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Timeline: 1930-1939

January 1930 Council - Reeve Robt. Somerville acclaimed; Councillors W.W. Crosier, James McKee, J.E. Jackson, Norman Ewers. Major-General MacBrien visits Canadian Legion in Port Perry where a banquet was held in his honor. Ethel Henrietta Kent, wife of owner Mr. Fred Kent passes away at her home in Port Perry. Peter Christie was presented a beautiful cabinet by his fellow workers on the Royal Winter Fair Board. The town market is to be moved to the Town Hall starting next month. February 1930 George Hull takes over as postmaster at Port Perry post office from Mrs. Orde, who has carried on since the death of her father John W. Burnham one year ago. Reeve Robt. Somerville named chairman of the Pension Board for Ontario County. Receives $5 per day and 5c. per mile for services. Mrs. Z. M. Jackson elected Chairman of the Board of Education, and Mr. R.B. Smallman, vice-chairman. March 1930 W.R. Willan, tailor, goes out of business. Bylaw fixes speed limit within corporation at 20 miles per hour. Five dollars and costs for violation. Port Perry Milling and Lumber Company announces it will conduct business only by cash. The Uxbridge Journal and the North Ontario Times merge under owner Harold Cave to become the Uxbridge Times-Journal. April 1930 Mr. A.J. Davis retires after almost 50 years serving the community and has sold business to A.M. Lawrence of Oshawa. Mr. Lewis McLean wins two scholarships. Longtime coal and lumber merchant Charles L. Vickery dies, and his business goes up for sale. Ont. Railway Board refuses appeal to detach certain lands from Corporation Port Perry and attach to Reach Township. C. L. Vickery's business is purchased by Mr. Fred Reesor, a well respected citizen of Markham. Port Perry Milling Co. is purchased by Mr. Samuel Griffin of Detroit. Business will be operated as Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. May 1930 The morning train from Whitby to Lindsay through Port Perry will remain at least until the end of June. At the urging of the Lake Scugog Improvement Assoc., the municipality instructed owners of buildings or boat houses along the waterfront at the foot of Mary St., to remove them at once. Toronto firm advertises for machine operators and women to work on ladies' clothing, in soon to be opened Port Perry operation. Oshawa law firm of A.W.S. Greer and R. D. Humphreys opens branch office in McCaw Block on Queen St. June 1930 Half day holiday Wednesday afternoons starts in town. Agriculture Society holds street dance with George Wade and his Corn Huskers. Port Perry Dominion Store, operated by Alix Gilboord selling out of business. Beare Motors becomes an authorized Sunoco Gasoline agent in town. July 1930 The Canadian Chautauqua comes to Port Perry for five days. Mr. Fred Kent decides not to open his gardens at Beechcroft this year as extensive renovations are being done. Ottawa sends the "Harwood" to clear weeds from Lake Scugog at Port Perry, Caesarea and the channels. Harold R. Archer starts on 3,200 mile trip to Vancouver in a Pontiac car, via Chicago, accompanied by Murray Williams and expects to make trip in five days. Tom Bowerman takes trip in beautiful mahogany launch 'The Falcon', which he built, to owner at Point Au Baril on Georgian Bay. August 1930 Robbery at Standard Service Station in Manchester nets thieves about $500. In order to save money, C.N.R. proposes tri-weekly passenger service between Whitby and Lindsay. Southbound Mon., Wed., and Fri., and northbound Tues., Thurs., and Saturday. September 1930 Schools postpone opening until Sept. 15 due to the prevalence of infantile paralysis in the community. Oshawa Lumber Co. establishes yard at the plant of Swan Brothers with local men Mr. William Hodgson and Mr. C.V. Gilbert in charge. October 1930 Four Toronto men caught raiding Peel's Poultry Farm, knocked out Ronald Peel and escaped in a car. The thieves were chased by Mr. Peel, Chief Nesbitt and Harold Archer to Myrtle where the car left the road injuring one. The other three were placed under arrest. John Medd wins five first at Victoria County Plowing Match, also silver cup and silver tea set at Peterborough Plowing Match. November 1930 Man sentenced a year in Guelph Reformatory for attempting to rob Peel's Poultry Farm. Three associates fined $20 each. The fine brick home of the Curts family, at the corner of Water and Scugog St., was totally destroyed by fire. Council decides to accept tenders for the position of a night watchman for the community. Chicken stealing becoming a problem. Russell Wray, north of Honey's Corner reports thieves steal more than 700 roosters, pullets and geese. Man charged with stealing chickens from Sinclair Robertson sentenced to 22 months at Guelph Reformatory. County Council takes first steps to have an overhead bridge up at the railway crossing just north of Raglan. December 1930 The 65 year old 'Yellow Schoolhouse' north of Port Perry burned to the ground, but the teacher's desk and some books and maps were saved. Plans underway to build a modern new school. Geo. Leask, Seagrave wins many prizes with his shorthorns at the Royal. Mr. William Corrin retires after 45 years service to the Port Perry Fire Brigade. One of Port Perry's oldest, most beloved and respected citizens, Mrs. James Carnegie died on Sat., December 13 at the age of 83.

