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Timeline: 1970-1979

January 1970 Eighty-two babies were born at the Community Memorial Hospital during l969. Forty-three were boys and 39 were girls, an increase of l5% over l968. Council decided against a by-law to prohibit operation of snowmobiles on streets in Port Perry. Although no epidemic, the flu was hitting hard among students in the area schools. February 1970 Lions Club presented $1,000.00 to the Community Memorial Hospital, the last installment of a $5,000.00 pledge. Joanne Prentice was chosen Snow Queen during the annual Winter Carnival held at the high school. Leanne Ballard was chosen Queen at the annual "At Home" held at the high school. Chosen princess was Sandra Enge. Janet Turner from Cartwright High School was chosen Heart Queen. March 1970 Former Prime Minister John F. Diefenbaker and his wife were visitors in Port Perry. He was taken on a tour of the high school, prior to speaking to 800 students and teachers. Eighteen sheep owned by Orr Jeffrey were destroyed by a barn fire on Scugog Island. Port Perry approved sales of liquor under a dining room licence, 443 in favour and 199 opposing. Only 39 per cent of eligible voters cast votes. One hundred seventy-five new telephones were installed in Port Perry during l969, bringing the total up to 2,715. April 1970 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb were honoured at a Testimonial Dinner for their 22 years of devoted service to the Port Perry Agricultural Society. Ted Griffen was re-elected president of Port Perry Chamber of Commerce. Don Carnegie was elected president of the Port Perry Lions Club. Cartwright High School students elected Lorrie Turner, 1970 Queen at the Annual "At Home". May 1970 Ontario Water Resources Commission awarded the $1.5 million Port Perry sewage project contract to Clairson Construction Limited, Oakville. A Leo Club with 20 members sponsored by the Port Perry Lions Club was formed. Ross Carter, grade l2 student of Port Perry High School was the winner of a Centennial Flag Contest. June 1970 The third annual Home Show was officially opened by Norm Cafik, M.P. for Ontario Riding. Fifty-four of 56 canoes entered in "Canoe the Nonquon" completed the l9 mile distance. Glenn Wannamaker was elected Grand Warden of the Ontario Lodge of Oddfellows at the Royal York Hotel. July 1970 Scugog Shores Historical Museum officially opened on Sunday, July 5th. Alice Vanderheide, Brian McNab, Sheila Bradford, Joanne Jackson, and Mary Nelson were awarded Ontario Scholarships. Mary Jane Crozier was crowned Ontario Dairy Princess at the Oshawa Fair. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell, on the l4th Concession of Reach was struck by lightning during an electrical storm. August 1970 Brian Donnelly, former Port Perry High School student, captured top honours in his first year of pre-medicine at Queen's University. He achieved an overall average of 91.3% and received a scholarship of $600.00. The clearance of only 10 to 15 feet saved the farm home of Bruce Geer, Utica, from complete destruction when a five-seater See-Bee plane roared across the house and crashed only 50 feet away. Dr. John D. Hammett and his wife Elaine arrived in Port Perry. Dr. Hammett has joined Medical Associates. September 1970 Brain McNab won the Queen's University Anniversary Scholarship. Fire destroyed a large barn on the property of Martyn Rennick, Port Perry. Victor Malcolm resigned as clerk-treasurer of Cartwright Township to assume the similar position with Reach Township. The Royal Canadian Legion dedicated a new Cenotaph in front of the hall with Rev. R. C. Rose conducting the service. Emiel and Kathy Kroonenberg purchased the Queensville Restaurant. H. Lynn Fair was honored at a Testimonial Dinner in Sunderland on his retirement from long service with the Department of Agriculture. After l7 years of service to patients in Port Perry, Dr. Stephen Kandel moved to Toronto. October 1970 Jack Cook was chosen chief of the Port Perry, Reach, Scugog Fire Department. Alex Johns, Reach Township Clerk-treasurer retired after 11 years of service. Fire Prevention Week (October 4-10) got off to a smokey start when two fires struck within 48 hours. The entire student body of Cartwright High School, about 100, abandoned school desks to fight pollution by cleaning up ditches in the township. November 1970 Robert Fair was Valedictorian at the annual Commencement at the Port Perry High School. Gordon Goode was acclaimed and will serve a second term on Ontario County School Board representing Port Perry and Scugog. December 1970 At nominations in Port Perry, reeve Robert Kenny was acclaimed for a second term. Phil Orde was elected deputy-reeve along with three new councillors, Grant McDermott, Gerald Jackman and Howard Hall. All members of Scugog Township council returned by acclamation. Cecil Fralick, reeve; Mrs. Grace Love, deputy-reeve; Helen Redman, William Bell and Cliff Crowell, councillors. Lawrence Malcolm was returned by acclamation to the office of reeve in Cartwright Township. Elected as deputy reeve was Vernon Asselstine and to council Donald Frew, Norman Mairs and newcomer Harvey Graham. A by-law restricting operation of snowmobiles on streets in Port Perry was passed by council.

