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Timeline: 1920-1929

January 1920 The Port Perry Star moved to new quarters in the Jessop Block. Councillor Davey suggest selling the fire engine, which is a piece of junk. James Lucas is elected reeve over Jas. Stonehouse. Councillors are Allan Goode, John Nasmith, James Waddell, and Charles Rundle. Concerns raised that the foundation of the waiting room on dockhouse will collapse in spring if it is not repaired. A vote to bring hydro power to Port Perry was approved by a vote of 235 in favor and only four voting against the by-law. February 1920 Reach Public School #3, with an average attendance of five, was closed due to lack of students. Rev. J. Ford tendered his resignation as town treasurer, when his request for a salary increase from $2.00 to $2.50 per day was not granted. A winter carnival raised $64 for the Rink Fund. Mr. W.H. Letcher was elected Chairman of the Board of Education for 1920. March 1920 The library board solicits public and private individuals for $100 to keep the library from closing. Reach and Scugog Townships are enthusiastic about securing hydro-electric power. Bell Telephone asks subscribers to consider two-party lines as a means of reducing the cost to the user. April 1920 A Port Perry Board of Trade was formed with 25 businessmen as members. Mr. W.S. Short was elected its first president. Bowes Company Ltd. of Toronto, purchased the egg warehouse of Flavelle & Clemes for a nut shelling factory and for the manufacture of syrups for soda fountain use. The Aura Lee ice cream parlor was remodelled. Council gives approval of a plan by the I.O.D.E. to build two public tennis courts in the park beside the Town Hall. Mr. A.E. Rogerson prop. of St. Charles Hotel bought the Milner Farm between Pettits Point and Seven Mile Island. He plans to make provision for summer campers, with launches, skiffs and canoes available for pleasure. Mr. Rogerson also plans to add 10 rooms to the present hotel. A.J. Carnegie becomes a dealer for the "Chandler Dispatch" motor car. May 1920 A bylaw was passed causing all shops to close Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August, and to close Saturday evenings at 10:30 with a penalty not exceeding $50 for any violation. Sam Griffen suffered injuries after a 26 foot fall from the roof of a barn he was shingling. Mr. A.E. Rogerson, proprietor of the Sebert House, purchased the hotel. June 1920 Port Perry celebrated the King's Birthday with a sports day, including horse races, baseball tournament, aquatic and athletic sports. Principal T.H. Follick for Port Perry High School had his salary increased by $250 to $1,850 for the year. The Director of War Trophies from Ottawa announced a German trench mortar had been allotted to Port Perry for the park. A delegation consisting of former Port Perry reeves Jas. Stonehouse, W.L. Parrish and S. Jeffrey along with Reeve Lucas, urged County Council to run the provincial highway east from Manchester through Port Perry and on to Lindsay. July 1920 C. Switzer, Massey Harris Agency with his blacksmith shop. Greatest Auction Sale on the continent at Brooklin realizes $130,000. Jas. McKee, manager, Farmer's Union Mill announces they will no longer give credit, and will sell for cash only. Henry Parsons, publisher of The North Ontario Observer of Port Perry, the areas oldest newspaper, ceased publication. It began publishing in 1857, In Ontario there are currently 5670 rural schools: five with only 1 pupil; 12 with 2 pupils; 33 with three pupils and 2,500 more with 10 pupils or less. August 1920 Chas. Rundle suggests the town be wired for new hydro requirements now, leaving the current wiring in place until the new wiring is completed. The population of Port Perry is 1200. September 1920 Motorcycle races and a baseball game between Toronto and Port Perry highlighted the events at the Port Perry Fair. Mr. W.H. Doubt's tailor shop had $5,000 worth of cloth stolen in an overnight break-in. Council appointed Chief Nesbitt night watchman, due to numerous store break-ins. Messrs. Van Skiver & Richardson will operate a flax mill in Graham's Evaporator staring next year. October 1920 Bert MacGregor has bought R.A. Fitchett's butcher business. The Port Perry Methodist Church was re-opened on Oct. 31 in grand style after being closed for more than $6000 in improvements. November 1920 Halloween pranksters broke into the High School and a number of other buildings about town and hauled gates and fences to the front of the post office. About $1000 has been raised for a new rink for Port Perry. Two German machine guns and a trench mortar, were received in Port Perry. Plans are to mount the war momentos in front of the post office. A.E. Rogerson has bought Mrs. Porter's business interest in the Sebert House. Mr. Rogerson now owns both the St. Charles Hotel and Sebert House and plans to use only the bar and poolroom at the St. Charles until the hotel is needed. December 1920 Prof. Graham Christie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christie is the new head of Engineering Dept. at John Hopkins University, U.S.A. County Council remains committed to run the Provincial highway from Whitby to Port Perry to Lindsay. The High School recieved a battle-scarred maching gun from the Department of Militia, Ottawa, which will be displayed in the building. High School students petitioned the Board of Education requesting the gymnasium be fitted up for their use. Ross Roach, goaltender for the Aura Lee Hockey Club of Toronto is being compared with hockey great Vernon Forbes. Port Perry's clerk, W.H. Harris resigned his office, due to stress.

