meharry, T.C. Forman, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Bigelow, Mr. McGlashan and Mr. McCaw have also adopted the black paint with capital results. June 1880 The Ontario Bank has undergone a thorough renovation inside and out. A large crowd attended the celebration of the completion of the new Orange Hall, Spinks' settlement - Cartwright. A petition to council with the names of 42 people praying to have parts of Queen and Perry St. watered during the dusty season. The Presbyterian Church and the Church of England are undergoing complete renovations and improvements to the churches July 1880 Dominion Day celebrations took place in Port Perry, Prince Albert and Williamsburg. J.B. Campbell brought a petition to Reach council asking for the removal of the bar in the Nonquon River, near Seagrave, for the purpose of draining lands of the local landowners. In celebration of the anniversary of the Victory of the Boyne, arches were erected on Queen St. and Water St. by Mr. Ruddy and Mr. Dewart. The entire town was decorated for the occasion. The Scugog Marsh Reclaiming Company are about to proceed with the work in the marsh. English Capital is being brought into the enterprise and steps are being taken to proceed with the work without delay. Reach Twp. councillor James McFarlane was injured seriously while helping with a barn raising at Mr. A. McTaggarts. August 1880 Capt. Crandell's steamer Vanderbilt provided a beautiful trip to Washburn Island for the Grand Picnic and Excursion of the Sabbath Schools of Port Perry. Mr. C.C. Kellett has 100,000 standard apple trees for sale, and other valuable nursery stock, at his Port Perry Nurseries. Local industry is flourishing - Mr. S. Graham has erected a new blacksmithing shop on Queen St.; Paxton, Tate & Co., are busy filling orders from all over the province; Bigelow & Trounce's lumber and flouring mills are busy, and Mr. Gordon's flouring mill is being driven to its utmost. September 1880 A large hotel at the corner of Simcoe and Queen St., Borelia, which was undergoing a thorough overhaul, was destroyed by fire. Nobody was in the building, owned by Mr. Sheehey, at the time of the fire. Mr. Wheler was elected to represent North Ontario riding in the Commons of Canada, defeating his opponent, Gibbs by a vote of 2,213 to 2,159. Joshua Wright has leased the Port Perry Grain Elevator and gone into grain buying. This will be good news not only to the farmers, but to the town which has severely felt the absence of a regular, active and liberal buyer since George Currie left a few years ago. A public meeting of ratepayers at the Town Hall, Port Perry, to discuss the advisability of granting assistance by way of $2,500 bonus towards construction of a roadway across the Scugog, from Scugog Island to Cartwright. October 1880 Messrs. Bigelow and Trounce have shipped, from Whitby Harbour aboard schooners, 790,000 feet of lumber to markets along Lake Ontario. A report from Mr. Yarnold estimates it will cost about $8,000 to drain the Nonquon Marsh, which will reclaim about 3,000 acres of land for the township. November 1880 Post Master and town Treasurer, Henry Gordon, of Port Perry suffered breaking his leg in two places in an accident on his farm. The Bigelow & Trounce saw mill has been closed down for the winter, as the ice has got hold of the logs until spring. Pigeon shooting matches take place in Prince Albert and Utica. December 1880 While crossing the ice of Scugog from the Island to Port Perry with a load of cordwood, about the middle of the lake the ice gave way and the team and load of Mr. Staley's went through. All were pulled to safety. Robert Armour came before Cartwright council to petition the passage of an Act to enable the Lake Scugog Marsh Land Drainage Company to construct and embankment against the south side of the Scugog Bridge. The Reeve was instructed to receive legal opinion. Mr. Ireland, operator of the Lorne Skating Rink held a Christmas Eve carnival at the rink, with the Glen Major Brass Band supplying the entertainment. January 1881 The Port Perry Fire Brigade held their annual supper at the Lorne Restaurant. Captain Phillippo occupied the chair. Council in Reach consists of Reeve, Peter Christie., J. Dobson and L Burnett, Deputy Reeves, J. Holman and J. McFarlane councillors. In Port Perry, Reeve Joshua Wright was acclaimed. Scugog Township acclaimed Reeve James Graham and Cartwright returned Reeve James Parr and the entire council. Thos. Paxton was appointed to the position of Sheriff of Ontario County, after the death of Sheriff Reynolds. Peter Christie, Reeve of the Township of Reach, was elected Warden of the County of Ontario. Two members of Port Perry council, elected with their consent, refused to serve. Three men, Messrs. Major, S. Bruce and Crandell were nominated to replace them. An election to be held. February 1881 The C. M. Church in Prince Albert narrowly escaped being destroyed by fire, after two young boys noticed smoke coming from inside. A large hole had been burned in the floor but quick work had it out. Joshua Wright reports at County Council that the job of the Scugog Bridge was nearly complete, but the bridge commissioners had decided not to accept the work until after the spring in case anything goes wrong, such as settling or any other defect which might manifest itself, when the contractor would have to repair any part requiring such. The contract price, except $500 has been paid, with the remainder to be paid when the work was completed. Chas. W. Jones and Wm. M. Jones, operators of Jones Bros. & Co. in the village of Port Perry retired from business. The store is taken over by Geo. H. Abbs in partnership with J.H. Paterson and W.T. Reid. The School House of section No. 2 Reach, known as Vernon's School House, was destroyed by fire. The first general meeting of the stockholders of the Reach Cheese Factory was held at the town hall, Manchester. Elected directors are Richard Harper, Thos. Graham, treasurer; James Laing, Robert Walker, secretary; John Tennyson, president; Wm. Sellers and Robert Howsam. March 1881 John Christie, one of Reach Twp. early settlers, and most respected citizens, died at the age of 81 years at his farm at Utica. He purchased 200 acres in 1840 and has lived on the property since that time. Messrs. Joseph Letcher and L.F. Richardson purchased the Dominion Planing Mills, Port Perry, by auction. On Monday, March 7, the residence of Dr. Sangster, on the northern boundary of the town, was burned to the ground. It was discovered at 4 a.m. but efforts to extinguish it failed and within four hours the house was completely destroyed. He carried $7,000 worth of insurance. Mr. Wm. Johnston of Uxbridge received the contract to construct a new brick school house for section No. 2, Reach, recently destroyed by fire. Reach council instructed Mr. W.E. Yarnold to begin work on draining the Nonquon, by running four lines while the ice was still on the creek. April 1881 The Reach Cheese Factory buildings, under the contract of Mr. Worden, is almost ready and have a business like appearance. The partnership of Jos. Bigelow & Trounce was dissolved mutually. Mr. Bigelow continues business in the south mills and Mr. Trounce in the north, including the flouring mill. Fire made short work of a neat and desirable residence in the south-quarter of town owned by J.V.Thompson. It had just been rented at $70 a year to a new tenant. John Christie was elected as pathmaster for the Utica road division for 1881. The Spring Show of the Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Agricultural Society was held at Manchester on April 26th. Cartwright held their show at Williamsburg on April 29th. May 1881 S.T. Cawker has closed his meat stall for the season and is now running his beef cart with first-class meat brought to the door from day to day. Capt. Dyer has thoroughly trimmed and fitted his steamer Lady Ida for the coming season. On her first trip to Port Perry she had in tow her full quantity of scows loaded with brick. Henry Gordon, treasurer of the village of Port Perry since its incorporation, served a writ on the village, claiming $500 for damage done to his property by water. Council relieved him of his job and appointed J.H. Brown as treasurer. Council carried through a by-law to allow construction of a roadway from the Twp. of Cartwright to the Twp. of Scugog, by the Lake Scugog Marsh Lands Drainage Company. Reach passed a by-law to provide for draining parts of the Nonquon Swamp and for deepening the Nonquon River, and to borrow $4,000 for completing the work. June 1881 Joseph Bigelow was defeated by Frank Madill in an attempt to be elected as the member of parliament for North Ontario. Mr. Madill was elected by a majority of 31 votes. Port Perry council is petitioned by 164 leading townsmen, led by Aaron Ross and Thomas Paxton, regarding the dismissal of Henry Gordon, requesting he be reinstated as the village treasurer. Council declined. Fire struck downtown Port Perry on June 27th at the south-east corner of Henry Charles block at Queen and Water St. The block contained Mr. Charles grocery and liquor store, Mr. Sutherland's grocery store, Messrs. Johnston's implement warehouse and Mrs. Smith's residence at the rear of the stores. July 1881 Mr. Thompson's block, scorched by the fire at Mr. Charles' premises recently has been thoroughly overhauled and is ready for business. The tender of E. Major was accepted by Reach council for drainage of the Nonquon Swamp. Amount of the contract is $4,265. In Williamsburg, a new two storey brick hotel, facing on Church and Scugog Street is being erected. The building, 50x70 is to be fitted up in good style and furnishings. The grain warehouse and store houses at Seagrave Station of the W.P.P.