January 1971 Port Perry Centennial celebrations started with the Legion's Gala Birthday Party on Lake Scugog. Twenty-three men announced intentions to grow beards for Centennial. Annette Larocque, born January 7 was Port Perry's first Centennial baby. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larocque. Dr. William Cohoon was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce. The Canada Winter Games official Flame passed through Port Perry en route to Saskatoon. February 1971 The Port Perry Kinsmen Club president Larry Kendall received the club's Charter on Feb. 20, 1971 at a meeting held at the Legion Hall. Plans for an amateur theatre society were made. March 1971 Neil Clark won the Georgian Bay Secondary School Association wrestling title in the l57 pound class. J. Offenbeck and A. Dekker were Port Perry High School's delegates to the Ontario Teacher's Federation Assembly held in Toronto. Trevor Chandler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Chandler, was chosen "Cub of the Year", among the boys in Scugog "B" Pack. April 1971 Miss Rosie Frey won the Lions International district A-3 public speaking contest in Peterborough. Port Perry Lions elected Arnold Roach as President for 1971-72. Linda McLaughlin was selected Cartwright High School's At Home Queen. May 1971 The paving of Queen Street began, just in time for Centennial celebrations. In a 44-mile relay walkathon, the Port Perry Kinsmen raised $400. to help fight cystic fibrosis. Phil and Anne Goreski officially opened their new Centennial Restaurant on Water St. Stunt pilot Sally Wagner died when her small plane crashed near Port Perry. June 1971 Two hundred fifty cubs took part in the third annual Pineridge Cuboree held at the fairgrounds. The long-awaited Centennial celebrations officially got under way at 2:00 p.m. June 9, with Reeve Robert Kenny doing the honours. Other dignitaries taking part in the five day celebrations included Dr. M. B. Dymond, Mr. Norm Cafik, and Ontario County Warden John Williams. Toronto Maple Leaf player Jim McKenny presented the William Aldred Memorial Trophy to Jody Williams as PPHS athlete of the year. July 1971 Dr. C. A. MacMaster was honoured by the Arena Board for his "unselfish volunteer service". The Reach Protective Association circulated petitions objecting to gravel pit operations. It was announced that Port Perry Post Office, a landmark for over 60 years, will be replaced with a new modern building, scheduled to open in March l972. Declining prices in the poultry and egg business forced the shutdown of Chalet Farms, with 50 jobs being affected. Beth Evans, R. R. 4, Uxbridge was chosen Ontario County Dairy Princess. Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog agreed to share the cost of a landfill garbage disposal area, that will be used jointly by the three municipalities. August 1971 Rosie Frey was chosen Durham Dairy Princess. The government officials say there is no indication that a cancer-like disease affecting muskie in Lake Scugog, could be transferred to humans. Ratepayers from Cartwright joined forces with those of Scugog in a battle to keep talked about airport off Scugog Island. Two crossing guards were assigned to duty at the Highway 7-A crosswalks. September 1971 Village residents were informed that sewer hookups must be made by July 23, l973. Mr. Glen Taylor accepted the appointment as organist and choir master at the United Church. Conway Gardens Restaurant started serving liquor with meals. On September 20th, Durham College officially opened its new permanent buildings. A nomination meeting attended by Premier William Davis acclaimed Dr. Dymond as the P.C. candidate for Ontario riding. A ceremony was held for the unveiling a plaque in honour of the late Jimmy Frise. The annual Liberal Party Corn Roast was held at the farm of Tony Cesaroni, Port Perry. October 1971 Pound charges for dogs running at large were raised from $5.00 to $10.00. The Borelians started its second season as rehearsals got under way for a November production of "Arsenic and Old Lace". Construction of a new addition to R. H. Cornish Public School got underway. Dr. M.B. Dymond was returned for his fifth term with more votes than his opponents combined. November 1971 Jack Owen had a slight problem when his seven foot boa constrictor crawled into his record player. Jack and Ross McLean "rescued' the snake by taking the whole record player apart. Miss Doreen Van Camp took over the duties of Clerk-Treasurer for Cartwright Twp. on Oct. 1, '71. A report from the Ontario Water Resources Commission said that the present well capacity will provide for only 50 subdivision lots. Plans for construction of a new water supply were made. December 1971 The Animal Health Office confirmed that a skunk which attacked a dog owned by Rick Larocque was rabid. Former Blackstock resident Mabel Van Camp was officially sworn to the Ontario Supreme Court on Dec. 17, 1971, becoming the first woman ever appointed to the Supreme Court. The Port Perry Snowmobile Club held its first meeting of the new season under the motto "Keep Snowmobiling Safe".

January 1972 The first baby of l972 was 8 lb, 7 oz. Brian Kerry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kerry of Port Perry. Mr. J. Neil Brodie commenced duties as Port Perry's new clerk treasurer. Reeve Robert Kenny was not optimistic that local municipalities will be able to come to an agreement over regional government in this area. The students of Cartwright High School protested the proposed closing of their school, saying "our school is very small, but the advantages we receive by attending it far out-weigh the disadvantages". February 1972 Conway Gardens was filled for the annual meeting of the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce, to view a color movie produced and photographed by Emiel Kroonenberg during Centennial celebrations. Terry Hodgins, president of the Centennial Committee, presented a cheque worth over $14,000 to Dr. Wm. Cohoon during the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting. This was the initial fund for the construction of a recreation area planned for the waterfront. Coupled with driving winds of gale velocity, a heavy snowstorm caused widespread disruptions in power service, closed some schools in the area, and made driving hazardous and often impossible. March 1972 Rumours and speculation came to an abrupt halt when it was announced that the site of the new superjet airport would be in Pickering Township. Dr. M. B. Dymond announced his intention to retire from medical practice. April 1972 Community Memorial Hospital administrator, Mr. Ben Bohan, made a surprise announcement that he would be resigning from his position. Council members from the municipalities of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog met to discuss the possibilities of amalgamation into one municipality. The Warriner Lodge held its Fellowship Evening. Those present included Glen Wanamaker, Dep. Grand Master of the Independent Order of Oddfellows of Ontario; Storey Beare, speaker; Jack Genser, Vice President and General Manager of Towers Department Stores of Canada; and Wm. Barr, Noble Grand Warriner Lodge and chairman for the evening. May 1972 Due to increasing incidents of vandalism, it was decided to close the lock-box lobby of the Port Perry Post Office each night at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Leslie Frost, former premier of Ontario charmed about 150 persons with an informal and informative talk on the history of the Scugog area, at a meeting of the Lake Scugog Historical Society. Mr. James VanCamp was selected as the new administrator of the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital. June 1972 Developer Tony Cesaroni told Council he had less than two months to make a decision on whether or not to go ahead on a "large, exciting project for the lakefront", including a 40 room hotel, apartment building, shopping plaza, marina, tennis court, swimming pool, etc. Port Perry Yacht Club