January 1921 Port Perry Council - Reeve Jas. Lucas; councillors W.W. Crosier, Jas. Waddell, C.A. Rundle, Wm. Real. Council grants permission to Imperial Oil Ltd. to erect new tanks and warehouse on the west side of Grand Trunk Railway, facing North and Water St.. Edward Mundy, founder and publisher of the Port Perry Standard, passed away January 24. February 1921 A resolution was passed at the Bd. of Education favoring the idea of a consolidated public school. The planned new skating rink would provide a 80x160 ft. sheet of ice and two curling lengths, two waiting rooms and a spectator's gallery. Estimated cost is about $9,000. A canvass on Feb. 22 raised $7,000 by way of shares for the new facility. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolph celebrate 64 years of marriage. March 1921 The high school required minors, who frequent poolrooms, to supply the school with a consent in writing from their parents. The consent is to protect the school against criticism from those who fail or obtain low standings, as the result of neglecting their studies. Rev. John Harris, a Methodist minister in this area for years, died. Advertising begins by the Ontario Referendum Committee, urging residents to vote 'yes' forbidding the importation of intoxicating liquors into the Province. Ralph Fitchette opens butcher store in Manchester. April 1921 Port Perry votes 437 to 117 in favor of staying "dry". H.G. Hutcheson, for 2-1/2 years, manager of Standard Bank, Oshawa, has been transferred back to Port Perry. Utica Store totally destroyed by fire believed to be started by lightning. May 1921 A meeting was held to discuss if Port Perry is to have a Consolidated School. Dr. C.N. Johnson, formerly of Port Perry, tendered dinner by graduates of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Port Perry Golf Club formed with W.H. Harris president. A nine hole course is being laid out on the fairgrounds. The first game was played on May 24, 1921. The Farmers Union Milling Co. Ltd. advertising ice available for the season. Sale of reserved seat tickets for concerts at the Town Hall are available at the drug or jewellery store. To date 1,200 shares have been issued for the Port Perry Rink Company, Ltd., and nearly $7,500 has been raised. June 1921 A bronze tablet was unveiled at the local Canadian Bank of Commerce in honor of the members of the staff who enlisted in the Great War. F.A. Kent announced the gardens of Beechcroft will be open to the public everyday during the season. July 1921 Norm DeShane catches a 19 lb. 9 oz. muskelunge in Lake Scugog. A new bridge at Cawker's Creek on the Manchester Road is being completed. Sam McConnell, north of Port Perry, lost four horses this week, one as the result of the extreme heat and three others were struck by lightning. August 1921 Projected rates for hydro, when it arrives, is a minimum of $1.50 per month for 24 hours service to the average householder. Harold Archer advertises furnaces and plumbing services from his store in the Leonard Block. The Standard Garage is the Gray-Dort automotive dealer in town. Banded ducks from the H.S. Osler reserve at the head of Lake Scugog, have been killed as far away as Trinidad, 2,500 miles from where they were banded. September 1921 Seventy two students registered for the opening of High School. Mrs. Wilson of Seven Mile Island, along with two friends swam, from Port Perry to Seven Mile Island in five hours and forty minutes. Work got underway on the long awaited Port Perry Skating Rink at a cost of $8,350. It will be 105 x 180 ft. with metal roof. The skating/hockey rink is 60 x160 ft. and has two curling ices of regulation size on either side of the main building. R.A. Fitchett of Manchester loses barn, butcher shop, garage and house in an early morning fire. Only the heroic efforts of the bucket brigade saved the rest of the village, as the strong wind carried sparks to many nearby buildings. The afternoon train is being removed from service in Port Perry. October 1921 One of Port Perry's leading citizens, Mr. James Carnegie died Oct. 4 at his home. He was a former Reeve, Warden of the County and a successful businessman for many years. St. John's Presbyterian Church is re-opened after extensive renovations. Church was built 65 years ago. Mr. A.L. McDermott announces that he will open funeral service rooms in the Ebbels Block. The Port Perry Business College operated out of the McCaw Block with C.W.F. Price as principal. November 1921 The Bd. of Education passed a resolution protesting attempts by Roman Catholic Bishops to change the Assessment Law to give Separate Schools part of the taxes collected. An Armistic Day service at the Town Hall, marking the third anniversary of the end of the World War, featured Dr. Herbert Bruce as guest speaker. The town leased land between the tracks in front of the GTR station and the waters edge so it could be levelled and cleaned up to make it look better. The Port Perry Curling Club is organized with W.H. Letcher as its president. December 1921 Citizens asked to conserve their lights so that the rink will not be deprived of sufficient light. Ross Roach received two offers to enter professional hockey as a goalkeeper, but turns them down. Mr. Philip Figary purchased the coal business of the Farmers Union Milling Co.