& L Railway, were destroyed by fire on the 18th inst. Mr. Arthur Miller owned one of the warehouses. James Dryden, former M.P.P., died at the residence of his son John at Maple Shade Farm, Whitby, on July 31st. He had a fine new brick residence in course of erection in Port Perry at the time of his death August 1881 Mr. Emaney, of the Ontario Carriage Works offers for sale his workshops, residence and entire premises, having determined to move from this locality. Lazier's Factory, on the 7th conc. of Reach, just north of Port Perry, was completely destroyed by fire about midnight of the 5th inst. Mr. Samuel H. Christian is having his Manchester business establishment completely overhauled. Joshua Wright is putting forth an extensive overhaul and improvement of his Port Perry Elevator. September 1881 The sound of the fire alarm sent a general rush toward Trounce's saw mill. Protection against fire from the barrels of water kept on the top of the buildings and the crowds of willing hands extinguished the fire ere much damage was done. The constant stream of loaded teams pour into town from day to day with thousands upon thousand of bushels of crops, heading to the local grain buyers at Joshua Wright's elevator and the Ross Elevator. Sir Hector Langevin, Minister of Public Works, Canada, paid a two hour visit to Port Perry, touring the town and attending a reception at the Walker House. October 1881 Fall shows take place in the millenary departments of Bigelow's Royal Arcade and Abbs, Peterson & Reid, where the latest fashions are on exhibit in the grandest style, Wm. Pearson leased Dundrenen farm, near Manchester, the property of Peter Christie, Esq., where he intends going into stock raising. November 1881 Joshua Dobson, superintendent of the Sabbath School, Manchester was surprised when 60 friends, teachers and scholars paid a surprise visit to his home to honor him for his work with the school. The County of Ontario Teacher's Association picked the school buildings, Port Perry, for their meeting. President of the association is Jas. McBrien, Esq.. Mr. J.V. Thompson, owner of the Port Perry House and Thompson block, is adding an extensive and costly hall, for public banquets and other purposes. December 1881 The Canadian and Pacific Syndicate purchased the Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Railway and also the Victoria Railway. On the urging of more than 50 leading citizens of Port Perry, Henry Gordon agrees to offer himself as a candidate for Reeve for 1882. Rescue Fire Company, Port Perry, held an Oyster Supper in the Mansion House with Mr. Currie Chief Engineer and Capt. Phillipo in the chair. January 1882 Elections for 1882 took place during the first week of the year with Reeve and councils of Reach and Scugog being acclaimed. In Port Perry, Dr. Richard Jones was elected Reeve, with Major, Trick, Stewart Bruce and Phillipo, councillors. Cartwright returned James Parr as Reeve. The largest and best turbine ever manufactured in the Dominion, was shipped from Paxton & Tate's Port Perry Foundry to New Brunswick. A large delegate of men representing the wealth, intelligence and enterprise of the town, led by Joseph Bigelow, travelled to Toronto to meet with Mr. Osler, president of the Ontario and Quebec Railway, and to encourage the line to run through Port Perry. February 1882 The Trotting and Racing Carnival was held on the ice at Port Perry, with a large and spirited gathering on hand. Ninety year old Mr. Burk, of Caesarea was beaten in his residence, then robbed of $300 and left to die. An additional post office has been granted to the Township of Cartwright. It was opened last week and is called Purple Hill, P.O. Former councillor and Port Perry businessman, Mark Currie passed away Feb. 23 at the age of 53 years. March 1882 Geo. Medd, proprietor of the Railroad House hotel in Port Perry offers for sale his property, situated on Water St. across from the railway station. Geo. B. McDermot has purchased that fine new brick store, one door east of the Ontario Bank, Queen St., and intends to move into his new premises. A horse owned by Mr. James Prince, took off across Lake Scugog from the Island, heading for home in Port Perry, when it went through the ice and drowned. April 1882 Wightmans Bros. moved their popular business to the store lately occupied by Joseph Bigelow in the Royal Arcade. While assisting in taking down an old barn on the Dundrennan farm, near Manchester, Reach Twp. clerk John Christie fractured his leg in two places. In order to meet the increasing demands of his customers, Mr. Irvine, has found it necessary to introduce steam power to his pump factory. Mr. Samuel Graham, of the Ontario Carriage Works, displayed a fine lot of carriages and open buggies at the Spring Show of the Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Agricultural Society. May 1882 Mr. A.A. Allen, manager of the Ontario Bank, was honored by a number of the leading businessmen at a dinner. He is leaving to take a position in Toronto. A motion at council, not to have Mr. McKnight ring the Town Hall bell three times daily, as it was a waste of his time, was lost after a tie-vote was defeated by the Reeve. Reach council received a letter from the Cartwright Twp. inviting their co-operation in establishing a road between the townships, with both communities supplying 17 days labour. A public meeting of the ratepayers of Port Perry was held in the Town Hall to consider an offer made by the Drainage Company offering to build the Cartwright Bridge for a bonus of $4,000, money to be paid when the bridge is built. The offer was, on motion, rejected. June 1882 Council to proceed with or without the co-operation of Cartwright Council to employ an engineer to ascertain the cost of a suitable roadway from the Cartwright Shore to that of Scugog. Mr. Pettit has made an important advance in his patent Bee Hive Factory, introducing a horse for hand power. July 1882 Reeve R. Jones, along with Messrs. Bruce, Ham, Bigelow and Major, were appointed to confer with the Reach council with reference to a survey and the right of way for a branch of the Ontario and Quebec Railway to Port Perry. Mr. J. McIntyre, a young man of good business abilities, honorable and upright, has opened up a grocery establishment in Port Perry. Mr. Fred Hunt, telegraph operator in Port Perry, was entertained at a complimentary supper, before leaving for Toronto. Under the leadership of Mr. Coram, station master at Port Perry, the station has undergone full repairs and a ladies' waiting room has been added. August 1882 Messrs. J.B. Blong and Watters purchased the large brick building known as the Royal Arcade from Mr. Bigelow, and plan to fit it up as a first-class hotel. Mr. W.E. Yarnold, P.L.S. was hired to prepare a map showing the location of the embankment across the Scugog, (the Cartwright Bridge). Seven new street lamps are to be erected in town, one in front of the Town Hall, Post Office, Wright's Shoe Shop, Brown & Currie's Store, Corrigan's Store, Ruddy's Hotel and Dewart's Hotel. Mr. W.H. McCaw will move his store from the Royal Arcade building to the fine store nearly opposite the Ontario Bank, owned by J.V. Thompson. At a public meeting at the Town Hall, Port Perry, a resolution was passed recommending such action as will ensure at as early a date possible, the construction of the proposed Cartwright Bridge. One of Reach Township's noble pioneers, Mr. Peter Christie, aged 82 years passed away Aug. 31, 1882. He settled near the village of Manchester in 1831. September 1882 When Mr. Wright's lease of the Port Perry Elevator expired and Mr. A. Ross purchased the premises, it was broadly hinted that Mr. Wright would thus be driven off the market for lack of accommodation. He secured the use of the Company's stores, equipped them for business and his new office is just being completed, and will soon be prepared to enter another buying campaign. The clerk of the village of Port Perry was instructed to meet with the board of directors of the Ontario & Quebec Railway Co., to enquire whether the Company will build a branch from Port Perry, and on what conditions. The petition of J.H. Brown and 63 other residents of the village, urged