boat owners took part in the annual "Bless the Boats Service" with Rev. A.C. Moorehouse, Mr. Phil Orde representing council, and Rev. R. C. Rose. After several months of negotiations with Athika Enterprises regarding the proposed construction of a new well at Athika's expense, Port Perry council abandoned its original plans and decided to go ahead and build the well on its own. August 1972 The Star reported the heaviest July rainfall in 70 years. Heavy record rainfalls during the month turned farmer's fields into quagmires and devastated large areas of productive farmland. Port Perry's Western Weekend got under way with a three day line-up of events, including a beauty contest for the men. A hurricane slashed a destructive path south of Blackstock leaving in its wake extensive property damage, disrupted phone and hydro service, and up-rooted trees. September 1972 At 9:40 on Tuesday, September 12, 400 students from Port Perry High School walked out of classes. At a dinner meeting of the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce held at the Centennial Restaurant, Reeve Robert Kenny issued a warning to the Queen Street merchants to improve and modernize their stores to meet the challenge of the Shopping Plazas. October 1972 The Port Perry Snowmobile Snow Show '72 was a tremendous success, with 7,000 attending. Almost 1,000 people crowded into the new double gymnasium in R.H. Cornish Public School to witness the official opening of the new addition. Through the generosity of Stouffville's Arthur Latcham, a new Community Centre was made possible for the village. November 1972 About 200 invited guests attended the opening of the new Flamingo Pastries Limited plant on Simcoe Street and were taken on a tour through the new building with its bright decor and custom-built machinery. Council announced that Port Perry was to acquire a new 30 unit Senior Citizens building. It will be located at the corner of Kellett and Bigelow St. at a cost of $293,000. December 1972 Robert Kenny was re-elected Reeve of Port Perry. His opponent, Gerald Jackman, was defeated by 182 votes in the most exciting municipal election held in the village for quite a number of years. Mr. Robert Brinkman and Rev. Reg Rose were elected councillors for 1973. Mrs. Yvonne Christie won her bid for a seat on the Ontario County Board of Education and Mr. Gordon Goode was re-elected for a third term as a trustee on the Ontario County Board of Education.

January 1973 Norman Cafik, MP for Ontario Riding was appointed parliamentary secretary to Marc Lalonde, Minister of Health and Welfare. Port Perry's New Year Baby was born January 9, a son for Mrs. Joan Platt. Lake Scugog Historical Society launches campaign to save the Post Office. One thousand sign petition and "Stop Work" is issued on Post Office. February 1973 Ken Dowson, president of the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce presents a cheque in the amount of $15,000 to Reeve Robert Kenny for waterfront improvements. Residents of Port Perry protested the proposed closing of the Obstetrical Wing of the Community Memorial Hospital. About 50 persons attended a meeting to form a Ratepayers Association for Port Perry, Reach, Scugog and Cartwright. Paul Arculus was elected president. Mrs. Elizabeth Fulford was elected president of the Central Seven Association for the Mentally Retarded. March 1973 M.P. Norm Cafik announces the Post Office will stay and will be expanded and renovated. Babies born at the Community Memorial Hospital increased by 20 percent in 1972. Janet Watson, a student of Port Perry High School was chosen a delegate to the 23rd Annual Oddfellows' United Nations Pilgrimage in New York. April 1973 After strong and effective protests against closing the Obstetrical Wing of the Community Memorial Hospital, word was received the Wing would be kept open. Shelley Olsen, Donna Beare, Jane-Anne Stone and Sue-ann De Haas captured the Central Ontario Secondary School Association Curling Championship in Uxbridge. May 1973 Janis Dorrell was crowned Queen of Cartwright High School's 15th At Home. Cec King was elected president of the Port Perry Lions Club for 1973-74. Port Perry was without water for more than 48 hours. Mike Hlozan and June Symes were elected presidents of the Port Perry Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary. June 1973 More than 200 persons gave Arthur Latcham a standing ovation when the Latcham Centre was officially opened. It was due to his generous contribution that the Centre was possible. Rev. Mark Reeves, United Church Minister for the past four years moved to Jarvis, Ontario. Grant MacDonald, Principal of Port Perry High School retires after a 38 year teaching career. Robert Findlay was elected president of the Port Perry Kinsmen Club and Mrs. Barbara Bradbury president of the Kinettes Club. Two hundred Legionaires and their ladies honoured John Maw at a banquet for his dedicated service to the Royal Canadian Legion and Branch 419 in particular. July 1973 Vice Principal of Port Perry High School, Ray Litt is leaving for Whitby after l7 years of service to the school and students. Two thousand members of the Orange Lodge of Ontario marched in one of the largest parades ever held in Port Perry. The previous parade was held here in l913, exactly 60 years ago. Port Perry's N.H.L. star John Ross Roach passed away in Windsor on July 9th, at the age of 73. He played for the Toronto Maple Leafs, New York Rangers, and Detroit Red Wings before he retired. H. Cliff Crowell was appointed General Manager of Peel's Poultry Farm Limited. August 1973 A friend of hundreds of boys in the Port Perry Area, Joe Fowler passed away. Whether it was the sport of softball, baseball or hockey, Joe always had the time to spend with local young men. Janis McLaughlin, Blackstock was chosen Queen of the Regatta at Caesarea. The second Western Weekend staged by the Port Perry Chamber of Commerce was a resounding success. The net receipts to be used for community projects amounted to about $3,800. Walter Beath, former Reeve of East Whitby Township and Warden of Ontario County was named Chairman of the new Region of Durham. September 1973 Attendance was down slightly at the Port Perry Fair. However, despite the drop in attendance, business at the Midway booths was up. Acclaimed to the positions of Ward Councillors in the new municipality of Scugog Township were Neil Hunter, Reach Township, Jerry Taylor, Scugog Township and Donald Frew, Cartwright Township. October 1973 About 55 percent of eligible voters in the new Region of Durham made use of their franchise in the first election held on October 1. Lawrence Malcolm captured the seat of Mayor, Reg Rose the seat of Regional Councillor and Robert Kenny was elected the first Area Councillor. Robert Brinkman won the election in Ward 2, while Neil Hunter, Jerry Taylor and Donald Frew were acclaimed in Wards 1, 3 and 4 respectively. Yvonne Christie and Gordon Goode were elected to the Regional School Board. Ken Jackson, president of Flamingo Pastries Limited turned the sod for another expansion. Dr. M. B. Dymond, MPP announced a $10,000 Provincial Grant to the Latcham Centre. November 1973 Penny Dawson delivered the valedictory address at the Commencement Exercises for Port Perry High School. A Grant C. MacDonald scholarship in honour of the recently retired principal was also established. The regional councillors vote themselves an annual salary of $10,000. Paul Mountjoy was the Valedictorian at the Commencement Exercises at Cartwright High School. Mrs. Jeanne Goode was elected president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Community Memorial Hospital. December 1973 Members of the Region of Durham council voted in favour of using the Ontario County buildings in Whitby for their headquarters. Cartwright, Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Ratepayers Association said the $10,000 salary for council members was too high. Grant C. MacDonald was appointed to the Community Memorial Hospital Board.