January 1922 Port Perry Council - Reeve Charles A. Rundle, councillors Wm. Real, W.W. Crozier, R.B. Smallman and Philip Figary, all by acclamation. Mr. George Jackson officially opened the new Skating Rink on Mon. Jan. 2,. It is one of the finest outside the big cities with its large ice pad, seating for 400, dressing rooms at the north end with a gallery above, and two curling ices on either side. February 1922 Over 200 persons in Port Perry sign contracts for hydro electric service. A large crowd attended the new rink for one of the most brilliant carnivals ever. Prizes were awarded for costumes and for skaters. Cora Bowman was best lady skater and Mr. and Mrs. M. Letcher, best couple skating. Mr. Rogerson is converting the ground floor of the St. Charles Hotel into two stores, one from which Mr. Harold Archer will conduct his hardware business. The German Field gun has arrived and is now on view in front of the Post Office. It is of five inch bore and had a range of three miles. March 1922 Port Perry's oldest citizen John Rolph, 93, still goes to work at his harness shop every day. Harold R. Archer Hardware store moved from Leonard Blk to St. Charles Hotel Bldg. Mr. E.H. Purdy was appointed Clerk-Treasurer of Port Perry at a salary of $750 per year. John Ross Roach named one of the greatest goaltenders in the world. At only 125 lbs. he feared nothing from the best sharp shooters in the Stanley Cup series. April 1922 A movement for beautification of the waterfront property by the Board of Trade and the I.O.D.E. The GTR land has been leased for $5 per year to the town. Opposition to the practice of entrance exams for public school students is gaining opposition. May 1922 Owing to lack of money and players, the Port Perry Band decided to not carry on for the time being. Discussion begins and a committee formed to plan on erecting a suitable war memorial to represent Port Perry, Reach and Scugog. Captain Bowerman and his son Thomas have built five new 20 foot gasoline launches with 5 foot beam for this season. June 1922 Allan Goode purchased the egg warehouse near the station on Water St. for storage. Hugh Lucas is moving his upholstering business from the Leonard Block to Ebbels Block. Oiling of Queen St. from the Sebert House to Simcoe St. gets underway. County Council grants $412 to Port Perry for main street improvements as part of the connecting links of the County roads system. Reeve Chas. A. Rundle resigned his position, due to allegations of wrong-doings by Councillor P. Figary, stating he could not afford a legal battle, but he would offer his services as reeve again in an election. Mr. Figary resigned as councillor to run for reeve. July 1922 Philip Figary was elected as reeve with a majority of 101 votes. Councillors Smallman and Real, who had supported Mr. Chas. Rundle, resigned their posts immediately leaving three council positions open. Five thousand black bass were released into Lake Scugog from Dominion Hatcheries, by Mr. Harran of Caesarea August 1922 Messrs H.C. Nasmith, H.G. Hutcheson and James Stonehouse were elected as councillors. Sample street lights were installed at Willard's corner, in front of the Post Office and at the Sebert House. The rose gardens at Beechcroft, owned by F.A. Kent, are described as being one of the most beautiful properties in the province. September 1922 Reeve Figary proclaimed Friday afternoon, Sept. 29 a half holiday in honor of the Hydro being turned on that day. The afternoon train in Port Perry was reinstated. John Rolph, Port Perry's eldest citizen, turned the switch in the Town Hall starting a new era in Port Perry as Hydro was turned on. October 1922 The 1st Port Perry Boy Scout troop was formed with about 40 boys taking part in the first hike on Scugog Island. Mr. M. R. Arlidge is the scoutmaster. Reuben Crandell Jr. died at 90 years of age in Port Perry. He is the son of Reuben Crandell, the first white settler in Reach Twp. in 1821. The Star is the first business in town to use hydro to run a motor. Mr. Farmer noted the convenience and quietness of hydro power. November 1922 Jeffrey's harness factory was destroyed by fire. Beare Brothers garage in Uxbridge was totally destroyed by fire. Mr. Ross Roach left for the Pacific coast with the Toronto St. Pats for a short hockey series. Council leased Beech Street to Mr. F.A. Kent. He was authorized to make whatever imrovements he likes to the road leading to Beechcroft, subject to a public right-of-way to the lake. The town purchased a 15 h.p. electric motor to power the general water supply. The Port Perry Star started setting type with a linotype typesetting machine. Mr. Ross Roach bought the Pool Room from Frank Williams. December 1922 Accolaides continue from the West about the "the best goalie in the game," Port Perry's Ross Roach. The Rink opened for business with a large crowd attending, and the curling ice is ready for the season.

January 1923 Reeve - P. Figary. Council - Geo. Jackson, Allan Goode, J. Stonehouse, H.G. Hutcheson. Talks begin about erecting a memorial for war veterans near the GTR station. The memorial to feature a small wall with the big German gun mounted on a concrete base, and tablets with the names of those who died and served during the war. Good work by the bucket brigade prevents a disastrous fire at Union Milling Company before it completely destroyed the building. The old box stoves at the Town Hall to be replaced in favor of a suitable furnace. February 1923 Mr. Harold Archer purchased the Carnegie Hardware business and plans to amalgamate it with his own when he moves to the Carnegie store. Council to vote on the question paying councillors for meetings attended. March 1923 C. A. Rundle moves his implement shop to the building behind the Willard Block on Perry St., formerly used as a market. Bylaw passed prohibiting dumping in the old dump east of Water St. The new dumping ground is located at the north end of Water St. past the Milling Co. and the railway switch. Shareholders of the Port Perry Rink Company passed bylaw to execute a mortgage for $2000 to pay the balance of the rink. April 1923 The Salvation Army opened a mission in the Purdy Block over McClintock's store. Proposed location for the Soldier's Memorial was changed. The new suggestion is in front of the Hydro powerhouse, to be part of the waterfront improvements. Mr. Dugald McBride and Mr. George Stone have both been given honorary life memberships in the Ontario Secondary Teacher's Federation. May 1923 Mr. C. McArthur, sold his milk business of 12 years, to J. Peel and Sons. Harold R. Archer has sold his hardware business to the Carnegie Hardware Co. June 1923 An theatre inspector reported no movies could be shown a Town Hall until safety improvements were made regarding entrances and fire escapes. The dockhouse on the wharf is being renovated and cleaned of obscenities painted on the building. Highland Beach on Scugog Island, owned by Mr. Clifford Coulter, is one of the best summer resort in the area, with a good beach, hydro, and a pier for boaters and bathers. J.C. Cockburn is the local representative for the Arctic Silver Fox Ranch Co. July 1923 The home of Dr. Robt. Archer was completely destroyed by fire while he and his wife were away. Council favorably recieved a proposal by the War Memorial Committee to purchase the old library building, tear it down and build a new library with a Memorial Wall in memory of those who fell during the Great War. Methodist and Presbyterian churches to hold Union meetings during holidays. August 1923 Owing to the ill health of Mr. Sims, Mr. White has resumed the bakery business. The Carnegie rink with Messrs. Jas Lucas, McIntyre and Sommerville won the Port Perry Bowling Tournament over 39 rinks. Tenders were called for laying 14,000 sq. ft. of cement sidewalk in the village. Jas. McKee and Son open a foot wear store in the St. Charles Hotel, called the Palace Shoe Store. Council adopted a resolution confining cars to angle parking in the business section on Saturday nights to relieve traffic congestion. September 1923 Over one thousand people visited Mr. F.A. Kent's grounds to see the 1000s of daliahs in bloom on his property at Beechcroft. Bell Telephone installs a public telephone at the fairgrounds for use during Fair day at 5в a call. October 1923 Beechcroft closes until next season for re-seeding of the lawns damaged by the large crowds over the past summer. Hood Motor Sales is the Port Perry dealer for Ford. A.J. Davis Drug Store holds Rexall One Cent Sale. T. Raines & Sons become agents for Toronto Windmills. November 1923 A vote at the Armistice meeting, regarding the erection of a War Memorial Library as a suitable way to remember those to perished in the Great War, carried without a contrary vote. The Powerhouse was opened to display the new fire fighting equipment. December 1923 Renovation work at the Town Hall has seen the replacement of almost every joint under the floor which was rotten, and the rebuilding of the back stairs which were unsafe. A bylaw to establish a Free Public Library was passed, with a board consisting of three members appointed by the town and three by the Bd. of Education. Books of rink tickets went on sale at 10 for $1.25 for adults and children 20 for $1.50. Tag Day raised $109. for the rink fund. Port Perry Statistics - 1922-23: Population 1115; Area 600 acres; assessment $804,800; municipal taxes $17,992; school taxes $10,462; debentures $8,696.