council to draft a by-law to the electors granting a bonus of $4,000 for the construction of the Scugog/Cartwright Bridge. October 1882 Mr. Richard Harper fell from a ladder to his accidental death while attempting to open one of the port holes on his barn, located near Manchester. Mr. McCaw's fine new brick block, adjacent to Blong and Watters new hotel premises in the Royal Arcade, is being hastened forward. November 1882 Mr. J. Dafoe, proprietor of the Dafoe House and the general store, Utica, leased his store to Mr. B. Reid and the hotel to Mr. L. H. Hurd, worthy host of the Epsom Hotel. In celebration of the Gun Powder Plot, a most imposing procession of some seventy torches, were marched through town in a cheerful demonstration. Plans for establishing a public market in town, begin to take tangible shape, with the basement of the Town Hall being considered as a suitable location. Mr. Codd, president of the Scugog Marsh Lands Drainage Company advanced $150 to the village, to prepare a by-law granting the Company a bonus of $4,000 toward construction of the Cartwright roadway. The genial and obliging host, Mr. W.B. McGaw, has returned to Port Perry and taken over the possession of the Walker House. December 1882 Thanks to the enterprise of Mr. Trounce, a winter roadway will be ploughed across the ice, 25 feet wide, from Port Perry to Bailey's Landing, Cartwright, shortening travel to Williamsburg by five miles. The $4,000 bonus by-law for the construction of the Scugog to Cartwright roadway was defeated by 17 votes. The Port Perry Market By-law established a public market building in the storehouse north of Brown & Currie's store and east of Mr. Brock's Block. Market days were set as being Tuesday and Thursday each week. January 1883 Municipal electors went to the polls and elected the following: In Reach, Reeve, Peter Christie, J. Dobson, 1st Deputy, L. Burnett, 2nd Deputy; Jas Holman, Jas. McFarlane, councillors. Port Perry elected Reeve Henry Gordon with Dr. R. Jones, J. Phillippo, W.M. Currie and A. Richardson as councillors. In Cartwright the electors elected Reeve James Parr, Deputy Reeve McKee, and councillors, Messrs. John H. Devitt, Geo. Bradburn, Albert Spinks. Scugog Township elected by acclamation, W. Bateman, Reeve; S. Fralick, J. Collins, P. Sweetman, Mr. Alridge, councillors. February 1883 The opening of the Brunswick House by Messrs. Watters and Blong provides one of the finest, best appointed and attractive hotels in the Province. Mr. G.B. McDermot is giving up the mercantile business, to put more time into his duties as Overseer of Fisheries for this locality. The races on the ice were the most successful ever held in Port Perry. Two days of first class races attracted a large crowd of really fast and valuable horses. Mr. W.T. Parrish, has sold out the stove and tin department of his hardware store to Mr. James Boxall, who will continue in the same premises. March 1883 Mr. Joshua Wright, our energetic and liberal grain buyer is about to build an elevator on his premises near the railway station, Port Perry The closing carnival was held at the Lorne Skating Rink, Port Perry, on March 23. W.H. McCaw is agent for the magnificent steamer Republic of the famous White Star Line of ocean palaces. W.L. Marshall is successor to Mr. George McDermot, of the China Hall Grocery establishment. April 1883 Council appointed a committee to select a proper location for the road across the Scugog Marsh to the Cartwright shore, and to employ a surveyor to locate said road. Several teams of horses have gone through the ice on Scugog, with fortunately nothing more serious than a thorough dunking. May 1883 One of our highly popular and deservedly esteemed merchants, J.A. Wightman has sold his stock to Messrs. C.W. Jones and D.R. Davenport. Mr. Rae, Headmaster of the Model School and Mr. D. McBride, Headmaster of the High School, addressed the County of Ontario Teacher's Assoc. convention held in the school buildings, Port Perry. June 1883 Messrs. Ruddy and W. Bowerman, are building a handsome steamer, which now lies ready to be launched into her natural element. Cartwright council agreed to pay one-third of the $25 cost of surveying the Scugog to Cartwright roadway, contending that Scugog and Port Perry should pay a third each. The unsatisfactory condition of the Scugog Bridge was discussed at County Council, with authorized spending $60 on repairs to Ireland's portion of the bridge. The Reach Cheese Factory is having a highly successful season, processing 4,000 lbs. of milk daily. Rev. R. Monteith, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Prince Albert, after many years absence, paid a visit to this locality. July 1883 The celebration of Dominion Day at Port Perry proved to be a grand success, with a large crowd gathering. Contracts for the extending of and thoroughly overhauling the Manchester School House have been let to Mr. Wm. Spence and Mr. George Ewers. Due to the unusual heavy rains of the past week the rush of water was so great along the ditch from Scugog St. to the lake, that the culverts on Lilla St. and Perry St. overflowed, creating a wide, deep, impassable chasm right across both streets. The splendid new steamer, Mary Louise, the property of Ruddy and W. Bowerman is ready to begin excursions around the lakes and rivers. J. Burnham, the deservedly esteemed Clerk of the Division Court here, has been gazetted Notary Public, of which he will do honor to the position. Joseph Bigelow has moved his lumber manufacturing business to Peterborough, but his lumber yard remains in Port Perry. Joshua Wright has sold out his grain and general commission business and the premises to D.C. Downey, Esq., of Whitby. August 1883 The Church of England held an enjoyable excursion aboard the Mary Louise to the beautiful grove on Ambleside Farm, the property of John Adams, Scugog Island. The Olympic Club Grounds, a delightful spot on the rising ground overlooking the village, was the centre of activities for the holiday on Mon. Aug. 6th. A new plank sidewalk has been laid on the east side of Perry St., from Queen St. past the market buildings, and a new walk on the west side of Water St. from the railway station to Queen St. is under construction. The firm of Davenport, Jones & Co. have purchased the large stock of Abbs & Patterson, who are about to move from this locality September 1883 Joshua Wright, having sold his grain business, rented the former store of John McIntyre and opened his Boot and Shoe Business. The railway station is undergoing important and valuable repairs. A new planked crossing is being placed at the crossing on Water and North Streets. The partnership of Brown & Currie has been dissolved and in future it will be conducted by Mr. Brown alone. October 1883 The library of the Mechanics' Institute will be open for distribution of books in the rooms over the Post Office, Monday evenings. Aaron Ross came before council complaining that the Public Market has not been a success. He suggested the hours should be extended from nine to eleven o'clock. A grand plowing match under the auspices of the Reach, Port Perry and Scugog Agricultural Society was held on the farm of John Turner, Scugog Island. A highly complimentary supper was held for W.S. Sexton, one of Port Perry's standard bearers and best friends, who is leaving the community. He was presented with a fine gold headed cane and an expensive pipe. During a complimentary supper for Dr. Richard Jones, who retired from business, he was asked to reconsider his decision to leave town, and finally consented to remain. November 1883 Over 100 sat down to a tasteful spread at the tables of the Mansion House hotel, to celebrate the anniversary of the Gun Powder Plot. A lamp explosion caused a fire in the barn on the farm of Mr. Thos. May, Scugog Island, destroying it along with the contents. A fire which started near the rear of the Port Perry House on Nov. 26, 1883 succeeded within three hours in wiping out one third of the business portion of the town and consumed property valued at more than $125,000. (See report on fires elsewhere on this site). January 1884 Results of the municipal elections: Reach Twp., Reeve Joshua Dobson; Port Perry, Reeve Henry Gordon; Scugog Twp., Reeve William Bateman; and Cartwright, Reeve James Parr. A public banquet and testimonial to Sheriff Paxton, late MPP for North Ontario, took place at the Town Hall, Port Perry, Jan. 25th inst., to which 125 representatives of the intelligence, enterprise and solid worth of the community turned out. Mr. W.H. Leonard succeeds his deceased and father, Jas. Leonard, as photograph artist in Port Perry. The Rescue Fire Company elected their officers for 1884, led by Wm. Kennedy as Chief Engineer and John Power, Captain. Henry Gordon, Esq. resigns his position as Postmaster after discharging his duties for the past 18 years. His successor is John W. Burnham. Feburary 1884 Mr. J.V. Thompson, owner of the Port Perry House, laid in ashes in the