January 1974 A $50,000 blaze in Reach Township destroyed the 100-year-old farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Durward. Donald Crosier was elected president of Port Perry Agricultural Society. Regional Council received its first debenture request from Port Perry for $20,000 to be used for hydro improvements. February 1974 David Brown began duties as the new administrator of the Community Memorial Hospital. David Porter and Barbara Berezowski won second prize in dance competition in the Canadian Figure Skating Championships. Scugog Council approved an interim Fire Department budget of $61,262, a 50% increase over 1973 when the amount was $40,830. Council decided not to restore the l00-year-old Town Hall on the corner of Lilla and Queen Streets. Cheryl Wright was chosen Heart Queen at Cartwight High School. March 1974 Stanley Bruton retires after 28 years of ownership of Bruton's Drug Store. The new owner is Jim Lawrence of Bowmanville. The pump which caused Port Perry residents to be without water for two days the summer before broke down for a second time. A request to hire a full time fire chief was turned down at a meeting of the Scugog Council. April 1974 Long distance charges were eliminated from Port Pery and Uxbridge calls. Three hundred fifty persons attended the first agricultural seminar organized by Norman Cafik, MP for Ontario Riding. Speaker was the Hon. Eugene Whelan, Federal Minister of Agriculture. A delegation of 25 from the Cartwright area met with the Durham Board of Education and after some discussion decided to keep the Cartwright High School in operation. Jane Anne Stone was chosen Queen and Joan Coates, Princess at the annual Port Perry High School's At Home. May 1974 Scugog Ratepayers Association supports unanimously the preservation of the l00 year old Town Hall. Michelle Robinson was elected Queen at the annual Cartwright High School "At Home". Elected first princess was Marylou Malcolm and second princess Cheryl Wright. Norm Cafik wins the Riding's nomination by acclamation. He began his third campaign in six years. June 1974 Representatives for eight organizations met with Scugog council and appealed for support to build a twin-pad arena. Restoration of old Post Office begins. Councillors vote unanimous in saving Town Hall. They accepted an offer from the Town Hall Committee to lease the building for 99 years at a nominal charge of $2.00 annually. Over 300 persons honoured Mrs. Grace Love, l974-75 president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario at a banquet in Port Perry High School. Scugog Chamber of Commerce again held a successful Home Show. Among the many who attended were P.C. leader Robert Stanfield. Allan Lawrence was given the honours of cutting the ribbon during the opening ceremonies of the new Nestleton Community Centre. July 1974 Mrs. Grace D'Andrade, supervisor for the Community Nursing Home, bids farewell after four years of dedicated service. Director of Nursing, Mrs. Jean Gray retires after 20 years of service with the Community Memorial Hospital. Workers at Flamingo Pastries went on strike. August 1974 Rev. Reg Rose announces he may seek the Riding's PC nomination. Capacity crowds attended Blackstock 109th Fair. Mayor Garnet Rickard wins the Mayor's Milking Contest. Cec King returns from an exciting 25 day tour of African and South American countries. September 1974 Seven foot tall Jim Zoet was home after a year at Kent University and an outstanding record on the University's basketball team. Uxbridge Township votes in favour of serving alcoholic beverages with meals. One hundred one students registered at the Cartwright High School. October 1974 Scugog Township Council received arena report which suggests a single pad arena, but constructed with a plan for a possible second pad in the future. More than 5,000 people enjoyed the annual Snow Show in the arena. Workers returned to Flamingo Pastries Limited following a 15 week strike. November 1974 Joanna Nightingale and David Litt were co-valedictorians at the annual High School Commencement exercises. Town Hall 1873, the committee organized to save the hall began a campaign for funds for restoration work. Town Hall 1873 received a $14,248 LIP Grant. Doreen Van Camp was appointed Scugog Township clerk, Victor Malcolm, deputy clerk, and A.D. Thompson, treasurer. December 1974 Durham's finance committee recommends that everyone in Port Perry be put on a flat rate starting with the February billing. The business section of Port Perry was without water for l2 hours when a water valve broke on Perry Street.