January 1931 Port Perry Reeve - Robert Somerville; Councillors - W.M. Letcher, H.R. Archer, Jas. McKee, J. Weir. Seven boys were badly burned at a cottage on Honey's Point after they entered a boat house and started a fire in a stove. The boat house and the boat were completely destroyed in the fire. Injured were three Wallaces', two Simms', a Mills and a Goldfield boy. Arguments for daily railway service to Port Perry fall on deaf ears, tri-weekly train service to start immediately. Mr. Stratton named as principal of Port Perry Public School after Mr. Clarence Werner resigns to take a position in Hamilton. A building at the rear of Carnegie Hardware was totally destroyed by fire Jan. 17, 1931. The former livery stable was home to the Ford dealership of Carnegie Motor Sales. A number of new Model T Fords were lost in the $8,000 blaze. February 1931 Board of Railway Commissioners order the return of the daily train from Whitby to Port Perry and Lindsay. Complaints of low water levels on Lake Scugog and that stoplogs being out at Lindsay Dam. March 1931 Trains, autos and busses were at a standstill for two days as the worst storm in years dumped snow on the area. Local businessmen worked in shifts to help road crews open road to Manchester. Popular cartoonist Jimmy Frise comes home to give one of his popular cartoon talks at the Presbyterian Church. April 1931 Chief Thomas Marsden, of the Scugog Island Mississaugas, passed into the Great Beyond. He had held the office of Chief for the past five years. R.M. Holtby, invited to judge Holstein cattle at the National Dairy Show in St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. J.W. Crozier opens Law office above Observer office. Ontario County Sheriff Paxton will retire in July after 44 years of faithful service to the county. Sheriff Paxton was born in Port Perry and lived here until one year ago was failing in his health. H. G. Hutcheson recipient of handsome gift by staff as he retires as bank manager. May 1931 Roy Cornish engaged by the Board of Education to teach the Third Book in the Public School at a salary of $1000 per year. June 1931 George Jackson, auctioneer, one of Port Perry's best known and loved residents died suddenly. Letter is received from District Medical Officer of Health, regarding "numerous installations by individual property owners contrary to the provisions of the Health that the effluents from septic tanks, kitchen sinks, etc. are being passed directly into open ditches. Action will be taken by the M.O.H. July 1931 Mr. George Stone, well known and outstanding teacher for 40 years at P.P.H.S. passes. Gen. Jas MacBrien is appointed to head the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The town bell is repaired and ringing again. Dr. Jas A. Mathers has sold practice to Dr. W.S. Harper of Madoc. August 1931 The corner of the road approaching the causeway has been cut back giving a much better view (corner of Water and Scugog). Sutcliffe & Son, operated by Miss Ida Downer, is selling out and moving to Lindsay. Jas McKee & Son have purchased the Sutcliffe store and are moving. September 1931 L.W. Nelson, well known drygoods merchant in Bowmanville and Oshawa, opens a drygoods store in Port Perry. A new cottage under construction, by Harold Archer at Lakeside Beach was totally destroyed by fire of unknown origin. October 1931 Unveil memorial window in Prince Albert Church, in memory of the late Rev. S.C. Philip and late Rev. S.C. Philip, Jr. St. John's Presbyterian Church celebrates its 75th anniversary. Toronto visitor suggests Port Perry build a new library, in keeping with the community spirit of other things in the town. Mr. Harry Nasmith appointed clerk-treasurer of the village, following the resignation of Mr. E.H. Purdy, at a salary of $1200. I.R. Bentley Jeweler and Optometrist, celebrates his 15th anniversary in business in Port Perry. November 1931 Sam N. Griffen, owner of Griffen Lumber, Coke and Wood co. appointed distributor agent for Ontario Shore Gas Company. Railway announces no passenger trains will run the Whitby to Lindsay line on Mondays and Thursdays. Gerrow's Bakery with new windows recently installed at the store. December 1931 A Gilboord of Port Perry Dominion Store announces he will close store.

January 1932 Reeve - Robt. Somerville. Only two men qualify for council - need another nomination meeting to fill seats. Following a 2nd nomination meeting W.M. Letcher and F.E. Reesor qualified and were elected. Grant Christie Reach Twp. Reeve. Flt.-Lieut. G.R. Howsam, Staff Officer of Civil Government Air Operations, Department of National Defence, promoted to Squadron Leader. Robt. Somerville of Port Perry, elected Warden of Ontario County. February 1932 Tom Bowerman commissioned to build a beautiful mahogany gasoline launch for Mr. Claude Pearce of Toronto. This will be the second mahogany launch he has constructed. March 1932 Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. has stored 10,000 cakes of ice (estimated weight one million pounds) this year to keep things cool this summer. Tax rate set a 53 mills for 1932 with provisions to pay in two installments. Mr. T.W. McLean retired from the Library Board after serving for 17 years in the offices of secretary and chairman. Alix Gilboord re-opens his Dominion Store. Mr. Robert Sommerville was honored at a banquet at the Sebert House, on his election as Warden of the County. April 1932 Mr. A.J. Davis, former owner of Davis Drug Store, passes. John Ross Roach, played brilliantly in net for the New York Rangers, but it wasn't enough to stop the Toronto Maple Leafs who won the Stanley Cup. New fishing regulation forbids fishing mudcats from a boat or raft, until the regular fishing season opens. Mr. Jas. Boe appointed the local Ford Dealer. More cleaning up of the lake front. The Horticultural Society has had more of the junk piles removed from south of Reesor coal sheds and asks the citizens not to dump there. May 1932 Plans to improve tennis court, located next to Town Hall, with new method of marking to be tried. Mr. Geo. Hall has moved his restaurant business to the premises recently vacated by Carnegie Motors. T.W. McLean, former public school