fire of November last, is laying down big timbers to rebuild his fine hotel. John Tennyson was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Reach Cheese Manufacturing Co. W.B. McGaw of the Walker House is having erected some first-class stables and shed accommodations. Mr. L.H. Hurd, late of the Dafoe House, Utica, has leased and fitted up Hurd's Hotel, on Perry St. a few rods south of the Market. Tenders for the construction of a three storey building on the site of the late Port Perry House, and for the erection of a new Brick Hotel for W.M. McGaw appear in the newspapers. March 1884 A.M. Pentland announces the opening of a Telegraphic Institute in Port Perry, where he can train pupils commercial and railroad telegraphing skills. A Skating Carnival, was held at the Victoria Rink, Prince Albert. Mr. Hiscox has let the contract for his fine building. This too will add to the beauty of the town. C.B. Diesfeld will be found working on the handsome block on the site of the destroyed building. Mr. R. Cooper lost his horse while drawing wood off Scugog when the ice gave way and it could not be got out until it had drowned. April 1884 A.A. Post, architect from Whitby, asks for sealed tenders to construct two stores and a dwelling in the village of Port Perry. Mr. Parsons, introduced and carried through a Fire Limit By-law prohibiting the erection of wooden buildings on either side of Queen St. from Water St. to John St. and either side of Perry St. from North St. to Mary St. and on the west side of Water St. from Queen St. to Mary St. The petition of this and surrounding community, to the Minister of Marine and Fisheries at Ottawa, has borne fruit. Lake Scugog is, by an Order in Council, set apart for the natural and artificial propagation of fish during the space of three years, from the 1st of April, 1884. Orr Graham, son of James Graham, Scugog, received his Diploma as a qualified Veterinary Surgeon, and has located in Port Perry. May 1884 John Adams of Ambleside, Scugog, one of our leading stock breeders, is often visited by breeders from all parts of Canada and the United States. J.W. Isaacs has purchased the entire clothing and boot and shoe stock of Davenport, Jones & Co., and the two businesses are being consolidated. Mr. Robert Henry, successor to Mr. Sam Graham, general blacksmith is already making the anvil ring. J. V. Thompson and family return to Port Perry from Greenbank, to supervise the erection of his new hotel. Architect A.A. Post of Whitby, calls for sealed tenders for the erection of a block of five stores in Port Perry for Mr. Jonathan B. Blong. June 1884 The activity and push around the numerous new erections underway, is now being hurried on to take the places of the many buildings laid in ashes some seven months ago, makes things look lively in town. The following newspaper report was published in the July 4, 1884 issue of The Port Perry Standard. This article, recently uncovered by Paul Arculus, describes the disastrous fire, which totally destroyed Port Perry's downtown business section. Until now, the only reports on the fire came from the North Ontario Observer and other neighbouring newspapers. DISASTROUS FIRE! BUSINESS PORTION OF PORT PERRY TOTALLY DESTROYED. Over $350,000 Worth of Property Consumed By Edward Mundy, Publisher of The Port Perry Standard - July 4, 1884 This romantic village, so recently the pride of its people, and the admiration of travellers, is now a thing of the past and exists only in the memory of those who beheld it. During the night of Thursday, the third instant, the alarm was given by voice and bell, and in less time than it takes to write or relate it, many of the inhabitants were awakened with the sound and horrified at the sight. The flames were already leaping high in the air; and, long before they could be surrounded it was a foregone conclusion with many that the south half of the town was as surely doomed to destruction as had been the north half only a few months before. Nor were they agreeably disappointed, for in less than ninety minutes the whole of the remaining business part of the town was reduced to ashes, involving in the destruction some forty-five or fifty places, and incurring a loss of over three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The fire sprang up so suddenly, and spread so rapidly that men, women and children, struck with consternation, were actually terrified. A still breeze blowing from the south-east when the fire began aided the devouring element immensely in its spread and purpose. In their madlike fury the flames were driven, in every direction, over the tops of all the buildings in the south-east block and ignited them almost simultaneously as they passed. The flames burst through the buildings on Perry and Queen Streets, and reaching to the blocks west and north, their fiery tongues soon ignited these also. The terror stricken owners fondly hoped to the last moment, that their buildings as well as their contents would escape; but they were suddenly undeceived. Once the fire obtained a hold all hope was gone. The doors and windows were opened and entered in, defiance of all efforts to stay its progress. The sight was terrifically grand, and yet awfully devastating, as the flames arched the streets, and played havoc with everything in their reach, till all the buildings from Ackerman's harness shop to Johnstone & Hobbs, in the south-east block, from Davis & Son's cabinet factory, to the vacant lot east of Tummond's, in the south-west block; from McGaw's temporary retreat to Reynold's blacksmith shop, in the north-east block; and from Shaw's marble works to Diesfeld's jewellery shop in the north-west block, were swept out of existence. Rush after rush was made for back-door entrances, and though willing hearts and ready hands did everything that humanly speaking, could be done, they were driven back by the fire fiend with only a small measure of success. Many of the determined efforts were successful, though fighting against fearful odds, and yet a very small percentage of the moveable goods was saved. This will be admitted when it is known that not a pound of any of the necessaries of life could be had in the place, except at the store of Mr. W. Tummonds, the next day. The firemen worked like heroes and with all others who assisted, deserve great credit for their bravery. Fortunately -- gratefully indeed -- was it ascertained after the turmoil and excitement and worry of that featful and never to be forgotten night, that no human lives were lost, if even every resemblance to the former pretty and prosperous village had been obliterated. The fire originated in the stables attached to the Mansion House. The cause is enveloped in mystery, though it is very generally attributed to incendiarism. (See report on fires elsewhere on this site). August 1884 Work is being pushed to clean up the rubbish and lay down proper sidewalks in Port Perry. Piles of brick and lumber line the street and whole armies of workmen are busy raising numerous brick blocks along the street. The Midland Railway offers special rates for hauling car loads of lumber, and brick, to Port Perry, to assist in pushing the work of rebuilding the town. Life continues in Port Perry with members of Warriner Lodge holding an excursion on the Mary Louise and a picnic at Washburn Island. September 1884 Council prepare a by-law to raise $5,000 by debentures to purchase a Steam Fire Engine and other necessary fire apparatus. Mr. Trounce came before council urging they take some action to prevent Messrs. Needler and Dundas, of Lindsay from wasting so much of the waters of Lake Scugog in running their mills. The Commissioners of the Scugog Bridge seek tenders for the purpose of raising 600 feet of the east end of Scugog Bridge, to be completed no later than Sept. 1885. The handsome blocks being erected by Mr. H. Charles, Mr. B.F. Ackerman and H.L. Ebbels are being pushed forward with all the rapidity possible. October 1884 Following a most successful demonstration of the Brussels Steam Fire Engine in Port Perry, council voted to purchase the fire engine the next day. It is superior for its rush of water, which draws 300 to 400 gallons a minute. Mr. W.B. McGaw, the host and proprietor of the lately destroyed Walker House, is removing from our midst, having leased and taken possession of the Alma House, Bowmanville. Mr. Thompson's magnificent new hotel, Thompson House, open for accommodation of the public Monday 13th inst. His was the first building in town opened for business since the fire. The partnership of James Baird and Henry Parsons, as proprietors and publishers of the North Ontario Observer was dissolved, with the business being taken over by Mr. Parsons. November 1884 Moving into new premises, completed since the July fire are: N.F. Paterson, Q.C. moving into the Ross Block, W.T. Parrish into his magnificent new premises; Mr. J.W. Davis, Laing & Meharry and Messrs. Ross & Sons have all taken possession of their