January 1924 Port Perry Council - Reeve Philip Figary; Councillors Jas. Stonehouse, H.G. Hutcheson, Neil Sweetman, Geo. Jackson. Col. J.E. Farewell, former Crown Attorney Ontario Council over 50 years died from injuries in an auto accident. George A. McMillan, the Reeve of Reach Twp., named Warden of Ont. County. Jack Miner visits Port Perry to address the children in the afternoon and a public meeting in the evening. Alex. Naples Fruit Store is damaged by fire. Twenty-five thousand dollars to be spent on Port Perry roads, construct 20' road from Queen St. along Perry to railway (north) from railway on Queen to Town Hall and on Water from Queen to railway. February 1924 At the urging of Mr. Fred A. Kent, plans are underway to form a Horticultural Society for Port Perry. Ralph Wallace, winner of the gold medal for first place in the High School Entrance Exams gave the address at the High School Commencement. March 1924 About 3,000 cakes of cut ice have been stored in the ice house this season by the Farmer's Union Milling Co. Oshawa officially became a city on March 8, 1924. April 1924 Thanks to the efforts of Miss Grace Davis, and Messrs. Mac Beare and Geo. R. Davey, $1000 has been paid off the indebtedness of the Skating Rink. Mr. Geo. Stone announced he would retire from teaching at the end of the term. He taught at Port Perry High School for 40 years. Reeve Figary announced due to a surplus of Hydro, he expected the minimum rate to be dropped to $1.50 per month and a 25% cut to commercial users. The Library announced it was now open to the public with free service for users. A Horticultural Society was organized with about 70 members and the first president Mr. F.A. Kent. May 1924 Street watering has started for the season. Mr. Allan Goode opens his beautifully equipped ice cream factory. E.H. Gerrow and Son purchase the bakery and confectionary business of H.S. White. Dr. J.A. Murray has been practicing dentistry in Port Perry for 58 years. Mr. Geo. Stone was honored at a dinner by the Board of Education on his retirement after 40 years teaching at Port Perry High School. A presentation of an inscribed cane was presented by a former student Major-General James MacBrien. June 1924 Road construction machinery has arrived and work will be started on Water St. opposite Goode's Ice Cream Factory. Work pouring the new cement roads is expected to take six weeks. The Port Perry Band is being re-organized under the leadership of Mr. Ross Roach. July 1924 A large showing of automobiles attended Dominion Day celebrations at the waterfront. Port Perry's new cement roads are scheduled to open Aug. 7. More than a mile of road was laid using approx. 50 carloads of broken stone, 20 carloads of sand, 1000 loads of gravel, 4,500 bbls. of cement and 13,000 sq. yds. of re-inforcing wire at a cost of about $33,000. Fred Jennings caught an 18 lb., 44 inch lunge. Some 400 automobiles found their way to Kent's Estates Sunday for a showing of Mr. F. A. Kent's rose gardens. During the day more than 2,000 people visited. August 1924 Horses and buggies, decorated automobiles, bands, politicians and residents marched along Queen St. to the St. Charles Hotel corner where a platform had been erected for the grand opening ceremonies of Port Perry's new cement streets. The days celebration included addresses from politicians, swimming exhibitions, aquatic sports, motor boat parade, community sing-along and a concert with dancing on the new pavement. Council has placed a spring board at the dock for the pleasure of divers. September 1924 Mr. Jas. Stonehouse, a highly respected resident of Port Perry and former Reeve, died of heart failure while on vacation in North Dakota. The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario officially opened the Port Perry Fair. October 1924 Members of the Port Perry Band visited Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Wilson of Seven Mile Island and were presented a gift of uniforms for the band. The office of Hogg & Lytle was broken into and $11,000 of Victory Bonds were stolen from the safe. The Ontario Temperance Act was retained in a vote by a majority of 40,000. November 1924 Mr. John Rolph is retiring from harness business. L.O.L. Hall at Purple Hill was totally destroyed by fire. Bert MacGregor's slaughter house burned to the ground. Mr. Allan Goode moves his creamery to the Ice Cream Factory with a fine new churn from Peterboro to be installed in the new creamery. Mr. John Harris and Mr. Douglas Lucas called to the bar. December 1924 Two men were arrested in connection with the $11,000 bond robbery at Hogg & Lytle.