January 1975 Durham Regional Works committee is reviewing the planned Lilla Street expansion. John Gast joined the Port Perry Star as editor. Scugog Township's subsidy allocation for road construction and maintenance was set at $334,000. February 1975 Dennis Johnston of Port Perry and his partner Christine McBeth captured third place in the senior pairs competition, and David Porter and Barbara Berezowski, first in the dance competition at the Canadian Figure Skating Championships in Quebec City. Durham Regional Works committee have decided to leave the widening of Lilla Street until l976. Richard Drew becomes the new Scugog Chamber of Commerce president. Thirty-four year old Arthur Cresswell was killed when his kite collapsed and he fell onto the ice on Lake Scugog. March 1975 Town Hall 1873 Committee hosted a 3-day Open House for the people of Port Perry and area to see the restoration efforts of their committee. Scugog Township Council approved the building of a single-pad arena at the 47 acre landfill site on the 7th concession, Ward 1. Ninety percent of Robinglade Estates and area residents opposed to Port Perry Yacht Club relocation site at the mouth of the Nonquon River on Lake Scugog. Don McRitchie retired after 40 years in banking, eight of them as manager in Port Perry. April 1975 The clock on the Post Office was repaired after being out of commission for many years. Port Perry's newly renovated Post Office opened after 1 1/2 years of business in the basement of the Masonic Temple. Blackstock senior citizens returned $5,585 grant to the government because they and the Recreation Board, could not iron out their differences on the renovations of the Blackstock Community Hall. May 1975 R. H. Cornish Public School gymnasts captured 11 gold medals at an inter-school competition. An eleven mile walkathon from Durham College to Port Perry's Old Town Hall raised over $1,800 in pledges to go toward renovations. Compton Cable Television of Uxbridge to hook up cable system for Port Perry, Manchester, Greenbank and Utica. June 1975 After 50 years, a new tower was back on the Old Town Hall. It was made possible by the generous donation of Mrs. M. Letcher. Grace Hastings retired as a music consultant for the Durham Board of Education after more than 25 years on the music scene. The local Chamber of Commerce held their first Recreation Show in the arena with boats, motorcycles, trailers and other types of recreation equipment on display. July 1975 Public Meetings for and against the proposed penitentiary in Scugog Township are held, creating hostility among factions in a highly emotional issue. At a council meeting later during July, a petition with 2,715 signatures was presented to council. This resulted in a motion passed to turn down the Penitentiary Services' offer to build a regional reception centre. The decision to turn down the offer of a penitentiary being built in Scugog Township was reversed at the council meeting a week later by a vote of 3 to 2. August 1975 The Scugog Arena Committee begins campaign to raise $200,000 for the new arena. The Railroad House Moter Hotel, located on Scugog Street, was officially opened Aug. 7, 1975. The $350,000 hotel features 38 rooms. Dr. M. B. Dymond, Fred Christie, Anson Gerrow and Jim Marlow were named to a committee that will study both sides of the penitentiary issue and make recommendations to Scugog Township Council. Uxbridge Township Council voted to make their own bid for the Penitentiary Service's reception centre in the wake of Scugog's indecision. Premier William Davis attended a luncheon at Community Nursing Home. September 1975 The Chamber of Commerce presented a $3,500 cheque to the arena committee, the first instalment of a $10,000 pledge. Another cheque in the amount of $3,700 was presented to the arena committee by the Port Perry Kinsmen Club, first installment of a three-year commitment. Scugog Township in a recorded vote, voted 5-2 in favour of accepting in principal, the proposed Canadian Penitentiary Service Centre in the Township. An unexpected change of mind by Councillor Jerry Taylor led to the affirmative vote. Victor Malcolm, deputy clerk for the Township of Scugog resigns after two years of service. Scugog farmers won all three classes in the International Plowing Match Farmstead Improvement competition. The winners were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Redman, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunter. October 1975 A rash of break-ins occurred in the Port Perry area during the weekend with thefts of 1,000 lbs of meat from Pineridge Packers, thefts of guns, televisions, cash, etc. The first official function in the restored Town Hall was a highly successful Antique Show. November 1975 The Ontario Heritage Foundation donated a grant of $25,000 towards the restoration of Town Hall 1873. After 50 years of operation, Peel's Poultry Farms Limited, ceased operation. In its heyday, Peel's sold its famous stock in 30 countries on five continents. Living nine miles apart without knowing, two sisters, Helen McKean, R. R. 2 Seagrave, and Dorothy Simpson, Uxbridge reunite after 44 years. Dr. M. B. Dymond officially opened the new Port Perry Community Nursing Home. He shared a great deal of responsibilities in bringing nursing homes into proper legislation during his period of health minister in Ontario. December 1975 If water and sewer service could become available, Lipman Brothers Limited of Toronto is interested in erecting a plant south of Port Perry, neighbouring on the present Coulter Plant. A new shopping centre, housing four stores opened on the south side of highway 7A. The stores were Red and White, Stedmans, Canadian Tire, and Larry Kendall's Shoe Tree.

January 1976 The Port Perry Star had a father-to-son changeover following January 1, l976. Per Hvidsten passed on his title as publisher to his son Peter. Scugog Township accepts in principal the bid of C.D.S. Limited, Whitby, to build the new arena at a cost to the municipality of approximately $710,000. Barbara Berezowski and David Porter won the Canadian Figure Skating Senior Dance Championship. Dr. Cam MacMaster, well-known veterinarian in the area for 37 years retired. Scugog Township Council upheld Caesarea Fire Chief Len Scott's authority to set his own hiring policy for the department, despite claims by a number of female applicants that the department is discrimatory. February 1976 Scugog Council asked the Region to consider construction of two lanes with two reverse shoulders along Lilla St., rather than widening the street to three lanes. A l967 Chevrolet owned by Michael Adam, l7, was one of the 450 Custom Cars and Vans chosen to be shown at the recent Speed Sport '76 at the CNE. The local Sea Cadets folded. Maureen Forrester, internationally known contralto, performed at the official opening at Town Hall l873. Seventeen-year-old Sue Gribben captured the top slot in her class at the Ontario Winter Games in Sault Ste. Marie last week. March 1976 Ontario Health Ministry ordered Community Memorial Hospital to chop $94,465 off the budget this year. A fire at the home of Christopher Gray, Port Perry caused $25,000 damage. Leslie Forder of Port Perry High School has placed first in the Royal Canadian Legion's Public Speaking Contest held in Uxbridge. Vern Asselstine, former councillor and deputy-reeve of Cartwright Township has been appointed new member of Scugog Township Council, replacing Bob Kenny who resigned. April 1976 The familiar wail of the fire siren in Port Perry will soon become a thing of the past as men from Scugog Fire Department No. l will be carrying "beepers" in their pockets shortly. Club Annrene was packed as friends a supporters of Dr. Matthew Dymond, took part in a celebration that honoured the long-time member of parliament on his retirement. May 1976 Efforts by local officials have resulted in a $56,000 reduction in the