new blocks. Mr. James Boxall, has supplied the required galvanized cornices, as well as ornamental fixing for most of the fine buildings being erected in Port Perry. J.E. Ware, M.D., Coroner for the County of Ontario, was honoured at a public banquet in Queens' Hotel, Port Perry, prior to his removal from town. December 1884 Mr. Wm. Foy, the late proprietor of the Brunswick Hotel, has moved to Whitby. Mr. John Bryans, of Cartwright has taken possession of the hotel. The Diesfields have moved into their excellent new premises, Mr. T.S. Corrigan into his fine store in the Blong Block, and Mr. W.H. McCaw has moved into his handsome new premises. The magnificent new St. Charles Hotel, operated by Mr. B. McQuay will open for the reception of guests the beginning of the new year. January 1885 Henry Gordon was elected Port Perry's Reeve for 1885, and served as Warden of Ontario County for the same year. Joshua Dobson was elected Reeve of Reach Twp., and William Bateman commenced his third term as Reeve on Scugog Island. March 1885 Some of the leading residents of Port Perry, not overly well satisfied at the proposed change as affecting their village, met on the 9th and passed a resolution that a deputation wait upon the councils of Reach and Scugog and request them to join in taking action in memorializing the Local Legislature not to detach Port Perry, Reach and Scugog from North Ontario, and annex to the South. The co-operation of Reach and Scugog was attained and the deputation waited upon the government, when consent was given to leave present boundaries as they are for all except elector purposes Last week Monday, several people were seen standing around the street gazing heavenward through a piece of smoked glass at the eclipse of the sun, which was visible from about noon to 3 p.m. This was the most pronounced solar eclipse in Canada since the total eclipse of 1869. April 1885 Port Perry Council made $544 out of their Town Hall last year and there will be no decrease judging from the present appearances this year. The Greenbank Division of Sons of Temperance has received a host of 20 new members during the past four months. The young people in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School are about to organize themselves into a Division of the Cadets of Temperance. June 1885 At a special meeting of Port Perry Council on June 20th, the Clerk was directted to call the attention of the Salvation Army Officers to the By-law forbidding shouting and beating of drums in the streets, and to ask for the observance of its provisions, failing in which the law will be enforced. On June 29th, 1855 Aaron Ross, Esq, laid the corner stone for the new Port Perry Methodist Church with a great crowd gathered to witness the ceremony. Mr. Thomas Courtice read the Historical Sketch which was placed with other mementos in the cornerstone. July 1885 Thos. McBrien, Isaac Vipond and Martin Hardy, all of Brooklin, were out on Lake Scugog this morning in a small boat. When near Scugog Island one of them made a mistroke of the oar and the boat capsized. Vipond and McBrien clung to the boat and drifted ashore, but Hardy, being unable to swim, was drowned. A team from the Uxbridge Cricket Club visited Port Perry and defeated the local wielders of the willow by 67 runs. For Port Perry, St. John's bowling was excellent throughout. A beautiful meteor was seen in the sky on Friday night last at about 9:30 by people in Port Perry. It was noticed to open, or expand twice, and objects were plain as day. September 1885 The pillars for the new Methodist church in Port Perry, which is to cost $12,000, are being made by Mr. J. Johnson of the Haggas and Sons Foundry in Uxbridge. The Port Perry Standard reports: "We have good authority for stating that Mr. A.P. Cockburn, M.P. has been offered a senatorship to fill one of the vacancies in the body. This of course would necessitate an election in North Ontario to fill his seat in the Commons." Dr. Hamil, who had been practicing his profession in the County of York for the past six years in Unionville, has moved and located in Port Perry. October 1885 On Wednesday last week R. R. Stretton's house in Reach was burned down. Some stumps or rubbish were being burned on the farm and the fire caught into the stubble and ran along to the house, which was soon ablaze, destroying all the contents. November 1885 The Port Perry Standard reports an unusual amount of fighting and carousing in the town one night last week. The spree lasted all night. "Numbers are drinking their money now and their families will have to go without necessities this winter", it reports. January 1886 Joshua W. Curts was elected Reeve of Port Perry.; Samuel H. Christian takes over as Reeve of Reach Twp., and William Bateman was elected for his fourth term as Reeve of Scugog Twp. The Methodist Church of Port Perry was opened for divine service on Jan. 24, 1886, with the first sermon being preached by Rev. Dr. Briggs of Toronto. Rev. J.F. Ockley is minister. The collection over the entire day was $2,600. February 1886 The printing tender of S.M. Newton for printing of 1000 county journals of the proceedings of County Council, was accepted by the County Council at $124 a year. A big fire occurred in Port Perry Sunday morning, Feb. 28, by which two blocks were destroyed. The loss is put at $30,000 and the losers are: James Boxall, stoves and tinware, nearly all his stock; W.T. Parrish, hardware, lost stock and building; J.H. Brown, general store, saved most of his stock; Geo. Currie, loss on buildings. The Oddfellows, Workmen and Chosen Friends societies lost papers and contents of their hall located on top floor of Currie's building; Davenport and Jones, loss of some stock, having partially removed stock when premises was threatened; Wm. Brock, loss by removal of stock; S.E. Allison, druggist; R. Robinson barber, had furniture, including a piano, injured by heat. Willard's unfinished block was injured by heat. The new steam fire engine did good service. County Council adopted a report of the commissioners of the Scugog Bridge showing payment to the amount of $2,602.25 on account of contract, and a balance of $397.85 yet unpaid on account of that expensive job. A by-law was subsequently passed appointing Mr. Bateman, Reeve of Scugog, commissioner. March 1886 The Uxbridge School Board met and Mr. J. McBrien was appointed inspector of schools in Uxbridge at a cost to the town of not over $30. The Port Perry races came off last weekend successfully. McQuay's "Defiance," which took first place on the green trot was owned until recently by Rev. Father Allain, of Uxbridge. May 1886 The Pipe Organ was placed in its position in the Methodist Church. Cost for the erection of the church, including the organ was $14,000. A credible performance of Pinafore, by an amateur company was presented at Port Perry with the proceeds for two nights being $160, which goes towards paying for a piano for the high school Glee Club. The 67th anniversary of the birth of Queen Victoria was observed quietly in Port Perry. Boating formed the principal amusement with a number of residents enjoying an excursion and picnic to Petit's Point At a meeting of the North Ontario Liquor Licences Commissioners, a license under the Scott Act was granted to A. Charles, Port Perry June 1886 A gang of 100 Italian men are at work ballasting this branch of the Midland Railroad. New steel rails are also to be laid on this road between now and fall. Mr. T.H. Dancaster, of the St. Charles Hotel was brought before justice Robson and Gordon Thursday. The charge against him was proved and a fine imposed. John Wilson and Charles Gerrow were trolling on Lake Scugog when they hooked a large fish, and in the excitement the boat capsized. Both occupants narrowly escaped drowning by holding onto the gunwales of the boat until rescued. Joseph Gould, of Uxbridge, one of the most widely known members of that community, and most respected in Ontario County, died at his residence, at 77 years of age. September 1886 Last week, The Standard editor reported, just as they were are going to press, they noticed from the office door, that Mr. Pound's driving sheds and carpenter shop were being consumed by fire. Diphtheria seems to be touring around the country with Uxbridge, Port Perry and Cannington the most afflicted places so far. Many cases seem to have take hold in Port Perry. Michael Bowles, and his son Joseph, of Reach Twp., were arrested and taken before the County Judge in Whitby, charged with having a liquor still set up on their premises. They were tried before Judge Zacheus Burnham in Whitby and found guilty. A number of members of the Port Perry Band travelled to Uxbridge on Sunday to assist the Uxbridge Band in the absence of some of its players. October 1886 The Port Perry Fair is drawing a crowd this week. Monday was very unfavorable day, but yesterday (Wed., Oct. 6) when the formal opening took place, the weather was beautiful. As many as 10,000 