January 1925 Reeve - Philip Figary: Council - Morley Campbell, Robt. Somerville, Neil Sweetman, E.Y. Spurr. Oshawa separates from the County of Ontario. Members of St. John's Presbyterian Church voted 88 for and 98 against union with the Methodist Church and plans to organize a congregation of the United Church of Canada. Total eclipse of the sun viewed by Port Perry citizens - not again in this area until year 2144. R.M. Holtby appointed fieldman for the Canadian Holstein Breeder Association. February 1925 Rev. A. E. Thornley resigns from pulpit of St. John's Church to join the United Church. It was decided that for the present all who believed in church union would worship in the Methodist Church. James McKee and Son to add grocery department to their shoe store and change name to the Superior Store. March 1925 Earthquake shook Port Perry about 9:22 p.m. Saturday evening. Around town floors heave, dishes fall, but no real damage as the quakes epicentre was over 300 miles away in Quebec. John Rolph sells out his harness business. Well known and loved Port Perry physician, Dr. S.J. Mellow, 66, passes. W.T. Rodman opens tailor shop in the McCaw Block. Mrs. G.W. Schell, is selling out. N. Ewers has resumed his truck service. April 1925 Port Perry Cafe opens, Fong Soy, proprietor. Reeve Philip Figary of Port Perry dies at the age of 56. He was well respected and active in many community affairs. May 1925 John Rolph dies nearly 100 years old. Was Irish immigrant leaving Ireland in the days of the Potato Famine. When he first came to Port Perry there were few houses and no streets except Queen St. Mr. H.S. Osler has planted 500,000 young trees in Cartwright Twp. Major General James McBrien, Chief of Staff of Nation Defense, Ottawa, was married. He was born and raised in Prince Albert, Ont. Mr. Neil Sweetman is the acting reeve, and Mr. H. G. Hutcheson is the new councillor. June 1925 A transformer in Greenbank blew during a damaging storm, putting Port Perry in the dark until Hydro crews made repairs. Discussions begin on construction of a new High School. In respect of the memory of the late Reeve Philip Figary, a black cloth was draped over the seat he occupied at County Council by his colleagues. Mr. F.A. Kent wins sweepstakes at Toronto Rose Show held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. July 1925 Only ten people attend nomination meeting at which Neil Sweetman was acclaimed as reeve and Mr. R.D. Woon, councillor. Cars line both sides of road from railway to Kent Estates as visitors come to view the Rose Gardens. Mr. I.R. Bentley has bought the McKee Jewellery and Stationery Store and will move into these larger premises. N.F. Patterson, Q.C. dies in Port Dover. He practiced law in Port Perry for many years and was among the first to receive the title of Q.C. when it was established by Queen Victoria. August 1925 Controversy over who pays for Continuation school being built in Cartwright. Council looking at sites, plans and costs for building a band stand. The Tennis Court is closed due to the damage being done to nearby property in spite of the erection of a back-stop. September 1925 L.G. Hall has sold his butcher business to Cawker Bros. Port Perry Fire Brigade prevented a disaster, when a fire destroyed Mr. Wright Crozier's house and barn in Manchester. Luckily they were able to prevent it from spreading to the Town Hall and Church. W.A. Hare announces the opening of an optical parlor in the Leonard Block. A special sand sucking machine is at work widening the channels on the Scugog Game Co. Reserve. Scugog Bridge is being widened. A light track has been laid and dump cars are being used to bring the fill. October 1925 The Church of the Ascension re-opens after weeks of being redecorated. Ed. Balfour announces the opening of "cash and carry" butcher shop in Rolph Block. November 1925 Harry Birkett killed instantly when removing Bell Telephone wires. Wires dropped on high tension wire. Parents were warned of a stranger in town asking young girls to go for a ride with him. Moving picture shows return to the Town Hall by Mr. Scott who has moved to Port Perry. A new exit has been installed on the west side near the stage. December 1925 Tower removed from Baptist Church. This building was erected by the Mechanic Institute (Public Library) in 1858. About 1866 the Baptist congregation took the building and the tower was built. When the tower was in place, Lake Ontario could be seen from its peak. The Baptist Church boasted the first choir and organ. The organ made by J.W. Davis, grandfather of Miss Grace Davis.