principal, died. June 1932 E. Norman opens shoe repair in Blong Blk. Thora Kaufman, Alice Hayden, Frances Christy and Marjorie Real all receive their nurses caps after training at St. Michael's Hospital. Al Marie Gardens, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Wilson on Scugog closed to the public during the summer months. Venture Tea Room re-opened. Mr. Statton was re-engaged as Principal of the public school at a salary of $1200. July 1932 Dr. R.B.E. Wilson, physician & Surgeon will open an office in the Leonard Block. Fishing great this year. Jimmy Frise catches two big 'lunge' and some fine green bass with his casting rod. Dr. C. Peterson succeeds Dr. Jeffrey as partner of Dr. Rennie. Chambers & Son, Bakers & Confectioners, have purchased the business of E.K. Tuff. Hygenic Bakery. September 1932 Port Perry High School opens with 140 students enrolled. Mr. Geo. Stephens has purchased the Shoe Repair Store of Mr. John Doubt. Mr. Stephens has worked with Mr. Doubt for 18 years. Henry Parsons, 94, dies on Sept. 29. For many years he was owner and editor of the North Ontario Observer, which ceased publication in 1920. October 1932 The Presbyterian Churches of Ashburn, Utica and Port have joined under one pastoral charge. Dr. Herbert Bruce, former Port Perry resident, appointed Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. November 1932 Nelson's Drygoods store closed end of month. December 1932 Dr. R.B.E. Wilson closes his office in Port Perry. D.E. Steckley takes over the chiropractic practice of J.A. Heatherington in the same location. Reach Council acclaimed. Grant Christie, Reeve; Wm. Parrott, Deputy Reeve; Councillors W.C. Ashenhurst, A.E. Dobson and Robt. Stanwick. Jonathon Alldred Reeve of Scugog Twp. 1933 January 1933 Port Perry Reeve - W.H. Letcher; Council - Fred Reesor, J. Weir, Harold Archer and Ted Jackson. A.M. Lawrence starts an experimental lending library. Chamber's & Sons Bakery moves business to the Nelson Block at the corner of Water and Queen St. Port Perry Dominion Store (Alix Gilboord) moving to Nelson Store, who recently closed. February 1933 Port Perry Star offers free advertising for exchange and barter only. History of banking in Port Perry, Royal Canadian, failed 1868; Ontario, withdrew 1888; Central, failed 1887 (open only short time); Western, absorbed by Standard 1909 (opened 1888); Commerce, open 1898; Standard took over Western 1909 and absorbed by Commerce 1928; Royal open 1928, withdrew 1932. March 1933 Bd. of Education makes cuts in salaries to public school teachers and caretaker totaling $1,195. Mr. S.M. Newton, former owner of the Port Perry Standard, died at his home in Prince Rupert, B.C. Members of the Fire Brigade make a presentation to Fire Chief W. MacGregor for his many years service to the community. April 1933 Every effort made to cut school expenditures, rate down 1-1/2 mills. Due to overcrowded conditions of the primary classes at the public school, new students only accepted until September. A big Boot and Shoe Sale at J.F. McClintock's store. May 1933 Committee formed to begin fund raising for much needed repairs and improvements to the stage at the Town Hall. Mr. Jas. McKee announces he purchased Burns Grocery in Whitby and is closing out his business. Mr. Gordon McKee has taken over the Superior Store and will continue to operate same after moving to the Royal Bank building. Miss Elizabeth Allin, former Port Perry student wins Royal Society Fellowship and $1,500 prize. June 1933 H.H. Mulligan has opened an up-to-date Ladies Hairdressing and Barber Shop. Port Perry Dairy (formerly Hillside Dairy) installs modern pasteurizing equipment and offers pasteurized milk at no extra cost. Businessmen's Association formed with Mr. A. L. McDermott elected president; J.E. Jackson, secretary and Mr. E. Hayes, treasurer. July 1933 Port Perry Bottling plant totally destroyed by fire July 18. Some quantities of sugar, syrup and cases of drinks were rescued and Mr. Murell Goode's new home is saved. August 1933 Business Men's Civic Holiday Sport Day features aquatic sports, track & field events, ball tournaments and a street dance. Port Perry Bottling Works temporarily housed in part of the Port Perry Creamery He will rebuild this fall under supervision of the Coca Cola Company of which he is affiliated. The Jas. Swan Building (Carriage Works at the corner of Mary and Perry St.) to be remodeled for shoe factory owned by W.M. Letcher who purchased Williamson Shoe Factory of Newmarket. New roof for Port Perry Schools with a 20 yr. bonded rating. Ferguson Bros. successor to Jas. McKee. Mrs. W. Chapman helped avert a robbery at T.J. Widden's Store by alerting Donald Anderson, who yelled and fired a shot, scaring the robbers off. September 1933 A Port Perry Bowling Rink won gold medals at an Ottawa tournament. Members of the team were William Graham, Armstrong McFarlane, John Murray and Dave Carnegie, skip. Thieves break into Carnegie Hardware, by prying lock off the front door. Some goods stolen. October 1933 Sam Farmer announces his intention to revise and reprint his local history book "On The Shores Of Scugog," with several new additions. Work on repairs to the arena underway, with the west side being entirely remodeled and supports changed to a cement wall to avoid heaving by frost. Council decides to proceed with laying 3400 feet of water mains on Lilla St. (Simcoe), Balsam St. and Union Ave, at an estimated cost of $4,000. November 1933 An early snowstorm in the area, destroyed 1600 barrels of apples at the farm of Mr. Pallock. Work well underway on the new water main extension in town. A flag pole and Union Jack flag were donated to the Public School by Mr. James Lucas. R.B. Smallman, Chairman of the Bd. of Education and Roy Cornish, principal accepted the gift. December 1933 Over 500 transients (a nice word for hobos) have been fed in Port Perry and housed overnight in the Town Hall during 1933. Every home has given away all possible old clothes. How long can this state of affairs last? The only store left standing after the big fire of 1884, a frame structure owned by the late William Tummonds was destroyed by fire. The building was located beside Beare's Garage.