people are said to have been on the grounds in one day. The Methodists in Greenbank are planning to build a parsonage next summer at a cost of $1,500. December 1886 Sir John A. MacDonald was in Port Perry and a large crowd gathered to see him, and hear him speak. January 1887 Joshua Curts was re-elected Reeve of Port Perry. Joshua Dobson returns as Reeve of Reach Twp.; and William R. Ham takes over as Reeve of Scugog Township. A raid on some of the hotels of Port Perry was made a couple of weeks ago, but charges made against Messrs. John Ruddy, proprietor of Ruddy's Hotel, and T.H. Dancaster, were dismissed on a technicality, the information having been drawn up wrong. February 1887 The businessmen of Port Perry are again considering a scheme for building a bridge to connect them directly with Cartwright. It is estimated that $6,000 would be required for the work. Mr. N.F. Paterson, clerk of the village of Port Perry, was the guest speaker at Mr. Miller's election meeting in Uxbridge last week. The Port Perry Central Fair Society held its annual meeting last week. The financial report showed a profit of $1,000 from the fair. It was decided to obtain a new charter and increase the capital stock from $12,000 to $25,000. March 1887 Sheriff J.F. Paxton, of Whitby, was seriously ill in Uxbridge for two weeks, while visiting his daughter Mrs. A.M. Gilpin. He is expected to recover, although at one period his life was almost despaired of. Mrs. Paxton is also here and visitors have been Mr. Dryden, M.P.P.; W.J. Trounce, and J.E. Farewell, county clerk. The North Ontario E.D. Agricultural Society, which will hold its show in Uxbridge this year, has effected a settlement with the Port Perry Central Fair, with which it amalgamated last year. The Central Bank is opening a branch in Port Perry. April 1887 The Ontario Legislature appropriates $1,000 for improvements to Port Perry's waterfront. Mr. N.F. Raines, M.A., Barrister, from Port Perry, has located in Uxbridge and set up his office in the corner rooms of H. Jones' new block, opposite the Market. The Port Perry Standard reports: Last Tuesday we beheld one of the largest saw logs that has ever been seen in this part of the country. The tree from which it was taken grew on Mr. John T. Pound's farm, just north of Port Perry, and was blown down about three years ago during a heavy wind storm. The first two logs cut from the tree measured 15 feet each in circumference, and were composed of good, sound, clean timber. They were taken to Utica to be cut into shingles. May 1887 Mr. Joseph Bigelow is in Springfield, Missouri, looking after some real estate he owns there. The subject of the road to Cartwright has been revived and a public meeting was held, at which time a joint stock company with capital of $2,500 was formed for the construction of a road from Scugog Island to Cartwright. Port Perry has had another fire on Saturday night. The store of Messrs. J.H. Brown and Geo. Currie were destroyed. The Epsom Methodist S.S. anniversary was held on Monday last. Building construction in Greenbank, considering the size of this little place, is going ahead this year on quite an extensive scale. June 1887 A large crowd gathered at Port Perry on June 21st to take part in Ontario County's Jubilee Celebrations. Port Perry's prize band was on hand to furnish the music for visitors. Scugog Twp. Reeve W.R. Ham requested $40 from County Council to repair the Scugog Bridge, contending the bridge was in dangerous condition and in need of repair. On Jubilee day, Mr. Jas. Davidson caught a lunge that weighed 26 pounds, the largest that has been caught in the Scugog this year. It created quite a sensation amongst the crowd of visitors as he dragged it along Queen St. July 1887 Thomas Paxton, Sheriff of Ontario County, died at Whitby on July 3, 1887. He was a very popular man in the county, due to a genial disposition and other good qualities. Port Perry was well represented at Toronto on Dominion Day, a great many going by way of the C.P.R. from Myrtle. The G.T.R. through Port Perry, appears to be losing traffic because of the poor accommodations it provides, and travelling between here and the city by way of the C.P.R. is steadily on the increase. Last Friday (July 22) a number of men were going to a barn raising at Peter Christie's farm in Reach. A sudden thunderstorm came up and they sought shelter in the Utica Hotel. They had been there but a short time when a lightning bolt struck the chimney of the bar room, striking three men who were sitting on the bench near the stove. George Ward and Wright Crozier, were struck in the body and lay for a time apparently lifeless, while Thomas Horne had his boot torn to pieces and his foot burned severely. Mr. Crozier and Ward recovered from the incident. September 1887 James Worfolk has bought Robinson's barber shop in Port Perry. Mr. Elias Williams, of 7th conc. Reach, was driving a a wagon through one of his fields when the horses were frightened and ran away at a furious rate, only stopping when they collided with a tree. Mr. Williams was thrown out of the wagon with such force as to break his thigh and dislocate his shoulder. Conductor Gray's train was passing about a mile south of Seagrave, when engineer Dean noticed a small child sitting between the rails on the track. He instantly whistled, braked and reversed his engine, slowing the train to about 10 miles an hour. The child had risen at the sound of the whistle, but was struck by the cow-catcher and thrown into the ditch with only a few bruises to the head from falling on the cow-catcher. Mrs. James Lund has been appointed president of the recently started branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.) in Port Perry. Mrs. Maude Gordon of Port Perry was appointed one of the teachers in the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mr. H.J. Gould of Gould Bros., Uxbridge, was in Port Perry taking large orders of their celebrated flour. October 1887 A house and barn on the Reach Twp. farm of Mr. A. Ross were burned down on Monday evening of last week (Oct. 3). Mr. Ross' loss is nearly $2,000, with insurance of only $700. Mr. Jas. Williams, occupant of the farm loses $1,500, which was covered by insurance November 1887 Rev. N.R. Willoughby of Port Perry has accepted the invitation of a Guelph church to become their pastor for the next term. A new book, "The Life and Times of Joseph Gould, has been published and delivered to subscribers of the Uxbridge Journal, in that town. December 1887 Mr. W. J. Trounce has moved from Port Perry to Toronto, after a residence here for more than 35 years. An Indian calling himself Albert Esqueh paid the Scugog Indian village a friendly visit last week, and on Saturday noon skipped out with a four-year-old mare, the property of one George Goose. The loss caused by the Central Bank failure will fall principally on the numerous shareholders. Among the shareholders from this area are Duncan Christie, $600; and William McGill, Port Perry, $1,000. Five armed men, half drunk, drove from Port Perry to the railway station at Myrtle, where they attacked John Denning and W.C. McRae, whisky detectives in the employ of the South Ontario Inspector. In the melee shots were exchanged and George Brown, a Port Perry bartender, was shot twice. Mr. Brown and his vigilante companions, Thomas Trebell, Wm. Lattimore and Fred Corbyn, were all arrested and ordered to stand trial. January 1888 Elections in the Township of Reach: Donald McKay as Reeve; Jas. McFarlane, 1st Deputy; Peter Christie, 2nd Deputy; E. Tink, and Jno. Martin, councillors. In Port Perry, Mr. J.W. Curts was elected Reeve, and W.M. Wilcox, Deputy Reeve. Scugog Township elected J. Wesley Crozier, reeve. On Jan. 6, at 12:12 a.m., a magnificent meteor, travelling from east to west, burst apparently just north of the foundry. A long train was left by the midnight visitor and the light of the meteor effectually paled that of the moon for a limited time. Mr. W.I. McMurtry, who resigned the management of the Ontario Bank, has gone extensively into the produce business in Clinton, Iowa with Mr. James Gould, an Ontario man. Mr. T. Allin, of Reach Twp., was elected president of the North Ontario Farmers' Institute at the annual meeting held in the Market Hall, Uxbridge. February 1888 Public School Inspector James McBrien read his report in an open session of Ontario County council, instead of before the Education Committee. He spoke approvingly of the introduction of teaching about temperance in the schools. The Ontario Central Exhibition, Port Perry is a success, but is in financial trouble. On capital account, about $18,000 has been expended, and only about $3,500 paid in, leaving the association about $14,500 in debt. March 1888 A number of Port Perry men have opened a club room for the promotion of athletic sports and calisthenic exercises. April 1888 Mr. John Dewey of Port Perry has moved to Uxbridge to reside. May 1888 A sad accident occurred on Sunday