January 1926 R.M. Holtby elected Honoray President of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society and Mr. Grant Christie named president for 1926. D. McDonald, Reeve of Reach Twp. Port Perry Council - Reeve Neil Sweetman and councillors Robt. Somerville, James Lucas and Madison Williams. Geo. Sweetman, Scugog Reeve for the past five years was named Warden of Ont. County. February 1926 Harry King of Seagrave won the silver cup in a mile race at Port Perry Skating Rink E.B. Walker elected chairman for a second term of the Port Perry Board of Education Chas. A. Rundle, a former Reeve, councillor and esteemed businessman in Port Perry died. March 1926 Plans for the new Memorial Library have been approved, but due to the deaths of Dr. Mellow and Reeve Figary, both staunch supporters and members of the board, progress has been slowed. Ex-servicemen from the area met at the Armouries in the basement of the Post Office to form a club for veterans of the war. The Port Perry Star began running excerpts of Rev. F.G. Weir's local history book, Scugog and It's Environs. Major-general J. H. MacBrien was guest of honor at a regimental dinner of the Toronto Regiment. April 1926 Port Perry suffered one of the most severe losses in recenty history when the combined High and Public School, valued at $65,000, was destroyed by fire Wed. April 7. Temporary arrangement were made to hold classes in various church basements and the Town Hall. May 1926 The Port Perry Bd. of Education engaged Mr. John T. Hornsby, Lindsay as architect for a new school. A delegation of school trustees visited Brighton to see the combined High and Public School building in that town. Stores in Port Perry agree to cut back opening to only two nights a week - Tuesday and Saturday. June 1926 Mr. Stover of Port Perry Flour Mills has thoroughly renovated and electrically equipped the mill. Maurice Midgley was seriously wounded by a .22 when the gun fell off the lap of his brother Ross while he was operating a cultivator. Rev. F.G. Weir agrees to publish "Scugog and Its Environs" in book form if he gets 250 orders for the book at $1.25 per volume. Ambrose Kent, father of F.A. Kent died in Toronto. W.H. Doubt, tailor, announces he's going out of business July 1. His business is to be taken over by W.R. Wilan, merchant tailor. July 1926 Plans for a combined school to be built on Rosa St. facing east, with the high school at south end and public school at north end of building, are progressing despite some opposition to plans for new school. County Council passed a by-law setting equalized assessment of 16 municipalities in the County, including Port Perry. August 1926 In one of the largest votes every cast, a by-law approving construction of a new composite public and high school passed by a 248 vote majority with only 67 opposed. Frank Crosier, owner of the Manchester general store sold the business to Arthur Crosier of Port Perry. Mrs. James (Grace) Swan, nurse, was advertising Port Perry Private Hospital at $5 per day. A collision between a bus and car on Queen St. opposite Beare Motors, ripped open the gas tank of the bus and the gasoline ignited exploding in the culvert in which it had drained. September 1926 Harold Archer was shot in the thigh in attempt to stop tire thieves. The car was later found smashed up and abandoned, but the men escaped. A contract for the new school has been let and it should be finished by April. Until then classes are being held in the basement of the United Church. Chief Constable Nesbitt was forced to fire shots into a car to stop it after the driver refused to stop. Oswald Branch, the driver, was arrested for transporting liquor contrary to the provisions of the Ontario Temperance Act. A large crowd turned out for a street dance in aid of the Library Fund. Music was supplied by the Port Perry Band, The Adanac Orchestra and the Scugog Fiddlers. Maj. Gen James MacBrien made a flying stop to visit his mother and sister. He and his party landed their plane in a field owned by Mr. Joseph Peel. October 1926 Port Perry dentists joined their colleagues from across the province in providing free examinations and advice to anyone coming to their offices on Dental Health Day. Mr. Joseph Ashton sold his restaurant business to Mr. Jas. Ruddy. November 1926 The Port Perry Picture House, located at the Town Hall, was showing moving pictures every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Adults 25в; Children 15в. The Bd. of Education paid $350 to the estate of Thomas H. Bates for land expropriated for the new Port Perry High and Public School. Ralph Whitfield of Toronto was found guilty of shooting with intent in the wounding of Harold Archer who attempted to stop a robbery. December 1926 Temperance workers were defeated in their attempts to save the Ontario Temperance Act when Ontario voters elected Conservative G. Howard Ferguson as Premier. The Star published sketches and details for new high and public school. Poor turnout for nomination meeting but four men nominated for reeve: Neil Sweetman, Jas Lucas, Samuel Jeffrey and Morley Campbell. The Port Perry Band played at the arena on New year's Night.

January 1927 Port Perry Council - Reeve Neil Sweetman, councillors Robt. Somerville, Morley Campbell, J.E. Jackson, Madison Williams. Council discusses having taxes paid in two instalments, one in midsummer and the other in the fall. No action taken. F. W. Thompson reeve of Reach Twp. Lawson Honey was elected president of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society. Vice president Grant Christie. February 1927 Manufacturers of sleighs decide to make distance between the sleigh's runners the same width as a car's wheels, so they can travel the roads easier. A fine carload of heavy horses arrived in Port Perry from Manitoba by train which are to be sold at the Sebert House yards. Work is progressing at the new school. Steel stairs are in, plastering is underway and hopes are to finish after the Easter holiday. The town was without water for two days after water pipes under the road broke and had to be repaired. March 1927 Mr. T.W. McLean president and Dr. J.B. Lundy treasurer of the public library. Little Ernie Edgar and other Indians from the Scugog band entertained with war, pipe, snake and other dances at the Scugog Island Hall. A large turnout for the carnival held at the arena, Harry King winning the Bruce Campbell Trophy one mile race. Fred Ferguson offers the bankrupt stock of the estate of W.S. Short. Miss E.V. Gamble, well known public school teacher for 23 years, died. April 1927 The Town Hall was packed, with