January 1934 Grant Christie, Reach Reeve, elected Warden of Ontario County on the second ballot. Joseph Baird, bailiff, died on Jan. 2. University extension lectures in high school. February 1934 John Ross Roach, in net for Syracuse, blocked 51 shots playing with a knee injury and received the greatest ovations in the history of hockey as he was carried off the ice. W.J. Anderson elected chairman of the Port Perry Board of Education, succeeding Mr. R.B. Smallman. Mr. R.D. Woon, was selected as the new secretary-treasurer, replacing Mr. W. A. Christy, who died in Jan. March 1934 Water mains frozen as temperatures plummet to 30 below zero. Main in front of Geo. Hall's Restaurant burst, flooding basements and properties. Mr. Isaac Turner has returned to town and is prepared to do business in furs and poultry. Mr. John Murray purchased the Carnegie house next to the lawn bowling green. Chambers Bakery is selling out to Messrs. Hutchison & Jemison. Highway to be built on abandoned right of way of Canadian Pacific from Lindsay to New Nestleton, thence to connect with Hwy. #7 at Port Perry. April 1934 Harris and Harris (J.E. & W.H.) have taken into partnership Robert Harris and Ralph Wallace, the law firm to be known as Harris, Harris & Wallace. County Council appoints committee to investigate the low water levels on Lake Scugog. Messrs. Brooks and Rowland open the Port Perry Custom Hatchery, in the Leonard Block. They have hatched over 10,000 chicks already this spring. May 1934 Tenders were let for the building of the new Public Library in Port Perry. The municipality begins annual oiling of certain streets within the town. June 1934 Mrs. J.W. Burnham received greetings from the graduates of Bishop Strachan School at its commemoration ceremony in Toronto. Mrs. Burnham was the first pupil to register when it opened back in the 1860s. Cartwright celebrates its centennial. Parades, sporting activities, and an address by Dr. Herbert Bruce, Lieut. Governor of Ontario. Reports of a 30' sea serpent seen in Lake Scugog. Closer investigation finds it is a large duck leading a dozen young ducklings in her wake. Two armed robbers entered the Bank of Commerce just at closing time and tied up Mr. L.H. Corner and Mr. Harry Major and drove away with $4,200., after stopping to get ten dollars worth of gas at the Superior Store. July 1934 Mr. H.R. Archer has enlarged and improved his garage with a large brick annex to the workshop. Lakefront improvement program well underway. Beare Bros. Garage erecting a 48'x60' addition to garage with grease pit and other modern conveniences for auto repair. August 1934 Bylaw to raise $1,500 by debenture issue for erection of War Memorial Library passes with good majority. Total cost of library expected to be $5,500. More than 2,000 people attend the Street Fair and Dance following the most successful Sports Day yet for the Business Men's Association. County of Ont. work at improving Cartwright Bridge. September 1934 A large crowd gathered Sept. 20 at the remodeled Prince Albert School for its official opening. The school was moved back from the street and now has a good basement. Port Perry Public School opens with 170 registrations and the High School with 142 pupils. Neil Gardiner, of Pine Point appointed Game Warden for Lake Scugog district. October 1934 Letter from Jim Miller re the editor passing the entrance. Mr. Cecil E. Beare is at the World's Fair in Chicago as a guest of the Chrysler Airflow Club. Mr. Allan Wallace receives appointment as Justice of the Peace for Port Perry. Port Perry residents contribute to the car of fruits and vegetables being shipped to the stricken areas of Saskatchewan. Cornerstone of the new War Memorial Library laid on Oct. 16 by Mrs. W.H. Harris during an afternoon ceremony. Mr. Wm. Webster to carry on harness business of Mr. W.A. Beatty who passed away Oct. 19., after 55 years in business. November 1934 Petition signed by 248 voters presented to council requesting bylaw be submitted re: the sale of beer and wine in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Gerrow of Gerrow's Bakery have moved to Oshawa. The bakery business will be carried on by sons Mansell and Grant. McDermott Funeral & Furniture Store has been renovated to provide separate parts for each service and the funeral section can be transformed into a chapel in a few minutes. This service will be of great benefit to such as they cannot hold the funeral service in their home. A.G. Dowson's trotting horse, Baba Vini, won the grand champion standard bred horses at the Royal. December 1934 Miss Enid Wallace was the Valedictorian at the Port Perry High School Commencement. Mr. Samuel Farmer's revised book of On The Shores of Scugog comes off the press and goes on sale for $2.00 per book. Mr. Arthur Waridel of Saskatchewan makes an offer for the Port Perry Flouring Mill conditional on securing fixed assists for five years. Hopkins and Farmer, radio repairs, Westinghouse; Delco plants.