afternoon, May 6, when Douglas Campbell, youngest son of Mr. Henry Gordon, fell into a loosely covered fire engine tank while going to Sunday School, and was drowned. His body was found at the bottom of the 12 foot tank later in the day. No doubt the corporation is liable for damages. The body of young Joseph Graham, V.S., of Port Perry, who had been missing for over a month, was found floating in the Toronto harbour, opposite the site of Union Station. He disappeared while on his way to Battle Creek, Michigan, to commence practicing his profession. His father, James Graham of Manchester, said he left home with over $400 in his possession. Mr. John Ralph, of Reach, came to town May 15, having brought his daughter to stay with some sick friends, in relief of Mrs. Wm. Birkett who had been on duty for a week. As Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Birkett seated themselves in the wagon, his horses took fright and dashed off. Mrs. Birkett was thrown from the wagon and so badly injured there were no hopes of her living 'till morning. Mr. Ralph was also thrown out and seriously injured, but was able to be taken home. An inquest on the body of young Jos. Graham took place at the morgue, Toronto, but the evidence could not determine how he met with his death. June 1888 Fishing season opened on Lake Scugog and it's estimated that three tons of fish were taken out of the lake the first day. Every available floater in the shape of a boat was in use; even washtubs were pressed into service - to hold the fish after they were caught. Prince Albert, Port Perry and Uxbridge Unions of the W.C.T. U. are all holding meetings regularly and the interest in the temperance cause is being thoroughly sustained. July 1888 Mr. T.C. Nichols, B.A., takes charge of Dr. Gould's drug store in Port Perry. Dr. Gould relocated after purchasing the residence and practice of Dr. W.S. Black in Uxbridge. The races in Port Perry on Monday and Tuesday were fairly successful. Visitors say there was a great deal of drunkenness apparent there, and unite in calling Port Perry a "tough hole." About $5,000 is being expended to dredge the Scugog and widen the cut near Lindsay. A little fellow named Ewers met with a bad accident near the railway station Monday night. He is but 12 years old, and while watching the trains shunt, he stole a ride on the back of the tender to be dumped. While the train was running back to the shed, he fell off and was run over by the tender and the engine. His leg was broken and his face badly crushed. Mr. Henry Gordon has notified the village council of Port Perry, through his solicitors, Messrs. McGillivary and Chapple, that he will sue for $5,000 for damages in connection with the drowning of his boy, Douglas, recently in a street tank, unless a settlement of the matter is effected. The council passed a motion declaring its belief that the corporation is not liable, but sympathized with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon in the loss of their child. The Port Perry Brass Band is now very nicely equipped, having 22 performers and will go to Berlin (Kitchener) next week to take part in competitions. A number of boys were camping at Mr. John Adair's grove, about a mile and a half down the lake. John Campbell of Port Perry and his cousin John Scott of Brookdale went out in a canoe, which tipped, and despite great efforts made by young Campbell, Scott went down. His body was recovered Sunday morning. August 1888 Work on the new railway station at Port Perry has commenced. The mainline has been moved some 25 feet to the east front of the old station, and the site of the new building is between the main track and the switch to the west, and just to the south side of Queen St. It is to be a frame building on a stone foundation. Messrs. M.G. Robson and Crandell heard what was probably the first case under the Act of the Ontario Legislature, respecting the support of wives by their husbands. Mrs. Brown of Prince Albert, summoned her husband Robert Brown, for desertion and refusal to support her. Their worships gave judgment ordering the husband to pay $3 per week and costs. The Port Perry Band won second prize of $100 in the Walkerton tournament last week. A historic house, situated near the Presbyterian cemetery on the 12th conc. of Reach, at what used to be the corner of the old Brock Road, was struck by lightning and burned down. The first Greenbank post office was kept there by Mr. Geo. Horne, who also conducted a store in the same building. Mr. Marks and his family, who lived in the home, barely escaped with their lives. The new station house is progressing favorably and will be a great acquisition to the town. The 40 or 50 Italians, who were engaged at the station, have been moved farther down the line. The Methodist S.S. excursion to Washburn Island was not a financial success, owning to bad weather. September 1888 Jones and Davenport opened their new store last Saturday and had a crowded house all day. An alarming amount of sickness seems to prevail in our midst. The fever has broken out in various parts of the town, with gravest concerns for several cases. The low and unhealthy condition of the lake is no doubt the source of the sickness, and a vigorous effort is being made to compel the authorities at Lindsay to raise the locks and bring the lake up to its proper height. Mr. N.F.. Paterson, who waited on the Government at Ottawa regarding the lake trouble, returned this week and gives encouraging reports. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross are recovering nicely, and Mrs. Gundry's skillful nursing cannot be commended too highly. The bookkeeper at the St. Charles Hotel, commonly known as the "little man," has been joined by his "little sister" and they make a novel couple. The former was, for a number of years, the great feature in the Barnum show. He is opposed to being placed on exhibition anymore. He is about 35 years of age, weighs 85 lbs. and stands 3 ft. 10 inches. October 1888 The fever has all subsided and health reigns once more in the village. A number of Toronto sports are camping on Adam's Point, indulging in duck shooting. Everyone that can find a gun and pup may be seen pacing the lakeshore at early dawn. Unfavorable weather mitigated against a large attendance at the Port Perry fair last week. The open evidence of liquor being sold on the grounds might be expected to disgust many decent people from going again. The Standard writes: If Port Perry goes down as rapidly during the next two years as it has for the last two, we will then be in a position to receive tenders from all modern Goldsmiths to write up another "Deserted Village." Our town has furnished four medical students this term, viz: Messrs. Bigelow, Sangster, Bruce and Penhall. The first large evening party of the season took place at the residence of John W. Meharry last Friday. The orchestra being highly appreciated in addition to many other attractions. November 1888 The Nonquon Bridge gave way last week under a load of grain. The concession has been closed ever since, as the repairs had to be made at once. Three charges for violation of the Scott Act were laid against the St. Charles Hotel, resulting in the permanent closing of the bar. The proprietor has decided to run a first class Temperance House from this out. The merchants turned out in body last Friday evening and presented the proprietor, Mr. T.H. Dancaster, with a complimentary oyster supper to show their esteem for him and their approval of this thorough temperance move. December 1888 The race course has been laid out on the lake for the winter races, and skating, which commenced three weeks ago, has been stopped by the rough ice and snow on the surface. A large party of men was organized to go in search of a bear that had been tracked and hunted the day before in a swamp on the 12th conc. of Reach. Nearly every gun in the place took part, and it was a shot from D.M. Card's rifle that brought the 200 lb. bear down. Port Perry and Pickering are the only municipalities that lose a deputy-reeve, the result of a change in the law, which basis representation on the County council, by the number of names on assessment rolls. Mr. S.E. Allison is home for the Christmas holidays. The annual High School entertainment was held at the Town Hall and was well patronized. January 1889 Reach Twp. council returned Reeve D. McKay and the entire council of last year, by acclamation. In Port Perry, Joseph Bigelow was elected Reeve; and Wm. R. Ham was elected Reeve of Scugog Twp. Out of 275 available voters in Port Perry, over 200 have signed the petition for the repeal of the Scott Act. Our new Reeve, Mr. Joseph Bigelow, is taking active measurers to have the Cartwright Bridge built at once. This bridge is to connect Scugog Island with Cartwright Township. There will then be "commercial union" between Port Perry and Cartwright. The ice is in excellent condition now and our young folks are enjoying it to their hearts