plenty even standing in the doorway, for a fiddler's contest. Henry Franklin of Port Perry was the winner. Sealed tenders requested to bid for property owned by Bd. of Education, includes; Baptist Church property, frame church, framed building known as Mechanics' building, woodshed and lot. Due to widening of the Scugog Bridge, arrangements have been made for citizens requiring to dump rubbish, to dump it on the south side of the bridge, not on the bridge. May 1927 New combined Public and High School is officially opened by the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture. Cost of the structure was $100,000. Days proceedings included a luncheon, parade, formal opening, concert and dance demonstrations. Wed. May 18 was proclaimed a half holiday by the Reeve for the opening of the new school. Port Perry decides to extend hydro electric service to Prince Albert. Mr. Alex R. Wilson of Seven Mile Island is also interested in supply of power. June 1927 Mr. Fred A. Kent closes his gardens at Beechcroft to the public on Sundays, but they remain open during the week. Plans being made to hold a Confederation Celebration on Sat., July 2, to celebrate 60 years as a country. Celebrations include sporting events, races, water sports, fireworks, bonfire and a street dance. Jack M. Carnegie and William Day take over Ford business of Hood Motor Sales and will be named Carnegie-Day Motors. July 1927 Queen St. is jammed with biggest crowd in years to take part in Confederation Celebrations. Tax rate is struck at 45 mills. Work is underway on a new solid brick school at S.S. No. 2, Scugog Island at a cost of $6,500. Capt. Geo. Howsam flew his airship over and around Port Perry for some time while on his way to Camp Borden. Community mourns loss of Dr. Robert Archer, well known physician and surgeon in Port Perry for more than 30 years, who died July 23. August 1927 Neighbors from miles around came to the farm of Howard McMillan of Greenbank for a barn raising to replace his barn lost to lightning. Queen St. is designated as a through street under the Highway Act. Vehicles entering or approaching Queen St. must now come to a full stop. Rev. F.G. Weir's book - "Scugog and Its Environs" goes on sale. Raymore Mfg. Co., has purchased the Allan Goode Foundry property for a site to manufacture heaters, grills, toasters, etc. Bd. of Education received over 300 applications to fill one teaching job at Port Perry Public School. September 1927 Ontario 34th Regiment hold Military Tournament and Massed Parade at Port Perry fairgrounds. The occasion was marred by the death of Sgt. W.F. Huxtable, who fell from the back of an advance guard truck, receiving head injuries that caused death in two hours. Port Perry High School opened with 100 students. Mr. Dugald McBride well known and respected principal of the Port Perry High School for 40 years died Sept. 24. Council was notified that Port Perry would only have one train a day starting in October. A delegation met with railway officials to voice their concern and regular service was re-instated. October 1927 F.W. McIntyre celebrated his 20th year of business in Port Perry selling men's, women's and children's clothing. Public School teachers of South Ontario met for a convention in Port Perry in the new assembly hall of the High School. The Provincial Highway opens to traffic and there is now a cement road from Manchester to Toronto. Willard and Co. closing-out their business and offer huge stock at clearance prices. November 1927 Mr. A.W. Jackson, Warden of Ont. County turned the key to open the new brick school at Scugog Centre. J. McClintock was elected president of the Port Perry Rink Co. The Raymore Co. begins operation in Port Perry manufacturing Sun Ray Grills. Goode Bros. Creamery (Milton and Allan) captures Butter Sweepstakes at Royal Winter Fair. December 1927 Port Perry Public School is Graded No. 1 by R.A. Hutchison, inspector of Public Schools. He suggests those not having to write final exams, be dismissed one week before final examinations. Chief Nesbitt arrests two Port Perry youths near Owen Sound for theft of Ford car and 100 skunk skins from shed at rear of Alix Gilboord's store. They were later sentenced to two years in jail. One of Port Perry's most respected and prominent citizens, Mr. William H. Letcher died Dec. 14. Population of Port Perry at year end is 1,150.

January 1928 Council elected by acclamation for 1928 - Reeve Robt. Somerville; Council - Madison Williams, J.E. Jackson, Jas McKee and W.W. Crosier. February 1928 Ont. County's share of the Whitby to Manchester highway, completed last year, was $52,000 or 20 per cent of total cost. Dorman Corbman, fruit and confectionery moved to Leonard Block. Public Library Board elects T.W. McLean, chairman, Mrs. Marjorie Letcher, secretary, Dr. J.B. Lundy, treasurer. Librarian is Miss Hazel Cockburn. March 1928 F.W. McIntyre Drygoods goes out of business after 20 years in town. A new concrete bridge is being built in the causeway, connecting Scugog to Port Perry. It will take about six weeks, but a floating bridge has been constructed to accommodate traffic until it is finished. Piles are being driven 32 feet into mud, clay and quicksand to hold the bridge. April 1928 Port Perry Star offers $1,000 worth of accident insurance for one dollar with every subscription. F.W. Ferguson selected as Whippet dealer for Port Perry; Standard Garage, Durant Star Car dealer. Mr. Hugh Lucas of Port Perry was appointed Governor of the County Jail at Whitby. Beacon Electric Co. bought out the Raymore Co., and it is now being operated by Mr. Hunt and Mr. Allan Goode. May 1928 The Provincial Hwy. between Manchester and Saintfield, about seven and a half miles, will be constructed of cement this year. A thorough remodeling of the Willard Block by Mr. Harold Archer has turned the building into an up-to-date garage with every modern convenience. Mr. W.H. Harris purchased a 22' sailing sloop with an 8' beam in Toronto and has sailed it to Lake Scugog. June 1928 A hydroplane "The Moth" owned by Mr. Shepherd of Toronto made an unexpected touchdown on Lake Scugog on its way to Algonquin Park. The Port Perry Band will give open air concerts on Thursday nights, and the stores have agreed to stay open that night during the summer. Port Perry Band leader John Roach died suddenly. July 1928 Physical Education has been placed in the program at Port Perry Public School for the next year. Repairs underway on the aging and rotting water tank. Consider new steel tank for $5,000 or cement tank for $2,000. Former Port Perry Reeve Geo. Gerrow passed away July 20 in Toronto. Royal