January 1935 Reeve - W.M. Letcher. Council - H.R. Archer, J.E. Jackson, R.M. Holtby, R.J. Harris. Reach Twp. Reeve Wm. Parrot, Deputy Reeve Wesley Crosier. Bylaw passed to grant fixed assessment for flour mill in order to get the mill operating again. Mr. Arthur Waridel, manager . The fight is on to retain railway service. Reeve Letcher calls an emergency meeting of Reeves from Brooklin, Whitby Twp., Reach Twp., Scugog Twp. and Mariposa at the Town Hall in Port Perry. The Anglican, Presbyterian and United Church reunite to sponsor a preaching mission with services being held at the United Church. Lake Scugog Milling Co., operated by Mr. A. Waridel, has been thoroughly renovated and is ready to do chopping for farmers. February 1935 The Uxbridge Skating Rink was totally destroyed by fire. Work is progressing favorably on the new beautiful War Memorial Library and it will be completed soon. Mr. Gordon McDonald, Greenbank, purchased the Standard Garage from Mr. Jas. Boe and will operate it as McDonald Motors. Mr. T.J. Widden sells out and closes his business. H. W. Boynton opens butcher shop in Leonard Block. March 1935 Insurance agent H.W. Emmerson moves his office to his home on Bigelow St. Cephas Sleep announces a general insurance business in Purdy Block. at premises formerly occupied by Messrs. Adams, Hutcheson and Emmerson. H.H. Mulligan moves his barber shop to the premises lately vacated by T.J. Widden in the A.M. Lawrence Block. Meeting held at the Railway Station in Port Perry between businessmen and representatives of the railway. Work underway to change over rural hydro lines to a separate system operated through Uxbridge. April 1935 Port Perry tax reduced by two mills for 1935, being set at 46 mills. Lawrence Drug Store holds coupon hung. Youngsters were up at daylight to find coupons and turn them in for Easter eggs. May 1935 Stores close May 6 in honor of 25th Anniversary of the King's Coronation. A vote regarding the sale of beer in standard hotels in Port Perry is postponed until two months after the by-law is given first and second reading in council. Businessmen's Association meets at Sebert House and elect H.R. Archer president. Two business women attend, Mrs. L.G. Hall and Mrs. Pyatt. Banquet prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Weir. Hearing held at the Town Hall re: abandonment of the Whitby-Lindsay line of the C.N.R. The War Memorial Library is opened with colorful ceremony. Hon. H.A. Bruce, Lieut. Governor of Ontario and Mrs. Bruce assisted by Maj. Gen. Jas. MacBrien perform the ceremony. Both gentlemen are former residents of Port Perry. Maj.-Gen. MacBrien flew in from Ottawa, landing on Lake Scugog. A Memorial niche and Book of Remembrance were an important part of the dedication ceremony. June 1935 Major General Jas. MacBrien, formerly of Port Perry, is Knighted. John Farmer sets up radio repair business. The Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agriculture Society hold a Street Dance in front of the Post Office with music by Van Walker's Orchestra. July 1935 One of Port Perry's leading citizens, E.H. Purdy, passes. He has held all municipal offices over the years - Councillor, Reeve, Clerk-Treasurer, Board of Education, Magistrate and Justice of the Peace. C.P. Rolph dry cleaning over the Observer Office. August 1935 Over the Civic Holiday, large crowds take part in the Port Perry Sports Day. Over 3,000 turn out for the Caesarea Regatta and Field Day. Port Perry says "No" 400 to 271 regarding the introduction of liquor outlets in Port Perry. Jack-O-Lantern Dance Pavilion on Port Perry Beach. September 1935 Mr. R.M. Holtby the unanimous choice of the Reconstruction Party delegates to be the standard-bearer of the Hon. H.H. Stevens Party in the next federal election. October 1935 Liberals win 168 seats in election against 10 other parties: Conservatives, Social Credit, C.C.F., Independent Liberals, U.F.O., Liberal Progressive, Independent, Doubtful, Independent Conservative and Reconstruction Parties. Roy H. Cornish elected president of the South Ontario Teacher's Institute. November 1935 Bell's Drygoods opens in the Blong Block, next to the Dominion Store. Mrs. L.G. Hall opens a ladies ready-to-wear dept. in her millinery store. Annual Rink meeting called for second time, as there appears to be no interest shown. Do you want a rink in Port Perry? December 1935 Arthur Brock elected president of the Rink Directors at the annual meeting. Bank of Commerce closes its branch in Blackstock, leaving Cartwright Twp. without a bank. Sam Farmer offers his revised book On The Shores Of Scugog at $1.50 until Christmas. Regular price $2.00. Milton Goode moves to Fergus where he has purchased a creamery.