province's ordered $94,000. budget cut at the Community Hospital. The annual "At Home" was held at Cartwright High School with Wilma Wolters crowned Queen. The Oddfellow's presented a 50 year jewel to Bro. Mansell Gerrow and 40-year jewel to Bro. Allan Dowson. June 1976 The $890,000 Lilla Street widening project has begun. with about 40 trees being removed. Two men walked into the local Beckers store, pointed a revolver at a surprised Elaine Zystra and demanded money. Over 20 animals were lost when lightning struck a barn at the farm of Keith Ashton, R. R. 1, Port Perry, during a severe electrical storm. Port Perry Kinsmen Club President Lorne Scanlon became the first Kinsmen member in Canada to get the Master Kin Award from the National level. Cartwright residents voted overwhelmingly to allow the sale of spirits, beer and wine by a majority of over 90 per cent. July 1976 Sue Gribben won the All-Canadian Judo Championship at the competitions held at the Valladrome at the Olympic Site in Montreal. Paula Lishman, of Blackstock took part in the official opening of the C.N. Tower by helping switch on the lights that flooded the world's largest free-standing structure. In an unanimous vote by Scugog Council, three women were accepted along with three male applicants as members of the Scugog Township Fire Dept., overcoming what they described as "sex discrimination" by Fire Chief Scott. Port Perry nurse Dorothy Nelson and Oshawa fireman, Arthur Forsythe saved the life of David Duffy, when his tractor overturned and pinned him face down in a muddy ditch. August 1976 Don Frew announced he would not return as Ward 4 representative on Township council. Scugog Township's first aquatic robbery took place last Sunday at a Caesarea marina when a knife-wielding boater used threats to get the marina attendant to fill up two gas tanks with $8.00 of fuel. September 1976 Rosemary Hoerner, 16, with the help of her father, Bert, netted her first muskie on the Lake in front of their Highland Beach cottage. After a two hour battle the 30 lb., 50 inch long fish was landed. Work on the new Scugog Arena was halted recently when a crane used to lift steel roof trusses into place toppled over, causing only minor damage to the new arena. October 1976 Seven head of cattle escaped from their Victoria Street pens in Prince Albert and took a leisurely walk downtown. They were corralled at Bryce Philp's garage on Water Street, loaded onto a truck and taken home. The local "dentists 'n doctors" pumpkin growing contest was won by Dr. Ralph Price of Lilla Street. His entry weighed an impressive ll6 pounds. Bottles of every size, colour and shape line the shelves of the new self-serve L.C.B.O. store on the corner of Mary and Perry Street in Port Perry. November 1976 Sue Gribben of Port Perry won the World's Women Judo Champion at the Crystal Palace in London, England, competing against 28 countries. Mrs. Victor Hayden laid the silver cross in front of the Cenetaph as Silver Cross Mother at the Remembrance Day service. Eighteen tombstones were toppled or broken causing an estimated $1,000. damage in a weekend raid on Pinegrove Cemetery on Queen Street in Prince Albert. December 1976 One of the most exciting elections in many years returned Mayor Lawrence Malcolm and three councillors, Reg Rose, Vernon Asselstine and Jerry Taylor to office. Thuron Ltd. moved from its cramped Water Street quarters to its new plant at the renovated hatchery building on Highway 7A. The company has increased sales from $175,000 to more then $2 million in a few years.

January 1977 Don Crosier, Richard Drew and Neil McLaughlin took their oaths of office as did incumbent Mayor Lawrence Malcolm, Reg Rose, Vernon Asselstine and Jerry Taylor. Scugog's new arena became a reality with the opening of the doors on January 3rd, l977. The first major snowfall of the year occured when over l0 inches fell onto the area, closing schools. February 1977 Scugog Chamber of Commerce elected Cliff Crowell as president, taking over from Richard Drew. Stanley Ploughman was honoured by friends and fellow members of the Oddfellows and Rebekahs upon his retirement. Cartwright High School selected Louise VanCamp was selected as this years' Heart Queen. Gerry E. Nelson was honored by the Holstein Association of Canada for his 25 years service as the East Central Ontario Fieldman. March 1977 Scugog's mayor and councillors receive a pay hike of $300 making salaries for mayor $5,740 and for councillors $5,400 annually. A grand old man of this area, Herb Eagleson passes at the age of l0l years. Dr. George Malcolm Rennie passes away after 48 years of service to the community, longer than any other in the history of this area. April 1977 Grant MacDonald becomes Chairman of the Board for Community Memorial Hospital. Sue Gribben, Dorothy Nelson, and Graham Fish were honored at the 3rd annual Awards Night held by the municipality. Morley Davidson, avid long-distance runner was one of 4,000 runners taking part in the famous Boston Marathon, finishing 659th in 2:55:30. May 1977 Scugog Shores Historical Museum opens its doors for its eight consecutive season. New lights were installed at the Nestleton Park. Over 30 teams took part in the Scugog Big Brothers bed race. Mayor Lawrence Malcolm was honoured by the Beavers, becoming the first honourary member. June 1977 Royal Bank, Port Perry branch moved to their new, modern location, the former L.C.B.O. store on the corner of Perry and Queen Streets. Marie Kristensen, a Blackstock student was chosen to represent the sponsors, the local Rebekah and Oddfellows lodges at the annual United Nation Pilgrimage for Youth in New York. July 1977 Actor Henry Fonda spent four days north of Greenbank filming a movie called "Grandpa and Frank". Harry Imperial opened a movie theatre in Port Perry, the first in about 20 years. Hobbs Beverages, formerly Port Perry Beverages, ceased operation. Miss Barbara Ferguson celebrated her 101st birthday in the Community Nursing Home. August 1977 Vandals caused an estimated $10,000 damage to classrooms, supplies, and furniture at Prince Albert Public School. Three men robbed a Becker's Milk Store in Port Perry at knife-point. Don Masterson, 33, of Blackstock was elected the 57th National President of the Association of Kinsmen Clubs of Canada. Jim Zoet was the outstanding player on the Canadian Men's basketball team during the World Student Games in Sofia, Bulgaria. September 1977 Enrolment at area schools is expected to be about 3,200 students and l56 teachers. Four little girls were born at Community Memorial Hospital between noon and 7 p.m. on September 8th. Plans are underway by the Scugog Chamber of Commerce to restore and rejuvenate the downtown section of Port Perry. Louise VanCamp of Blackstock was crowned Durham Dairy Princess. October 1977 Closed circuit cameras have been installed at Becker stores due to a rash of robberies. Sue Gribben captured the silver medal in London at the British open women's judo championships. Wearing bags over their heads, two men entered the Queen St. Beckers Store and at knifepoint demanded money from the cash register. November 1977 Tony Cesaroni of Carlan Industries unveiled the plans for a $250,000 plaza on two acres of land across from the Fair Grounds. A lone gunman held up the Brewer's Retail Store in Port Perry just before closing time, and made off with a substantial amount of cash. Parents asked council to construct a sidewalk on the south side of 7A and provide an crossing guard at 7A and Ottawa Street. December 1977 The Bank of Montreal confirmed it will open a branch beside Dowson's Red and White Store in the Port Perry Plaza. A "mortgage burning" was held at the Port Perry United Church when the $50,000 mortgage for the Education Centre was paid off. The OPP stepped up its campaign to force drivers to use their seatbelts, and anybody found unbuckled will be slapped with a $28.00 fine.