Bank opens branch in the Blong Block, Port Perry with Mr. B.D. Henry as manager. August 1928 Gala Day on Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Wilson open grounds Seven Mile Island for garden party when whole community attends. Outstanding feature of the day, swim from Port to Seven Mile Island. Robert Harris and Arthur Carnegie entered. Arthur was taken out of the water after a few miles, Robert finished in four hours and thirty-four minutes. Both received a gold watch from Mrs. Wilson. Lake Scugog Improvement Association formed to maintain water level, keep open channels, control weed growth, secure good fish supply. A.R. Wilson gives $1,000 to association. Cement highway in now completed to Greenbank. September 1928 Sutcliffe and Sons of Lindsay open drygoods and clothing store in former McIntyre location. A.G. Clark opens farm machinery shop in Blong Block. John Warren Burnham, died Sept. 23, He was a most highly respected citizen, who spent 45 years as postmaster in Port Perry, never missing a day. He also held the post of Clerk of the Court for a period of 58 years. The Corporation requires all parties who retail milk to procure a licence before Oct. 1/28. October 1928 South Ont. Plowmen's Assoc. hold annual Plowing Match at farms of Messrs. John Boys and Alex Johns, just west of Manchester. Mr. Victor Stouffer has been appointed Bandmaster of the local band. Mr. Geo. R. Davey is the secretary. The Toronto Maple Leafs traded John Ross Roach, star goaltender from Port Perry, to the New York Rangers. November 1928 Despite the merger of the Standard Bank and the Bank of Commerce, Standard manager Mr. Hutcheson, said both banks in Port Perry will be kept operating indefinitely. Jas. McKee and Son, owners of the Superior Store, enlarged their space and now occupy the entire St. Charles Hotel block. A large group of local men had secured licences to hunt deer and are off on the hunt. Tourist revenue for the past year in Port Perry area amounted to $10,000, proving the importance of the tourist trade. Mr. Geo. Hall lately with Mr. A.R. Wilson of Seven Mile Island, has purchased Cook's Restaurant. December 1928 Alix Gilboord Store robbed for the third time since coming to Port Perry. This time thieves took $535 worth of clothing and drygoods. R. B. Smallman's Blacksmith Shop was broken into by two thieves, who were captured and sentenced to three years in Kingston penitentiary.

January 1929 Port Perry's reeve and council re-elected by acclamation. Geo. A. McMillan Reach Twp. reeve; Geo. Sweetman Scugog Twp. reeve. Mr. T.H. Follick, retired principal, dies in a fire at his sister's home in Niagara Falls, after house became totally engulfed in fire during the night. Mr. Follick was High School principal in Port Perry for 15 years. February 1929 Earl Carnochan of Reach was lucky to escape with his life, when there was a cave-in at the Harrison gravel pit. He was seriously injured and will not recover for some months. Warnings to drivers and skaters on the ice, that ice is being cut out of the lake just in front of the dock house at the end of the wharf. Reeve Somerville announced the construction of a cement roadway from the Town Hall to the Borelia corner. Urge County to continue it through to Manchester. The pilot of a "Gypsy Moth" airplane provided some 20 residents of town a ride over Port Perry for $3 per person. April 1929 Lake Scugog Fur Farm, operated by Geo. Schell is adverising for trappers supply Muskrat skins. Severe storms cause damage and washouts. Washout on Whitby to Lindsay railway causes tie-up for several days. May 1929 Another washout derails train just north of Manchester. Both engineer and fireman were able to jump free and no one was hurt. Road to Manchester also impassable, no traffic in or out for days. Conditions are being improved at the lakefront. The ground has been levelled and seeded, trees are being planted and a barrier installed to prevent cars from parking at the edge of the lake. Former Standard Bank property will be vacated and amalgamate with Bank of Commerce. H.G. Hutcheson is manager and E.B. Walker, remains for a time as associate. Mr. Geo. Hall purchased part of the lakefront and will be tearing down the old saw mill built by Mr. Arthur Carnegie to build a dancing pavillion. Dr. Geo. Rennie will occupy the Archer home. His mother is coming to keep house for him. H.R. Archer has bought the H.H. Stone property next to the post office and Walter Cook is opening a restaurant in the Rolph Block next to the Star office. June 1929 Over 100 people of Scugog and Port Perry searched all night to find a three year old child, asleep on a log in a boggy area. County Council votes 22-1 in favor of constructing a cement road from Manchester to Port Perry this summer. The Royal Bank will move to the Ferguson Block, just east of Post Office. The 'Human Fly' Jerry Hudson gives a demonstration of climbing, by scaling the outside wall of Sebert House. July 1929 Fishing great on Lake Scugog this year Mr. Geo. Jackson catches 22 lb. Muskalunge, Elijah Beare a 20 lb. lunge. A camp for boys has been established on a delightful spot at Stephenson's Point. Eighty boys enjoyed the camp last week, and next week 150 boys from Weston will be there. August 1929 Earthquake tremors were felt in Port Perry for about 20 minutes, although very little damage was reported. Cement highway from Manchester to Port Perry is now under construction and should be completed in five weeks. Opening of the new highway from Port Perry to Manchester takes place at the Town hall Sept. 30 with the Hon. Geo. S. Henry performing the ceremony. A banquet took place at the Sebert House and a dance at the High School following the opening. Harold Archer returned from a 3,075 mile trip to Winnipeg and back to Port Perry in his Pontiac Six, taking 5 days to complete the round-trip journey. October 1929 W.H. Doubt, tailor has moved to Oshawa. Gordon Sweetman purchases Graham Garage, operated by Mr. Wesley Boynton, located next to Port Perry Star Office. Wm. McKay raises the price of milk to 12c. qt. November 1929 Carnegie-Day Motors dissolved. Will now be known as Carnegie Motor Sales. J.M. Carnegie. December 1929 F.W. Brock's Grocery Depart. becomes Red & White Store. Robbers were busy Sunday night breaking into the premises of Beare Bros. Garage, Superior Stores, Carnegie Motors, Carnegie Hardware and were attempting to break into Brock's Store when Arthur Brock heard the commotion and called police. He fired a warning shot which scared off the robbers before being apprehended.

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