January 1936 Congegation of Port Perry United Church celebrate its Golden Jubilee with three days of celebrations. Millions mourn the death of King George the Fifth who died Monday, Jan. 20, ending a reign of 25 years. Large crowd attends memorial service held at the United Church, including the public school children. February 1936 Mr. A.B. Cawker elected chairman of the Port Perry Bd. of Education. Board of Railway Commissioners order the abandonment of railway between Port Perry and Cresswell. That part between Port and Whitby to be rehabilitated and continue to operate. The worst fire in downtown Port Perry in years caused $15,000 damage to Carnegie Hardware. The fire started at the back and spred to the upper storey and workshop, causing the roof to fall in. Geo. Hall's Restaurant and Caruso's Fruit Store also suffered loss from water and smoke. March 1936 Fred Bailey removes 20 tons of carp from Lake Scugog, using nets and a barrier of iron pipes. Carp sold in Toronto. Floods and storms cause both buses to be stuck in front of Peel's Farm followed by a string of trucks. Bellette Beauty Shop opens in Venture Tea Room. Mr. Thos. Graham, noted farmer of Scugog passes. He was a Reeve of Scugog Twp. for three years and clerk-treasurer for 28 years. The Carnegies are busy rebuilding their Hardware store, which was damaged by fire last month. April 1936 Arrangements are completed by which the Port Perry Hospital will be carried on at the same place. Mr. Beverley Smallman appointed Instructor of Biology at Western University, London, Ont. Bd. of Education required $2000 support from Town Council to support the schools. Board cuts high school teachers' salaries by 10 per cent to make up difference. May Port Perry Star launches huge subscription drive offering a 1936 Chevrolet Coach, Vacation trip to Hollywood and cash commissions as prizes. June 1936 Bell's Drygoods, located next to the Dominion Store, announces they are "Going Out Of Business." Thieves break into the offices of Goode's Creamery stealing typewriters, adding machine, cash register, office equipment, and two 40 lb. boxes of butter. July 1936 Mrs. Cephas Sleep and five persons from Toronto trapped in burning boat, rescued by Ben Smith with a punt who took four elderly people ashore, two younger ones swam part way and were picked up by cottagers. Port Perry Businessmen elect M.A. Gerrow president at their annual meeting held at the Sebert House. W.H. Harris, trustee of the assets of Port Perry Milling Co. offers for sale waterfront property at the foot of Queen St. 137'x300' including the Dance Pavilion, refreshment booths and car sheds. H.G. Hutcheson writes to the newspaper, urging the businessmen and council to purchase the lakefront property offered for sale for use as a public park. August 1936 Harold Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards, drowns in Chalk Lake. Scugog Lakeside Beach Association inaugurates a Regatta and Sports Day, which they hope to make an annual event. Public meeting re: road to Peterborough. Nothing really settled. J.F. McClintock Grocer sells out. September 1936 Businessmen take no action on call to help buy lakefront property as no definite proposal has been made regarding the property. Mr. Fred Schell requests council to ask Game and Fisheries Department to allow use of pound nets as a means of catching and freeing the lake of carp. G.A. Palmer opens Port Perry Groceteria in former McClintock store. October 1936 Lorne Beare of Port Perry, leaves for Boston to "try out" for the Boston Bruins hockey club. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. purchases the business of Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. November 1936 Three busloads of students from Port Perry High School travel to Toronto as guests of the Royal Winter Fair. December 1936 King Edward VIII abdicates the throne to marry Mrs. Wallis Simpson. Council passes bylaw putting the Town Hall under the care of Wm. Nesbitt.

January 1937 Reeve - W.M. Letcher. Council, J.R. Baird, Geo. H. Bridger, R.M. Holtby, J.E. Jackson. Reeve Letcher elected Warden of Ontario County. Mrs. Zula Mae Jackson retires after 15 years service on the Board of Education, She is only the second woman to have ever held the position of chairman. Mr. Fred A. Kent donates 40 volumes of books to the Public Library from his own private library. February 1937 Port Perry Businessmen stage a banquet to honor and publicly recognize Mr. W.M. Letcher, Warden of Ont. County. Ninety guests packed the dining room at the Sebert House, including many former Wardens. March 1937 With a broken hip received when he fell into a grain bin at the Hogg & Lytle, Joe Sisson climbed 15 feet out of the bin and then down six flights of narrow steps to safety. Businessmen hold their annual meeting, electing A.W. Brock as president. Subjects discussed included tree planting, improvements of the waterfront, removal of carp from lake and a proposed Bell Telephone bylaw. April 1937 A.M. Lawrence Drug Store undergoes renovations, introducing a clean, open, inviting look with an 'open dispensary' not to be equaled except in the most advanced drugstores in the larger centres. Reeve Letcher announces the lowest tax levy since 1926 with the mill rate being set at 45 mills. Strike at General Motors effects local business. Mayor of Oshawa asks for Federal intervention. May 1937 Coronation of King George VI. Greatest Empire crowns its King. Telephone History recalls first subscribers in Port Perry. 1855 lists only business phones, there were no residential phones. S.E. Allison, drug; Ont. Bank, A. Ross & Sons and W.J. Trounce & Co. flour mill were the first to have telephones. In 1887 ten phones are listed and only one, a doctor, is a residence. June 1937 Wrecking crews are tearing up the railway lines between Port Perry to Manilla. A meeting of local citizens and politicians took place at Caesarea discussing the re-stocking of Lake Scugog, and asking the Dept. of Games and Fisheries to stock the lake with year-old Pickerel fingerlings. July 1937 Blackstock United Church celebrates 50th Anniversary. Waterfront property, consisting of the Dance Pavilion offered to the town for $800. Port Perry loses an outstanding citizen, with the death of Geo. A. Rose in his 83rd year. Port Perry 5¢ to $1 Store, proprietor Howard Durkin. August 1937 Another good crowd for the Business Men's Sports Day. Thousands join in the fun with an estimated 3,000 packed on the front street during the street dance in the evening. Dr. L. B. Lundy moves his dental office to the McCaw Block, over the Bell Telephone office. Old Time Gospel Services held in a Big Tent on the Waridel's Mill grounds for an entire week. Reeve W.M. Letcher receives a medal from Buckingham Palace to be worn in commemoration of Their Majesties Coronation, May 12, 1937. Goaltender Lorne Beare signs with the Atlantic City Sea Gulls. Has promising career ahead in the NHL. September 1937 Port Perry Drygoods opens for business, operated by Mr. Sam Levinson. Residents from Cartwright, Manvers, Scugog, Port Perry and Reach packed the Town Hall to discuss delays in building Provincial Hwy. link from Port Perry to Peterborough. October 1937 Gordon Sweetman's Garage announces it is selling all stock and accessories and giving up business. As loser of an election bet, Doug Frayer pushed Tom Jackson from Caesarea to Port Perry in a wheelbarrow. November 1937 Port Perry business men honor Hon. Gordon D. Conant, Attorney-General of Ontario at a banquet. Dinner served to 100 guests by Mr. John Weir of the Sebert House. Lions Club of Port Perry formed with H.G. Hutcheson, P.G. Morrison, sponsors. Provisional president is Mr. Ernie Hayes. Negotiations for widening Queen St. on the main business block underway. Utilities needed moved include hydro poles, water hydrants, telegraph poles, gasoline pumps and telephone poles. December 1937 Thieves break in to McDonald Motors and steal a 1938 Plymouth sedan, $135 in cash and auto parts. A.P. McFarlane elected president of the Port Perry Rink Company. Chief Wm. Nesbitt, Chief Constable in Port Perry since 1917 passed away in his 69th year. Poor turnout for Nomination Meeting at Town Hall. Mr. Frank Gerrow elected Reeve by acclamation in Reach Twp.