content. Mr. Geo. Armstrong is buying out Mr. McCaw's jewellery business. The business is large and flourishing and will no doubt continue to grow with such an active young man at its head. Burglars attempted to enter Mr. Forman's store on Monday night. The back door was completely perforated with auger holes, but the attempt was unsuccessful. February 1889 Reeve Jos. Bigelow, addressing County Council, said it was the fault of the hotel keepers that the Scott Act was not a success, as they persistently broke the law. The Ontario Central Fair held their annual meeting at Port Perry and decided on Sept. 23, 24, and 25 as the dates for the next fair. Mr. N.F. Paterson was appointed treasurer, and Henry Gordon, secretary at a salary of $200. Reeve Bigelow introduced a by-law at the County requesting aid in the sum of $500, for the building of a roadway between the Townships of Scugog and Cartwright. After much discussion, the by-law was defeated by a vote of 13 to 18. Port Perry Standard editor, E.J. Mundy was married to Miss Nellie Major, in Toronto. March 1889 About 25 fish houses can be seen opposite Platten's Island, most of them are used by the Mississagas band of Indians, who are doing a good business snaring maskinonge, and earning from one to five dollars per day. The lake must been swarming with fish as one man alone on Scugog has sold in the past two weeks, over 2,000 lbs. of fish. They are being caught with a loop made of copper wire on a rod of iron. Those who have tried this "snaring" method, say it is the greatest fun on earth to fling a large maskinonge out on the ice and see him dance a "cotillion." A large number of Port Perry residents took part in the official opening, and dedication service of the new Methodist Church, in Uxbridge. Such large quantities of fish have been taken out of Lake Scugog this winter by snaring, that Inspector McDermot is urging Ottawa to pass an Order-in-Council prohibiting that method of fishing. At a special meeting of council, the town took $400 stock in the Port Perry, Scugog and Cartwright Road Co., and passed the necessary by-law to enable them to do so. April 1889 Nine boys were rounded up and charged after placing a lorry on the tracks near the railway station at Port Perry and setting off for Prince Albert, only to be met by Mr. Chisholm. They skipped, but were served with a summons to appear in Whitby court, but instead paid a fine of $2 each, and costs. The Salvation Army has purchased the Methodist Episcopal Church and propose to fit it up for a barracks. May 1889 A terrific storm passed through this section. The lake was almost white at times with foam. It has seldom been seen rougher than it was on Sunday. The Department of Public Works, Ottawa has instructed the Minster of Justice to take such action as may be necessary to prevent the waste of water at Lindsay. Some malicious party, or parties, have been exhibiting a degree of vandalism. The Roman Catholic Church, on John St., a structure which is a credit to the town, has been greatly damaged, by having several windows broken. Mr. Joshua Wright is converting the old tannery into a coal yard. William Ross has removed the coal-oil engine from his grain elevator and has substituted it for a larger one. An electric light company is canvassing the town with a view to introducing the Incandescent Electric Light system here. The water in the lake is nearly two feet higher than it was last fall. The bogs in the upper lake are now completely submerged. Messrs. G.W. and Chas. A. Harrington, of this place, have purchased a hardware and house furnishing business in Toronto. Mr. Yarnold, engineer, along with Mr. Bigelow, have been making a thorough examination of the shortest and best route for the Cartwright Roadway, and the survey will be completed next week. The present line is about 300 rods, almost 100 rods shorter than the line surveyed last winter. A very easy grade has been obtained for the approach at the Scugog end. As soon as the water gets low enough the work will proceed. The examination of the bottom of the marsh shows hard pan at about two-and-a-half feet over about 270 rods, and about 30 rods from 3 to 4 feet. The channels of the two creeks to be crossed, being about 15 feet wide and six feet deep. Upwards of 600 cattle have been shipped from the Port Perry station, and another trainload of 180 will leave here this week. Messrs. Wheeler, Bongard and Jack, are the buyers. The Oriental Hotel business is for sale and is likely to be sold with a few days. Mr. Dancaster has kept a first class house for seven years and much regret will be felt at his leaving. June 1889 Summary of the Reach Twp. Assessment, calculated by Norman Stewart: Total population - 3,993, which is 135 less than the year previous; number of acres of land assessed - 66,539; number of acres cleared - 43,435; acres of woodland - 3,951; acres of swamp, marsh or waste - 11,757; births - 72; deaths - 24; total assessed value - $2,137,877; A large water tank has been erected in the central part of the town to be used as a public watering place and also for filling the street sprinkler. The tank is supplied with water from a spring on the hill, carried down through a system of pipes. Port Perry hosted a band competition for two days, with a total of 11 bands competing. A concert was held in the large skating rink in the evening and every seat was occupied. Mr. J. Bigelow succeeded in getting County Council to pass a by-law to aid the Scugog Cartwright Roadway to the extent of $500. Mr. J.W. Meharry was appointed trustee of Port Perry High School in place of Mr. Corrigan, who resigned. Two bodies were found in Lake Scugog, one at the far end of the island, which is yet unidentified, and the body of Charlie Edmott, near the wharf, Port Perry. Reeve Bigelow, accompanied by Mr. Aaron Ross, visited Montreal to interview Mr. Hickson, manager of the G.T.R. Mr. Hickson renewed his promise of granting $1,500 toward the Cartwright Roadway, when it was completed. The new station buildings of the Grand Trunk Railway, at the foot of Queen St., have been completed and are now occupied by the company's officers. About 30 pupils from our high school had an excursion to Washburn's Island last Saturday, aboard the "Mary Louise". August 1889 A new asphalt sidewalk has been laid on the north side of Queen St., west, and gives entire satisfaction. Mr. Sexton, of this place, lately from Udora, has leased the Manchester hotel and takes charge in a few weeks. September 1889 Duck hunting opened on Monday and the lake was literally covered with sportsmen at daylight that morning. Ducks are quite plentiful this fall and large number are being shot. Improved fire escapes have been placed on the St. Charles and Oriental Hotels in town. Our local harness manufacturer, Mr. B.F. Ackerman, who does a large wholesale harness trade has been talking of moving to Peterboro, principally because the G.T.R. handle freight from this station very slowly. Fortunately he was convinced by his townfolks to remain in town. He employs 13 hands. There are talks about a company renting the swampy part of the lake, south of the bridge, and holding it as a sporting reserve. There was only one bid at the sale of the Ontario Central Fairgrounds, and as that did not reach the reserve bid, the sale was withdrawn. A writeup on Port Perry appeared on Monday (Sept. 23) in the Toronto World magazine. October 1889 Port Perry Fair had abominable weather. There were probably only a thousand people in attendance last Friday, which was the best day. The Cartwright Bridge is progressing favorably and will be ready for the spring traffic. Due to the poor turnout and unfavorable weather at the Port Perry Fair, the Ontario Central Fair Assoc. were unable to pay the prizes. November 1889 A wild-rice crop on the lake took fire last Sunday afternoon. The brilliant illumination at night was similar to a prairie fire. The Stranger and the Mary Louise steamboats, ploughed their way to Port Perry last Saturday night on Lake Scugog, through half-inch thick ice most of the way. A visitor to town, A.J.D. Mingeaud, died at the St. Charles Hotel, after becoming intoxicated and made the victim of a practical joke. He was placed in his bed and cold water thrown on him, then left, with the windows open. By morning he was in a state of collapse, from which he died. December 1889 During the past week, two of our leading businessmen and their families have gone to swell the population of the Queen City - Mr. T. S. Corrigan and Mr. Henry Gordon. These gentlemen have been identified with the history of Port Perry for a great many years. The Mechanics Institute has collapsed. The government has addressed the council with a view to induce the latter to take it in charge, and the town is willing, provided they can do so without any great expense. Port Perry is requesting the proposed Sudbury branch of the C.P.R. to go through the village.
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