January 1978 A fire totally destroyed the barn owned by Joseph Janowski, R.R.2, Port Perry, and killed over 40 head of cattle.. Elizabeth Fulford was hired as district co-ordinator for Scugog Community Care Organization. February 1978 During the last Thursday night of January, Scugog Township was in the grip of the most violent winter storm in living memory. Before it was over, the vicious winds and driving snow had caused death, injury, massive property damage, power failures, and a huge traffic jam on Oshawa Road that involved more than 400 abandoned vehicles. The establishment of a Business Improvement Area for a section of downton Port Perry merchants took an initial step forward. Teachers are upset over recent Board of Education policy limits the hiring of new teachers to those with one year teaching experience or less. March 1978 Scugog Township agreed to look into the possibilities of establishing snow removal by-law for sidewalks in the municipality. A sheltered Workshop for the adult mentally retarded is to be located in the Township of Scugog. April 1978 Work is to get underway on a $300,000 water storage tank with a capacity of 470,000 imperial gallons. The Community Memorial Hospital is to be part of an emergency patient helicopter transfer system. Durham Board of Education approved a $76.6 million budget. Parents in Blackstock are forming a Block Parents organization in that comunity. May 1978 A 1978 automobile valued at $l0,000 was reported stolen from Philp Pontiac-Buick. Scugog Township council rejects purchasing the Lake Scugog Lumber property located on the waterfront. Highway 7A was closed for several hours while Hydro crews cleared the road of live wires that had fallen when a car snapped a 55 foot pole. June 1978 The first-ever contract for Scugog Township's outside employees was ratified by the workers giving them a pay increase amounting to six percent. Medical staff at the Community Memorial Hospital got their first look at a new emergency evacuation service when an air ambulance made a trial run from Toronto to Port Perry. July 1978 Two Port Perry families were left homeless following an early Sunday morning fire which gutted a two storey house on Union Avenue. August 1978 Legion Branch 419, Port Perry celebrated the organization's 32nd anniversary with John L. Sweetman, first branch president, as guest speaker. Scugog Township council endorsed a project which will lead to development of a multi-use park and recreation area in Greenbank. Several business people in downtown Port Perry publicly voiced their anger at the condition of sidewalks along Queen Street. September 1978 Three Oshawa men were taken into police custody following a high speed car chase through the streets of Port Perry and Prince Albert. Chief Jack Cook and eight members of Scugog Fire Department attended the funeral for Brock Township Fire Chief Carl Umphries who died while fighting a fire near that community. A Cessna l50, crashed in a heavily wooded area near Purple Hill, killing the pilot. A strike at Flamingo Pastries Limited has been averted when production workers at the Port Perry Plant voted to ratify a new two year contract. October 1978 The expansion of the Port Perry Sewage treament lagoon system is expected to be operational by early 1979. Vandals struck R. H. Cornish Public School early Saturday morning and left behind a trail of damage estimated by police at $2,000. Reconstruction got underway on the Central Seven Workshop for mentally handicapped adults. Engineering report suggests that deteriorating conditions make necessary a complete reconstruction of Queen Street in downtown Port Perry. November 1978 Jim Zoet accepted an offer to play basketball in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. Constable Rick Olaisen of the Durham Regional Police Force received the Father John Markle Award as Outstanding Probationary Constable for l978. Construction of the new Imperial Bank of Commerce branch in Port Perry should be ready for occupancy by the middle of summer. Jerry Taylor, Ward 3 councillor scored an upset victory over Mayor Lawrence Malcolm by 237 votes. Police discovered a badly decomposed body in heavily wooded area three km. south of Sunderland. December 1978 Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor and the six members of his council, Reg Rose, Jerry Jackman, Richard Drew, Don Crosier, John Williams and John Wolters were officially sworn into office. In an unprecidented move, incumbent chairman Walter Beath broke a tie vote in Regional Council to win a new two-year term to the top political position in Durham Region. A consultants report says the estimated cost of reconstruction of Queen Street in downtown Port Perry will be close to $350,000. On an order from the Supreme Court, Scugog Council reluctantly passed a by-law amendment to permit a 10 acre lot for Agincourt businessman J. Rush in the northwest corner of the municipality. Durham Regional Police Force takes over duties in Scugog Township December 31, 1978.