January 1938 Port Perry Reeve - W.M. Letcher. T.J. Widden, who operated Widden's Corner for 43 years, only retiring five years ago, passed away in his 81st years. The Greengrocery Store closes until spring. R. Wakeford, prop. Port Perry Lions Club receives its Charter on Mon., Jan. 10. at a special banquet held at the High School auditorium. Carp on the increase in Lake Scugog at a rate estimated to be 200 tons a year. Only 50 tons taken out in 1937. Geo. Hull, Port Perry's genial postmaster, installed a stamp canceling machine valued at $200 at his personal expense to help give quicker service to the public. February 1938 J.F. McClintock moves his seed business to Myrtle Station. Mr. Mansell Gerrow, elected Chairman of the Board of Education. The 1938 Ice Carnival is held at the Port Perry Arena. Jean McDermott was crowned "Queen of the Carnival by Reeve Letcher. March 1938 Sir Jas. MacBrien passes in 60th year on March 5th. and is buried in Ottawa with full military funeral. Chiropractors of America to erect memorial to Daniel David Palmer, founder. Town donates site at lakeside park. Dr. David Archer receives honorary life membership from the Ontario County Medical Association. W.F. Dobson, Clerk-Treasurer of Reach Twp. for over 30 years, retires. He is succeeded by Mr. T.J. Sager. Port Perry Rink Company discusses moving the arena to a new site, repair structure and enlarge building. The Directors will investigate a new location. Andy M. Lawrence elected President of the Port Perry Business Men's Association. April 1938 Messrs. Caruso and Chapman take over the Greengrocery Store from R. Wakeford in the Blong Block and will re-open as the Port Perry Fruit Market. Mr. Waridel is moving the balance of the dance hall off the town lot and it is making a considerable difference in the appearance of the newly acquired park property. Dr. J. B. Lundy was elected president of the Durham Dental Society. Morrison's Drug Store and Jemison's Bakery broken into and robbed by thieves. Albert Snowden, buys out Gordon Sweetman Garage. May 1938 Special arrangements being made for an Ontario Cty. Holstein exhibit at Port Perry Fair. New highway from Port Perry to Peterborough designated by Highways Dept. as 7A Highway. Certain sections of sidewalk being ripped up for Bell Telephone conduit. Hydro poles to be removed from business section of Queen St. to the back of the stores, and pavement widened. Pontiac demonstration car stolen from Archer's Motors by the side door of the garage. Not discovered missing for 24 hours. June 1938 Five people trapped in a burning car, two miles north of Manchester, were rescued by a passing motorist. Construction of the new Central Ontario Highway to get started immediately. Highway, which extends from Sarnia to Montreal, goes through Port Perry and Uxbridge. Constitution and bylaws for the Port Perry Business Men's Assoc. discussed and adopted. Club House of the Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club being remodelled and enlarged. July 1938 Lions Club build diving platform at end of government wharf and a triple swing set at the waterfront park. Palmer Memorial Park dedicated on July 28. Special programs at Lakeside Park. Autos from all States in the Union and all parts of Canada made up the motorcade of Chiropractors who came to dedication of Memorial to Daniel Palmer, founder of Chiropractic. Heavy rain spoiled much of the planned program. August 1938 Powerboat races new feature at Caesarea Regatta. More than 2000 were spellbound as they watched the thrilling races in the 2.25 class. Work on the Port Perry to Peterborough Rd. ready to start. The Scugog Bridge will be widened and the road will go over Ham's Hill, which will be cut down. September 1938 Elizabeth Symes, graduate nurse from Port Perry who lives in Oshawa, disappears from her home. Police from two countries search for pseudo doctor who is believed have taken her and fled to the United States. Lowest quote for erection of new 63,800 gallon wooden water tank for Port Perry was $1,850. from The Ajax Co. October 1938 G. F. Manning, sec.-treas. of Port Perry Hydro System announces power to be shut down on four days, for 10 hours per day, while repairs made to high tension lines. The Central Ontario Highway road construction contract, from Port Perry to Peterborough is canceled. Emergency meeting held between politicians and citizens of the 40 affected municipalities at Town Hall. W.M. Letcher chairman. November 1938 Prof. A.G. Christie of John Hopkins University, formerly of Manchester, elected President of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1939. Improvement is made in conveying the water past the back of the United Church, through the new cement culvert on Queen St. and past the Bowling Green. A new water tank is being erected at a cost of $1,700. Twenty feet high and 26 feet in diameter. Following a six week search by police, bogus doctor Albert J. Hubble, was arrested in Oregon and extradited to Canada to face charges of fraud. His woman companion was not charged. Council purchases CNR abandoned railway right-of-way north from the tool house to the 7th concession for $10.00. The clothing store of Howard Stone was robbed of about $800 worth of clothing. Lake Scugog freezes over for the first time this year on Nov. 15. December 1938 Mrs. McClintock announces the opening of her beautifully appointed tourist home, Cricklewood Lodge, on Dec. 2, 1938. Reeve Letcher elected by acclamation at one of the most poorly attended nomination meetings in years. Council elected by acclamation - Jos. R. Baird, Geo. H. Bridger, R.M. Holtby and Fred. E. Reesor. Mr. Frank Gerrow acclaimed as Reeve in Reach Twp. Mr. Sam. T. Cawker died on Dec. 15th. He was one of the town's first businessmen, opening a butcher shop in 1869 and operating it until 20 years ago, when his sons took it over.

January 1939 Reeve - W.M. Letcher - Council - F.E. Reesor, R.M. Holtby, J.R. Baird, Geo. Bridger. The bell tolled and the flag was flown at half-mast as Jas. Lucas, a leading citizen of Port Perry was laid to rest. February 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willard celebrate 71 years of married life. Superb decorations, gorgeous costumes and excellent skating were all part of the brilliant spectacular Skating Carnival held at the Port Perry Rink. Port Perry Lions celebrated their first anniversary at a banquet held at the High School. The Nip and Tuck went off the track just north of Myrtle and it took 14 hours to get it back on the rails. The next day, it went off the track again in Port Perry. March 1939 Reach Twp.'s clerk-treasurer T.J. Sager, a former tax collector with the township, was arrested and charged with embezzlement of $3,000 in township funds. Mr. Sager was tax collector from 1934-38 and was appointed clerk-treasurer last year. Port Perry Business Men's Association elected Harry Peel president at the annual banquet at the Sebert House. Mrs. Armstrong MacFarlane was appointed Librarian for the Port Perry Library, starting in April. April 1939 Public Works Department at Ottawa has approved the appropriation of $15,000 for waterfront improvements at Port Perry. All local labor to be used. Ross Bailey, 17 yr. old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Cartwright killed instantly while attempting to adjust mechanism of dump truck. May 1939 Scugog Bridge flooded as the water is the highest its been in years. Special train to take folk to Toronto to see the King and Queen. A day never to be forgotten by those who went. It was the last trip for Nip 'n Tuck. June 1939 Ron Peel of Peel's Poultry Farm was able to meet rush orders to supply 100 capons for the King and Queen when the Royal Train passed through the area. Mr. Howard Lilly opens the new Spruce Lawn Dairy Milk Bar. The Scugog River stocked with 25,000 maskinonge fry. Prof. Graham Christie, John Hopkins University, receives honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering, in recognition of his work in steam power production. July 1939 The Northern Star, a new hydroplane is invented and built by J.K. Lawrence (brother of Andy Lawrence). The plane had room for four passengers and the pilot and could travel on water or snow. It's inaugural trip was on Lake Scugog on July 1st. Waterfront improvements to include a landing slip north of the wharf and a retaining wall. Mrs. Nellie MacGregor was honored for her 25 years of service to the Bell Telephone Co. August 1939 Prof. A.G. Christie, receives further honors. He has been elected honorary Life Member of the British Institute of Mechanical Engineers. Work progressing at the E.G. Michell Tourist Park. Construction of a 30x80 ft. swimming tank is underway as well as clearing of the land. A barge and pile driver have been constructed for the lakefront improvements that are underway. September 1939 Britain and France declare war against Germany. Canada to organize two overseas divisions. A young man killed by lightning, while in a boat during violent storm on Lake Scugog. E. G. Michell purchases the Port Perry Coal Yard from W.G.W. Pyatt and effects an amalgamation with the Lake Scugog Lumber and Coal Co. Ltd. Offices will be in the same place as occupied by Port Perry Coal Yard. Dr. David Archer died Sept. 20. October 1939 Airplane slip and other improvements at waterfront well underway. Hwy. 7A has been newly surfaced from Port to Taylor's corners. A new Port Perry Band is formed, with 20 musicians signed up. Mr. Milton Tripp is the interim bandmaster. November 1939 Mr. M.T. Beare receives appointment with Allis Chalmers Rumley Co. Ltd. of Toronto. His headquarters will be Hanover. Mr. Vic P. Stouffer resigns his position as choir leader at Port Perry United Church after 16 years service. Drainage at the foot of Queen St. is diverted to empty into Lake Scugog at the end of Mary St. Town Hall to have roof replaced and tower removed as part of improvements to the hall. Stage to be enlarged by removing the stairs and wings, and the front entrance remodeled. December 1939 Some businesses operating at the end of 1939 - Port Perry 5¢ to $1 Store; Kaufman's Billiard Room, Port Perry Drygoods (Levinson's); The Venture Tea Room; The White Kitchen Restaurant, Mulligan's Beauty Shoppe; F.E. Reesor; Dominion Stores; I.R. Bentley's Jewellery; A.M. Lawrence Drug Store; Gerrow Bros. Bakery; Royal Cafe; Morrison's Drug Store; Jemison's Bakery; Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal; Harold Emmerson Insurance; F.W. Brock & Son; W.E. Webster; Cawker's Meat Market.

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