January 1979 Effective January 1, 1979 the legal drinking age in Ontario went up from 18 to 19 years. Four cars went through Lake Scugog ice over the weekend, but fortunately there were no injuries or drownings in connection with the incidents. For the second time in many months, Scugog Council has refused to endorse proposals seeking to stop the proliferation of topless bars and restaurants in Ontario. While working on one of the cars that went through the Lake Scugog ice earlier during the month, one of the scuba divers, Glenn Payne from Newmarket failed to come to the surface, after his life-line had slipped loose. February 1979 Durham Region's 250 outside workers voted to accept a contract offer which will give them a 6.75 percent increase this year and a seven per cent increase in the second year. Nearly 300 snowmobilers braved the cold for 100 miles and raised $20,000 for crippled children. Durham Region Council voted in favor of elections being held every three years instead of the present two year period. Katie Schmidt was crowned Heart Queen for l979 at the annual Cartwright High School Heart Fund dance at the Recreation Centre in Blackstock. March 1979 Scugog Township Council has agreed "in principle" to endorse a massive reconstruction of Queen street to the tune of $353,000. Scugog councillor Reg Rose has officially taken over as chairman of Durham Region planning committee. A crash of a light airplane near Blackstock claimed the lives of two people. April 1979 Allan Lawrence, P.C. candidate for Durham-Northumberland riding, kicked off the election campaign in Blackstock, addressing 250 Tory faithfuls. Scugog Township council has put a temporary freeze on new proposals for subdivisions. The body of the 26-year-old Newmarket scuba diver, who disappeared in Lake Scugog while trying to salvage three cars, was recovered from the lake. In an effort to improve relations between the Police and public, Durham Region Police announced, senior officers will be available to answer all enquiries from the public concerning police operations in Scugog Township. Scugog Township council voted unanimously to purchase a 2.4 acre parcel of land, the former Lake Scugog Lumber property at the lakefront, from local businessman Ken Jackson for the sum of $155,000. May 1979 Scugog Public Library is making plans for the construction of a new building on the lakefront property purchased two weeks ago by Scugog Township. A team of five students from Port Perry High School captured first place in the annual Master Mind Tournament in Lakefield. Members of the team were: Martha McCallum (who placed first overall), Gord Carriere, Dean Coates, John Wynsma, Dave Alexander. Charles Wyszkowski was the math teacher. A new boat valued at $12,500 purchased by Durham Region Police goes into service on Lake Scugog on June l. P.C. incumbent Allan Lawrence defeated his Liberal and New Democrat opponents in Durham-Northumberland riding, polling more than double the votes. The Honorable Pauline McGibbon, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, made a special visit to Scugog Township to officially open the Museum. June 1979 Scugog Township was seeking approval from Ontario Municipal Board to borrow up to $700,000 for construction of a new Works Department garage, and to help finance a new library and municipal building. One hundred seventy three canoes were entered in the Canoe the Nonquon race. Bell Canada says that it will be l983 at the earliest before the company will even consider extending the toll free dialing area for subscribers in Cartwright exchange. By a vote of 16 to 10 (with four absent) Durham Region Council turned down a recommended 6.7 percent pay increase which would have brought their annual salaries to $13,850 in January, 1980. Anger was conveyed in a clear message to members of Scugog Township council at a meeting at Port Perry High School called by the Ratepayers Association to discuss a proposed expansion of the Library and other municipal matters. July 1979 A barn fire at the farm of John Meunier, west of Seagrave, caused an estimated $70,000 damage including the loss of 150 pigs. Scugog Township council hired Earl S. Cuddie to the new $24,000 position as clerk-administrator, who will assume complete control over treasury, clerk and by-law departments of the municipality. The Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club considers re-locating from its green on Queen Street, if the club gets financial help from the Township to construct a new green and club-house on municipal property on the lakefront. August 1979 The parishioners of the Church of the Immaculate Conception have decided to sponsor a Vietnamese family of seven or eight members. The Ministry of Natural Resources released 60,000 muskie fry into Lake Scugog this spring. The Scugog Public Library Board abandoned any plans of a new building on the lakefront property, and asked council to endorse three variances to local by-laws which would allow construction of a 5,000 square foot addition to the existing War Memorial building on Queen Street. September 1979 Port Perry's annual Fall Fair was another outstanding success. Crowned Miss Port Perry Fair was Bridget Hamilton, with runner-up Lisa Nottingham. A warning from Scugog Township's planning consultants recommend that no library expansion take place due to "substantial flooding in the library-bowling area", which could occur in the event of a major storm. One of Port Perry's most popular phsycians, Dr. S. Russell Martin, 41, of Port Perry was killed in a head-on collision west of Utica on Sept. 23, 1979. A spokesman for Durham Regional Police says that about 200 pounds of marijuana growing wild in a Scugog Island field will be burned by the RCMP. October 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Poc, their three children, and Mr. Poc's mother arrived and are the first family of Viet Nam "boat people" to settle in the Port Perry area. Council approved a resolution which commits the Township to pay one-third of the construction of a Library expansion up to $100,000 and gives the Library Board a parcel of land on Water Street. Scugog Township decided unanimously not to spend any tax money for repair to the old arena, nearly 30 years old. It will be torn down in 1980. A group of Scugog women is working to form the volunteer service to the victims of any kind of sexual abuse or assault. A fire early Saturday morning completely destroyed a horse barn and equipment at the Pinewood Equestrian Centre on Highway 12, south of Manchester. November 1979 Ellen Hope and Melodie Cannon of Port Perry were among 41 Durham College students awarded scholarships at the College. Jaycees National vice president, Roy Klementi of Orillia was present for the charter meeting of the newly formed Scugog Jaycees which has 15 members. Ron McAllister was elected president. About 40 people were on hand at the Latcham Centre to help kick off Scugog Memorial Library Campaign to raise approximately $100,000 for a new library. Opponents of the new Scugog Memorial Library building plans are taking their fight to the Ontario Municipal Board. Mrs. Myrtle Prentice, of Port Perry and Mr. Roy Grierson of Caesarea, have filed formal objections with the OMB against the Township's re-zoning by-law which designates part of the two-acre lakefront property as the site for the new library building. December 1979 After four years as chairman of the Durham Board of Education, Yvonne Christie is stepping down. Scugog Township has gone on record to say that there will be no municipal building on the waterfront property recently re-zoned to allow a new library. Mayor Gary Herrema of Uxbridge has suggested that the Townships of Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge get out of Durham Region and form their own single-tier northern region or district. Scugog's second family of Viet Namese "Boat people" arrived. The approximately l,000 secondary school teachers with the Durham Board of Education have accepted a one-year contract which will give them a 7.5% salary increase.

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